Sep 27, 2024  
2016-2017 Graduate Catalog 

Graduate Courses

A list of graduate courses in alphabetical order.

  • MATH 636 - Ordinary Differential Equations I

    Theory of ordinary differential equations including existence of solutions, uniqueness, stability, oscillation. Introduction to boundary value problems including eigenfunction expansions.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: MATH 430 or MATH 530, and MATH 336 or MATH 438 or MATH 538, or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • MATH 637 - Ordinary Differential Equations II

    Continuation of MATH 636.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: MATH 636 or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • MATH 639 - Computational and Analytical Methods in the Sciences

    Theory and computation of mathematical transforms.  Application of mathematical transforms in the sciences and engineering.  Construction of mathematical models of transport phenomena, wave propagation, and diffusion.  Analysis of the resulting models using computational and analytical tools.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: MATH 431 or MATH 531, or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • MATH 640 - Applied Mathematics

    Boundary value problems for ordinary differential operators in one space dimension, Green’s functions, theory of distributions, eigenfunction expansions, integral equations. Background in Hilbert space theory.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: MATH 431 or MATH 531, or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • MATH 641 - Applied Functional Analysis

    Concepts and techniques of functional analysis needed in applied mathematics. Topics include basic principles of Banach and Hilbert space theory with applications to convex optimization, integral and differential equations, and variational inequalities.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: MATH 630 or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • MATH 642 - Partial Differential Equations I

    Introduction to the theory and applications of partial differential equations. Linear and quasilinear equations, characteristic curves, and classification and canonical forms with emphasis on first order equations. Introduction to the equations of mathematical physics.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: MATH 431 or MATH 531, or consent of department. MATH 432 or MATH 532 is strongly recommended.

    Credits: 3
  • MATH 643 - Partial Differential Equations II

    Introduction to Sobolev spaces, elliptic and parabolic equations. Weak solutions, regularity. Approximation of solutions.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: MATH 631 and MATH 642, or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • MATH 648 - Applied Mathematics Modeling

    Survey of problems arising in one or more areas of application of mathematics which are of current research interest, e.g., mechanics, nonlinear continuum theories, wave propagation, nonlinear optics and electromagnetic theory, nonlinear elasticity and viscoelasticity. Concurrent development of the relevant mathematical techniques.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: MATH 630 and one or more of MATH 636, MATH 640, or MATH 642 as appropriate, and consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • MATH 650 - Topology

    Survey of some major areas of modern topology. Detailed study of compactness and connectedness, introduction to combinatorial methods for classifying manifolds, and examination of homotopy theory for maps between topological spaces.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: MATH 421 or MATH 521, and MATH 450 or MATH 550, or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • MATH 660 - Automata Theory

    Introduction to the algebraic theory of automata.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: MATH 420 or MATH 520 or CSCI 462, or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • MATH 662 - Numerical Analysis

    Fundamental ideas and tools of numerical analysis and computational mathematics. Analysis of floatingpoint computations, rootfinding algorithms, interpolation and least-squares approximation by polynomials, numerical integration, direct and iterative methods for linear systems of equations, and numerical solution of initial value problems for ordinary differential equations. Additional topics as time permits. Emphasis on mathematical analysis of algorithms. Experience programming computers in a high-level scientific language such as FORTRAN, C, or C++ is expected.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: MATH 431 or MATH 531, knowledge of FORTRAN programming, and consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • MATH 663 - Vector and Parallel Computations in Numerical Linear Algebra

    Basic concepts of parallel and vector computations. Development of machine-independent algorithms for vector and parallel computations of basic linear algebra problems. Vector and parallel algorithms for linear systems, least squares and eigenvalue problems, and aspects of their implementations on both distributed and shared-memory computers. Emphasis on use of portable software packages such as LAPACK. Applications to engineering as time permits.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: MATH 434 or MATH 534, and good knowledge of the UNIX operating system, or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • MATH 664 - Numerical Linear Algebra

