Sep 27, 2024  
2016-2017 Graduate Catalog 

Graduate Courses

A list of graduate courses in alphabetical order.

  • TECH 638 - Risk Management

    Analysis of risk factors that affect potential industrial interruptions and losses in industry and society. Emphasis is placed on risk management, containment and mitigation, and addressing loss control as related to normal industrial operations and various disaster factors that contribute to loss. Topics include risk identification, risk assessment, and risk handling techniques to manage various loss-producing incidents and insurance functions.

    Credits: 3
  • TECH 639 - Research in Safety

    Open to qualified students who wish to do individual research in safety. May be repeated. A limit of 6 semester hours may be applied toward advanced degrees.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of department.

    Credits: 1-3
  • TECH 686 - Practicum in Technology

    Instruction arranged to meet the needs, concerns, and interests of individuals or groups in an appropriate setting under the guidance of a staff member of that setting and a university supervisor. Projects may include work/study in an appropriate setting and individual projects/research. May be repeated to a maximum of 24 semester hours, but no more than 6 semester hours may be applied toward the M.S. degree in technology.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of department.

    Credits: 1-6
  • TECH 694 - Industrial Project Management

    Advanced concepts, principles, and skills of a variety of types of industrial project management. Emphasis on technological tools and project management techniques. Analysis, case studies, industrial research, and project required.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: TECH 562 or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • TECH 699A - Directed Study

    Directed study in independent research projects at the master’s level. May be repeated to a maximum of 6 semester hours.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of adviser and faculty member directing the study.

    Credits: 1-6
  • TECH 699B - Master’s Thesis

    Open only to students who elect to write a thesis for the master’s degree. Once student registers for thesis they must maintain continuous registration until thesis is completed. May be taken every semester of enrollment, but only 6 hours will count towards the degree.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of adviser.

    Credits: 1-6
  • TH-D 505 - Ballet

    Emphasis on complex ballet techniques for performance. Concurrent enrollment in multiple sections is permissible to a maximum of 2 semester hours per semester. May be repeated to a maximum of 16 semester hours. Proficiency required for admission to this course.

    Credits: 1
  • TH-D 506 - Modern Dance

    Emphasis on complex modern dance techniques for performance and on movement quality and interpretative performance elements. Concurrent enrollment in multiple sections is permissible to a maximum of 2 semester hours per semester. May be repeated to a maximum of 16 semester hours. Proficiency required for admission.

    Credits: 1
  • TH-D 508 - Pointe II

    Advanced pointe techniques. May be repeated to a maximum of 8 semester hours. Proficiency required for admission.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of school.

    Credits: 1
  • TH-D 509 - Pas De Deux

    Partnering techniques and principles in classical ballet. May be repeated to a maximum of 8 semester hours.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of school.

    Credits: 2
  • TH-D 520 - The Business of Dance

    Practical application of studies to business, artistic, and academic development in the profession.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of school.

    Credits: 3
  • TH-D 567 - Dance Notation I

    Theoretical and practical introduction to notation. Analysis and recording of movement through the systems of Labanotation or Benesh Movement Notation. Equal emphasis placed on reading and writing dance scores. Recommended: Knowledge of intermediate-level ballet vocabulary.

    Credits: 3
  • TH-D 568 - Dance Notation II

    Continuation of TH-D 567, including floor work and group scoring. Emphasis on reading of dance scores and recording movement in Labanotation or Benesh Movement Notation.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: TH-D 567 or consent of school.

    Credits: 3
  • TH-D 574 - Dance Philosophy and Aesthetics

    Philosophy of dance including aesthetic principles and critical evaluations of varying dance forms and styles.

    Credits: 3
  • TH-D 577 - Special Studies in Dance

    A. Spanish
    B. Mid-Eastern
    C. Advanced Theatrical Jazz
    D. Character
    E. Female Classical Variations
    J. Male Classical Variations
    M. Theatrical Tap
    N. Repertory
    Q. Other
    Studies in dance forms. Open to students who qualify for specialized study. Concurrent enrollment in multiple sections is permissible to a maximum of 6 semester hours per semester. May be repeated to a maximum of 10 semester hours.

    Credits: 1
  • TH-D 588 - Choreography

    Continued analysis of the elements of choreographic forms, styles, and trends with the development of dance studies of extended length; consideration of the theory and technique of advanced group work. May be repeated to a maximum of 4 semester hours.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of school.

    Credits: 2
  • TH-D 596 - Tutorial in Dance

    Directed individual study in special areas of dance. Concurrent enrollment in multiple sections is permissible to a maximum of 5 semester hours per semester. May be repeated to a maximum of 12 semester hours.