    Development and analysis of fundamental techniques of matrix computation, including triangular and orthogonal matrix factorizations, linear equations and least-squares problems, algorithms for symmetric and nonsymmetric matrix eigenvalue problems, and the singular value decomposition. Perturbation analysis and roundoff error analysis.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: MATH 662, or both MATH 423 or MATH 523, and MATH 434 or MATH 534, or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • MATH 666 - Numerical Differential Equations

    Survey of the theory and application of numerical solutions for ordinary and partial differential equations. Includes methods for solving initial value problems, boundary value problems, and eigenvalue problems. Error and stability analyses discussed.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: MATH 431 or MATH 531; and MATH 662, or both MATH 434 or MATH 534, and MATH 435 or MATH 535, or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • MATH 668 - Nonlinear Programming

    Basic computational methods for minimizing a nonlinear function of one or more variables subject to constraints. Treats both numerical and theoretical problems.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: MATH 444, and MATH 430 or MATH 530, or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • MATH 680 - Analytic Number Theory

    Prime number theorem, primes in an arithmetic progression, L-series, and Dirichlet series.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: MATH 440 or MATH 540, and MATH 480 or MATH 580, or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • MATH 681 - Algebraic Number Theory

    Algebraic number fields, splitting of primes, units, and class numbers.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: MATH 480 or MATH 580, and MATH 620, or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • MATH 684 - Combinatorial Mathematics I

    Problems of enumeration, distribution, and arrangement. Inclusion-exclusion, generating functions, combinatorial identities. Finite designs, systems of distinct representatives, graph theory.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • MATH 685 - Combinatorial Mathematics II

    Continuation of MATH 684.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: MATH 684 or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • MATH 686 - Recursive Function Theory and Computability

    Study of recursive functions and Turing machines including a proof of the equivalence of the recursive functions and the Turing computable functions.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: CSCI 462 or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • MATH 691 - Curriculum and Instruction in Mathematical Sciences at the College Level

    Study of various components of pedagogy and curriculum in the mathematical sciences at the college level.

    Credits: 3
  • MATH 692 - Internship in Mathematical Sciences

    May be either industrial, consisting of an approved project in industry, or academic, consisting typically of association with a master teacher in the design and implementation of a course. May be repeated to a maximum of 12 semester hours, with no more than 6 semester hours counting toward the M.S. degree.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of department.

    Credits: 2-6
  • MATH 696 - Topics in Contemporary Mathematics Education

    Intensive study of special topics in mathematics and mathematics education selected to meet the needs of teachers of mathematics at the precollege level. May be repeated to a maximum of 18 semester hours.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of department.

    Credits: 1-9
  • MATH 697 - Graduate Reading in Mathematical Sciences

    A. Pure Mathematics
    B. Applied Mathematics
    E. Mathematics Education
    May be repeated to a maximum of 9 semester hours.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of department.

    Credits: 1-9
  • MATH 698 - Topics in Contemporary Mathematics

    Faculty and student discussion of selected topics in contemporary mathematics. May be repeated to a maximum of 12 semester hours.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of department.

    Credits: 1-6
  • MATH 699 - Master’s Thesis

    May be repeated to a maximum of 6 semester hours.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of department.

    Credits: 1-6
  • MATH 710 - Topics in Mathematics Education

    A. Learning and Teaching
    B. Curriculum and Instruction
    Content varies; may include courses on theoretical issues concerned with learning, instruction, and curriculum in mathematics. May be repeated to a maximum of 15 semester hours.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • MATH 720 - Topics in Algebra

    Content varies; may include courses in semigroup theory, finite group theory, ring theory, and homological algebra. May be repeated to a maximum of 15 semester hours.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • MATH 730 - Topics in Analysis

    Content varies; may include courses in real analysis, complex analysis, functional analysis, and differential equations. May be repeated to a maximum of 15 semester hours.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • MATH 740 - Topics in Applied Mathematics

    Content varies; may include courses in differential equations and mathematical physics. May be repeated to a maximum of 15 semester hours.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • MATH 750 - Topics in Geometry and Topology

    Content varies; may include courses in algebraic topology, point set topology, and algebraic geometry. May be repeated to a maximum of 15 semester hours.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • MATH 760 - Topics in Computational Mathematics

    Content varies; may include courses in numerical analysis, mathematical programming, mathematical modeling, and computational complexity. May be repeated to a maximum of 15 semester hours.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • MATH 770 - Topics in Probability Theory

    Content varies. May be repeated to a maximum of 15 semester hours.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • MATH 780 - Topics in Number Theory

    Content varies; may include courses in algebraic, analytic, computational, and combinatorial number theory. May be repeated to a maximum of 15 semester hours.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • MATH 790 - Seminar in the Mathematical Sciences

    A. Algebra
    B. Analysis
    C. Applied Mathematics
    D. Geometry and Topology
    E. Computational Mathematics
    J. Probability Theory
    K. Number Theory
    M. Mathematics Education
    Lectures and discussions on topics in advanced mathematics. May be repeated to a maximum of 24 semester hours, not more than 15 of which may be selected in a single area.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of department.

    Credits: 1-9
  • MATH 792 - Applications Experience

    Field experience for the doctoral student in applications of the mathematical sciences. May be repeated until the completion of the Application-Involvement Component, but, with no more than 9 semester hours counting toward the Ph.D. degree. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of department.

    Credits: 1-9
  • MATH 795 - Written and Oral Communication in the Mathematical Sciences

    Writing mathematics and oral presentation of mathematics for a general mathematical audience. Students will write comprehensive summaries and /or give presentations for department colloquia in order to enhance and refine communication skills necessary for mathematicians to participate in the dissemination of mathematical knowledge. Summaries will be produced in an appropriate professional format. May be repeated to a maximum of 2 semester hours. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Admission to Ph.D. program in Mathematical Sciences.

    Credits: 1
  • MATH 799 - Doctoral Research and Dissertation

    May be repeated to a maximum of 36 semester hours.

    Credits: 1-15
  • MEE 510 - Intermediate Mechanics of Materials

    Buckling, unsymmetric bending, transverse loading, curved beams, thick-walled cylinders and rotating disks, torsion of thin-walled tubes, contact stresses, plastic behavior, strain energy and Castigliano’s theorem, strength theories and design equations, fatigue, and fracture.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: MEE 212, MATH 336, and MEE 380 or MEE 381; or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • MEE 521 - Dynamic Systems and Control II

    Concepts of linear system theory; model analysis, Lagrange’s Equations, approximate numerical methods for solving vibration problems, and Root-locus and frequency response design. State-space analysis. Case studies in control system design.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: MEE 322 or ELE 380, or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • MEE 522 - Design of Robot Manipulators

    Mathematics, programming, and control in the design of robot manipulators. Includes topics on kinematics, differential relationships and dynamics, motion trajectories, and control algorithms.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: MEE 211 and MATH 336, or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • MEE 523 - Mechanical Reliability

    Basic probability, statistics, and reliability concepts applicable to mechanical systems. Probabilistic treatment of loads, stress, strength, safety indices, and fatigue. Mechanical equipment reliability; wear-out; reliability-based design, testing, and maintenance.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: MEE 212 and MEE 470, or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • MEE 524 - Machinery Vibration

    Machinery vibration analysis: signature analysis in time and frequency domains, fault detection, diagnosis, and correction; instrumentation; case studies; machine monitoring programs.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: MEE 322 and MEE 470, or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • MEE 525 - Design of Mobile Robots

    Configuration and architecture design. Position estimation, planning, and control. Perception and learning. Group capstone project in the design and development of a mobile robot. Lecture, discussion, and case studies of mobile robot design.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: MEE 211 or TECH 375, or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • MEE 526 - Mechatronics System Design