    Credits: 1-3
  • THEA 504 - Stage Combat

    Introduction to the fundamental skills of effective stage violence. Exploration of hand-to-hand, rapier, and dagger usage on stage. Teaches a fundamental understanding of violence on stage which provides a basis for advanced application to the technique.

    Credits: 2
  • THEA 516 - Acting Studio: On-Camera

    Artistic projects requiring acting for film and/or video.

    Credits: 3
  • THEA 535 - Pattern Development

    An overview of patternmaking techniques for the theatre.Explores different patternmaking techniques including: flat patterning, drafting systems, draping and primitive ethnic patterning (based on geometry and simple shapes).

    Credits: 3
  • THEA 536 - Millinery and Accessories

    Exploration of millinery techniques including blocked felt, constructed buckram, straw and soft hats. Projects will have emphasis on both historical and theatrical interpretations of the techniques.

    Credits: 3
  • THEA 537 - Dyeing and Fabric Modification for the Theatre

    Introduces the student to a variety of dyeing, painting and surface design techniques applicable to use on the stage. Considers techniques as well as products and the implication of both for costume design and construction.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of school.

    Credits: 3
  • THEA 549 - Design and Technology

    Seminar in special problems and topics in design and technology. Open to students who are prepared for advanced and specialized study. Topics to be announced in advance. May be repeated to a maximum of 6 semester hours.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of school.

    Credits: 1-3
  • THEA 550 - Advanced Drafting

    Advanced study of drafting techniques for the theatre emphasizing designing with Autocad with focus on the creation of virtual models and the derivation of typical design documentation from Autocad models. May be repeated to a maximum of 6 semester hours.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of school.

    Credits: 3
  • THEA 551 - Electronic Visualization

    Advanced study of modeling, rendering, and animation technique for the theatre emphasizing design with Autocad and Autovision or 3-D Studio. May be repeated to a maximum of 6 semester hours.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of school.

    Credits: 3
  • THEA 552 - Drawing for the Theatre

    Development for drawing and painting skills and exploration of graphic media paying particular attention to the needs of theatrical designers. May be repeated to a maximum of 6 semester hours.

    Credits: 2
  • THEA 553 - Rendering Techniques

    Practical exploration of graphic media and techniques for the theatrical designer. May be repeated to a maximum of 6 semester hours.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of school.

    Credits: 3
  • THEA 555 - Scene Painting

    Hands on investigation of concepts, tools, and techniques of scenic painting. May be repeated to a maximum of 6 semester hours.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of school.

    Credits: 3
  • THEA 556 - Rigging for the Performing Arts

    Advanced study of overhead lifting equipment and techniques commonly used in theatres, arenas, and other performance venues. May be repeated to a maximum of 6 semester hours.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of school.

    Credits: 3
  • THEA 557 - Automation and Stage Machinery

    Advanced study of mechanical devices used to create motion in theatrical productions. May be repeated to a maximum of 6 semester hours.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of school.

    Credits: 3
  • THEA 558 - Structural Design for the Stage

    Advanced study of strengths and weaknesses of material and joining methods used to construct scenery. May be repeated to a maximum of 6 hours.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of school.

    Credits: 3
  • THEA 560 - Vectorworks Drafting

    A thorough introduction to Vectorworks, including 2D drafting, the development of 3D models, and lighting design using Vectorworks Spotlight.

    Credits: 3
  • THEA 561 - Light Board Programming and Automated Fixtures

    An introduction to several theatrical lighting consoles, including those produced by Electronic Theatre Controls, Flying Pig Systems, and GrandMA. Emphasis will be place on the online and offline use of these consoles, pre-visualization techniques, and the use of LED and Automated fixtures.

    Credits: 3
  • THEA 562 - Portfolio Development

    Skills needed to develop and present a professional portfolio, website, and resume for a career in professional theatre. Emphasis is placed on theatrical production photography, computer editing skills, and public presentation skills.

    Credits: 3
  • THEA 565 - Managing the Performing Arts

    Managing and working within performing arts organizations with special attention to areas of marketing, public relations, grants acquisition, audience development, box office procedures, budgeting, union relations, organizational structure, and board recruitment and participation. Study of the role of government in the funding of arts groups.

    Credits: 3
  • THEA 566 - The Business of Theatre

    Study and practice of audition and interviewing techniques, contracts, taxes, unions, agencies, and other subjects for the professional.

    Credits: 1-3
  • THEA 575 - Contemporary Theatre

    Study of theatrical art throughout the world since 1968, and the changing role of theatre in society. Considerations of contemporary movements in acting, directing, design, and playwriting. reading and analysis of significant and contemporary plays.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of school.

    Credits: 3
  • THEA 576 - Theatre History

    Seminar in special periods of theatre history. Open to students who are prepared for advanced and specialized study. Topics to be announced in advance. May be repeated to a maximum of 6 semester hours.