    Use of computers embedded in mechanical systems, microcontrollers, real-time software, analog and digital world, sensors and actuators interfacing, electronics for mechatronics, measures of system performance, state transition logic and multitasking, mechatronics system design problems, advanced concepts and case studies of mechanical systems with embedded electronics.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: ELE 210, ELE 380 or MEE 322, and CSCI 240, or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • MEE 527 - PLC-based Robotics in Automated Systems

    Fundamental concepts and architecture of Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs), ladder logic programming, and interfacing/integration of sensors, switches, actuators, and other automation components such as a vision system. Case studies of automated systems controlled by PLCs in industry and robotics. Control of a robot system using commercial PLCs.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: CSCI 240, and MEE 322 or ELE 380, or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • MEE 530 - Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing

    Computers for CAD/CAM; methodology in CAD; geometry description; geometric modeling; geometry construction by programming; applications of finite element method; NC part programming with G-code and APT; machine tool path verification with advanced software.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: MEE 212 and MEE 270, and MEE 230 or MEE 331; or consent of department.

    Credits: 3

  • MEE 531 - Composite Materials

    Fiber and matrix properties; micromechanical and macromechanical behavior of lamina; lamination theory.

    Prerequisites & Notes

    PRQ: MEE 212, MEE 330, and MEE 380 or MEE 381, or consent of department.

    Credits: 3

  • MEE 532 - Laser Materials Processing

    Basic operation of lasers and their applications in various industrial settings. Subjects include laser welding, heat treating, cladding, assisted machining of ceramics, additive manufacturing. Lecture and laboratory sessions.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: MEE 331 or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • MEE 533 - Advanced Manufacturing Processes

    Advanced manufacturing processes including advanced materials, advanced material removal processes, advanced metal forming processes, hybrid processes, rapid prototyping and advanced polymer processing, joining, manufacturing of microelectronics devices, and computer aided manufacturing.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: MEE 331 or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • MEE 551 - Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

    Refrigerants; vapor compression and absorption refrigeration systems; cryogenics; psychrometrics and humidity measurements; extended surface coils and transfer processes between moist air and water; solar radiation and heating and cooling loads of buildings and structures.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: MEE 350 and MEE 352, or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • MEE 552 - Design of Thermal Systems

    Application of principles of fluid mechanics, heat transfer, and thermodynamics in the component design of thermal systems. Examples drawn from power generations, environmental control, and industrial processes. Students work on group projects for integration of these components in the design of thermal systems.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: MEE 350 and MEE 352, or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • MEE 553 - Propulsion

    Aerodynamics and thermodynamics of gas turbine airbreathing and rocket engines; quasi-one-dimensional flow; ideal and real cycle analysis; component performance; engine operating off-design characteristics.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: MEE 340 and MEE 350, or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • MEE 554 - Alternative and Renewable Energy

    Introduction to the physics, systems, and methods of non-fossil fuel energy generation. Types of generation methods covered include nuclear, hydroelectric, solar, wind, fuel cells, biomass, and other new technologies. Engineering design projects analyze performance, scalability, and sustainability of alternative and renewable energy.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    CRQ: MEE 352.

    Credits: 3
  • MEE 555 - Energy Conservation and Environmental Sustainability

    Concepts of energy efficiency and conservation, and the impact on the environment and sustainability, in the context of the structures, machines and devices that provide services and comfort for people and society, including electro-mechanical power, thermal comfort, illumination, and other energy conversion processes. Selected engineering design projects will exemplify and detail the energy conservation and environmental sustainability practices including socioeconomic aspects.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: MEE 340 and MEE 350; or ELE 340 or ISYE 440 or TECH 379 or TECH 423.

    Credits: 3
  • MEE 580 - Finite Element Methods

    Methods of weighted residual; variational methods of approximation; variational formulation; shape functions; finite element formulation; error analysis; computer implementation; applications to solid mechanics, dynamics, vibration, fluid mechanics, and heat transfer.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: MEE 322, MEE 352, and MEE 380 or MEE 381, or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • MEE 584 - Advanced Computing in Mechanical Engineering

    Project-based course which combines engineering science with advanced computing, including a practical introduction to object-oriented programming, data structures, and other topics that facilitate programming-in-the-large in which students write a substantial portion of a vehicle dynamics simulation.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ:  MEE 381 or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • MEE 610 - Experimental Stress Analysis

    Elementary elasticity; brittle-coating methods; strain measurement methods and related instrumentation; photoelasticity; Moire methods; residual stress analysis.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: MEE 490 or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • MEE 611 - Continuum Mechanics

    Vectors and tensors; stress; deformation; Eulerian and Lagrangian strain; physical laws; constitutive equations; solid mechanics; fluid mechanics.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • MEE 612 - Advanced Mechanics of Materials

    Stress-strain-temperature relations; failure criteria; energy methods; torsion; nonsymmetrical bending; curved beams; flat plates; beams and elastic foundations; rotating discs; contact stresses.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: MEE 470 or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • MEE 613 - Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics

    Yielding; brittle fracture mechanics; plasticity induced fracture; fracture toughness; fatigue testing and analysis; stress concentration and notch sensitivity; low-cycle, corrosion, acoustic, and thermal fatigues.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: MEE 612 or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • MEE 614 - Theory of Elasticity and Applications

    Plane stress and plane strain in rectangular, polar, and curvilinear coordinates; analysis of stress and strain in three dimensions; torsion of bars; bending of bars and plates; axisymmetric problems; thermal stress; propagation of waves in elastic solid media.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: MEE 611 or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • MEE 615 - Advanced Finite Element Methods

    Methods of weighted residual and variational calculus; variational and finite element formulations for linear/nonlinear problems; h- and p-methods for convergence and error analyses; computer implementation and use of advanced available computer software;  applications to solid mechanics, dynamics/vibration, fluid mechanics, and heat transfer.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: MEE 580 or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • MEE 616 - Mechanical Behavior of Composites

    Comprehensive treatment of laminated beams, plates, and tubes. Bending, buckling, and vibration analysis. Various orders of theory and their range of parametric applications with respect to designing with composites. Hygrothermal and residual stresses.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: MEE 531 or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • MEE 617 - Theory of Plasticity and Applications

    Stress-strain relations beyond elastic limit, yield criteria, hardening models, the theory of plastic flow, general behavior of metals, effects of hardening, temperature, and strain rate. Applications to metal forming include, but not limited to, stamping, deep drawing and bending.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: MEE 611 or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • MEE 620 - Advanced Dynamics

    Newtonian mechanics; analytical mechanics; rotating reference frames; rigid body dynamics; geometric theory; stability of autonomous and nonautonomous systems; perturbation techniques; transformation theory; gyroscope.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: MEE 521 or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • MEE 621 - Advanced Vibrations

    Advanced principles of dynamics; discrete and continuous systems; free and forced vibrations; damped and undamped system response; approximate methods; wave solutions for continuous systems; random vibrations.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: MEE 521 or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • MEE 622 - Experimental Methods in Mechanical Vibrations

    Random vibrations; vibration pick-ups; dynamic strain measurements; beam vibrations; response analysis; modal analysis.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: MEE 621 or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • MEE 623 - Robot Vision Control

    Generalized images; segmented images; geometrical structures; relational structures; robot machine vision systems.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: MEE 522 or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • MEE 624 - Robot Dynamics and Control

    Motion trajectories; principles of rigid body dynamics; robot dynamics; digital control systems; control of multiple link manipulators.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: MEE 522 or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • MEE 625 - Robot Programming and Control

    Task descriptions; structured programming; teaching; compliance and control; high level of robot language.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: MEE 522 or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • MEE 626 - Advanced Control Systems Design

    Review of conventional and modern control design using block-diagram-transfer function, state-variable method, pole placement technique, estimation, and robust control schemes; digital control system analysis and design; z-transform theory and digitization process; nonlinear control system design; describing functions, phase plane and Liapunav’s stability criterion; control system design problems and case studies including open-ended hands-on design projects from current research topics.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: MEE 521 or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • MEE 628 - Advanced Mechanism Synthesis Methods

    Techniques for mechanism synthesis, including finite displacement and synthesis through optimization methods. Techniques for path, function, and motion generation problems. Application of Graphical User Interface (GUI) to the synthesis of planar and spatial mechanisms.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: MEE 430, or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • MEE 629 - Materials Engineering in Mechanical Design

    The engineering design process, engineering materials and their properties, materials selection charts, case studies, selection of material and shape, and aesthetics of designs.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • MEE 630 - Structure and Properties of Polymers

    Molecular structure of amorphous, crystalline, and network polymers; theories of the glassy state; transition and melt temperatures; model prediction of viscoelastic properties; time-temperature superposition principle; theory of rubber elasticity.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: MEE 530 or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • MEE 631 - Computer-Aided Design of Mechanical Systems

    Finite element methods in structural analysis; computer-aided design of symmetric and asymmetric machine elements under dynamic, impulsive, and thermal loadings; computer graphics; computer analysis and animation of kinematics of linkages.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: MEE 580 or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • MEE 632 - Tribology

    Surface topography and integrity; sliding and rolling friction; temperature in sliding contact; types, mechanisms, and theories of wear; antifriction and wear resistant material; boundary, hydrodynamic, and elastohydrodynamic lubrication; high pressure and wear resistant additives; solid lubricant; examples of tribology applied engineering design.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • MEE 633 - Computer-Aided Manufacturing

    Manufacture of parts and assemblies; design for manufacturability; numerically controlled machine tools; robotics.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: MEE 530 or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • MEE 634 - Experimental Methods in Materials Science

    Structural evaluation of materials with X-ray techniques; scanning electron microscopy for image formation and use of column related techniques to characterize bulk specimens; transmission microscopy for image formation and defect analysis in materials science applications.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • MEE 635X - Data Analytics for Engineers

    Crosslisted as ISYE 670. Applying analytical tools and techniques to effectively extract and interpret complex patterns found in large amounts of engineering data. Develop predictive modeling skills to make informed decisions on problems that occur in engineering practice. Major topics include: data visualization, modeling, classification methods, clustering, and learning algorithms.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: ISYE 335 or STAT 350, or consent of the department.

    Credits: 3
  • MEE 640 - Advanced Fluid Mechanics

    Kinematics of fluid flow; plane irrotational and incompressible fluid flows; Navier-Stokes equations; hydrodynamic stability; turbulence; two-dimensional boundary layers in incompressible flow; flow separation.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • MEE 642 - Dynamics of Viscous Fluids

    Fundamentals of viscous fluid; Navier-Stokes equations; exact solutions, boundary layer equations and their physical interpretations; mathematical techniques of similarity transformations, integral methods, perturbation methods and numerical solutions.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: MEE 640 or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • MEE 650 - Advanced Thermodynamics

    Thermodynamic postulates and conditions of equilibrium; the Euler equation and the Gibbs-Duhem relations; Legendre transformations and the extreme principle; Maxwell relations; stability of thermodynamic systems; the Nernst Postulate; chemical reactions and combustion; chemical equilibrium; irreversible thermodynamics.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • MEE 655 - Conduction Heat Transfer

    Fundamentals of heat conduction; approximate and exact analytical methods; finite and semi-infinite bodies; one-dimensional composite media; phase change problems; nonlinear problems; heat transfer in anisotropic solids.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • MEE 656 - Convection Heat Transfer

    Conservation principles; laminar internal and external flows; natural convection; turbulent flow; heat transfer at high velocities; heat transfer through porous media; numerical methods in convection heat transfer.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • MEE 658 - Computational Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics

    Application of partial differential equations, finite difference methods, and finite element methods in heat transfer and fluid mechanics; stability analysis, convergence criteria, and accuracy of computational techniques.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • MEE 692 - Advanced Mechanical Engineering Analysis

    Calculus of variations for deformable bodies; Sturm-Liouville problems; LaGrange’s equations and generalized dynamical entities; integral equations in mechanical engineering; Green’s functions; theory of distributions; one dimensional boundary value problems; partial differential equations in mechanical engineering. Applications of heat, conduction and convection, fluid dynamics, and structural mechanics.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • MEE 697 - Independent Study

    Independent pursuit of advanced problems in mechanical engineering under faculty supervision. A written report is required. Course may be repeated, but only 3 semester hours of combined credit in MEE 697 and MEE 698 will count toward the degree.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of department.

    Credits: 1-3
  • MEE 698 - Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering

    Advanced study of mechanical engineering topics. Course may be repeated, but only 3 semester hours of combined credit in MEE 697 and MEE 698 will count toward the degree.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of department.

    Credits: 1-3
  • MEE 699 - Master’s Thesis

    May be taken every semester of enrollment, but only 6 semester hours will count toward the degree.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of department.

    Credits: 1-6
  • MET 510 - Weather Dynamics I

    Statics, conservation of mass, linear momentum and energy, shallow water equations, scale analysis, geostrophic, gradient and thermal winds, circulation and vorticity theorems, and introduction to the planetary boundary layer. Three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of department.

    Credits: 4
  • MET 511 - Weather Dynamics II

    Waves in the atmosphere, quasigeostrophic flow theory, introduction to numerical weather prediction and dynamic instability theory. Three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: MET 510 or consent of department.

    Credits: 4
  • MET 521 - Advanced Synoptic Meteorology

    Applications of synoptic analysis, forecast techniques, and fluid dynamics to the diagnosis and forecasting of mid-latitude weather systems. Examination of the lifecycle of mid-latitude cyclones using quasi-geostrophic theory. Two hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • MET 530 - Micrometeorology

    Study of atmospheric and biophysical processes near the surface of the earth, procedures and methods in measuring interactions of soil-plant-air-water. Topics including radiation fluxes, turbulent transfer in momentum, heat, water vapor, carbon dioxide, and pollutant dispersal, biometeorology, agrometeorology, and local wind circulation.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • MET 531 - Applications in Climatology

    Team research projects that apply climatological theory and statistical approaches to develop climate relationship-decision models for use in agriculture, water resources, utilities, construction, transportation, and recreation. Lecture and field experience.

    Credits: 3
  • MET 540 - Climate Dynamics I

    Global scale tropospheric convection and wave processes on time scales from the Brunt-Vaisalla frequency to multiples of the Milankovitch cycle. Deterministic chaos and climate variability. Sensitivity of the troposphere to solar forcing, volcanism, orbital changes, anthropogenic effects, and atmosphere-ocean coupling.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: MET 511 or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • MET 541 - Climate Dynamics II

    Detailed systematic investigation into the macroscale dynamics of the climate system as a continuation of MET 540. Additional topics include the Lorenz equations, energy balance models, Milankovitch theory of climate, Golitsyn similarity theory of planetary atmospheric circulation, and the development of a threedimensional tropospheric general circulation model.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: MET 540 or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • MET 544 - Mesoscale Meteorology

    Structure, evolution, forcing, and prediction of weather phenomena with short temporal and spatial scales. Observing systems and numerical weather predictions applied to mesoscale phenomena such as severe thunderstorms, tornadoes, and heavy snow. Two hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory.

    Credits: 3
  • MET 550 - Numerical Analysis and Forecasting

    Finite difference schemes, numerical stability, forward, backward, and centered differencing, numerical relaxation techniques, finite element methods, and spectral techniques.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: MET 511 or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • MET 585 - Atmospheric Physics

    Fundamentals of radiation transfer theory, cloud and precipitation physics, satellite remote sensing techniques, and physics of the middle and upper atmosphere. Lecture and laboratory.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of department.

    Credits: 3

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