    Credits: 1-3
  • THEA 577 - African-American Theatre

    Exploration of the history of African-American theatre artists in the United States. Surveys of the contribution to theatre history by African-Americans from the minstrel era to the present. Emphasis on the development and evolution of playwrights, actors, and audiences.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of school.

    Credits: 3
  • THEA 578 - Period Style for the Theatre I

    Intensive investigation of period style from pre-Egyptian through the Renaissance as it relates to theatrical production. Exploration of period clothing, manners, decor, and architecture with projects from dramatic literature.

    Credits: 3
  • THEA 579 - Period Style for the Theatre II

    Intensive investigation of period style from Egyptian through contemporary as it relates to theatrical production. Exploration of period clothing and manners.

    Credits: 3
  • THEA 581 - Playwriting I

    Conventions and techniques that playwrights use to communicate in the theatre. Analysis of selected plays. Lectures and discussion combined with exercises in the planning and writing of scenes and short plays.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of school.

    Credits: 3
  • THEA 582 - Playwriting Studio

    Advanced work on new scripts generated by student playwrights. Involves interaction and collaboration in a three dimensional setting with directors and performers.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of school.

    Credits: 3
  • THEA 590 - Summer Repertory Practicum

    Extensive and concentrated production experience in the preparation and performance of summer theatre repertory. Emphasis on the unique problems of repertory companies: performance, technology, and management. May be repeated to a maximum of 9 semester hours.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of school.

    Credits: 1-3
  • THEA 591 - Topics in Theatrical Performance

    Intensive investigation of a single dramatic form or theatrical phenomenon with emphasis on performance. Topics announced. May be repeated to a maximum of 6 semester hours as topic varies.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of school.

    Credits: 1-6
  • THEA 601 - Research Techniques in Theatre Arts

    Review of bibliographical and research methods applicable to graduate study in theatre arts. Consideration of project and research paper writing; collaborative approach to performance; preparation of prospectuses, and reports.

    Credits: 3
  • THEA 607A - Period Style for Actors: Text Analysis

    In-depth research and textual investigation of the dramatic works of the 17th, 18th, 19th, and early 20th centuries.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Admission to M.F.A. specialization in acting or consent of school.

    Credits: 3
  • THEA 607B - Period Style for Actors: Physicality

    Period style and movement exploration of the 17th, 18th, 19th, and early 20th centuries.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Admission to M.F.A. specialization in acting or consent of school.

    Credits: 3
  • THEA 608 - Acting Techniques

    Study in contact and truthful response, conversational reality, concentration, spontaneity, getting in touch with one’s own behavior and that of others.

    Credits: 3
  • THEA 609 - Advanced Voice and Diction

    A. Freeing the Voice
    B. Building the Voice
    C. Voice Characterization
    D. Musical Theatre Performance
    E. Stage Speech
    In-depth voice study including voice production, voice characterization, verse, dialects, musical theatre performance, and specialized topics. May be repeated to a maximum of 15 semester hours.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Admission to the M.F.A. specialization in acting or consent of school.

    Credits: 3
  • THEA 610 - Advanced Acting

    A. The Actor’s Inner Life
    B. Clarity and Character
    Studies in advanced acting. Each semester will be a further development of performance technique as it relates to the rehearsal process. Scene work used as a means of gauging the actor’s ability to apply studio work to text. May be repeated to a maximum of 6 semester hours.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: THEA 608 or consent of school.

    Credits: 3
  • THEA 611 - Advanced Movement

    A. Relaxation and Response
    B. Expression and the Body
    C. Specificity
    In-depth stage movement studies including character work, combat, and specialized topics. May be repeated to a maximum of 9 semester hours.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Admission to the M.F.A. specialization in acting or consent of school.

    Credits: 3
  • THEA 612 - Directing Techniques

    Exploration of directing as an art form. Study of directorial processes: analysis, research, conceptualization, designer interaction, rehearsal processes, and performance study.

    Credits: 4
  • THEA 613 - Advanced Stage Management

    Advanced study of the stage manager in theatrical production. Examination of the prompt script, coordination of production personnel, and the management responsibilities in the prerehearsal, rehearsal, and performance periods.

    Credits: 2
  • THEA 619 - Performance and Production

    In-depth research and performance or production preparation in a significant area of the performing arts. May be repeated to a maximum of 6 semester hours.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: M.F.A. candidacy or consent of school.

    Credits: 1
  • THEA 636 - Advanced Costume Design I

    Advanced exploration of the costume design process from analysis to the execution of designs.

    Credits: 3
  • THEA 641 - Advanced Lighting I

    Study of advanced lighting design and technology for the performing arts, including preparation of designs and practical experience.

    Credits: 3
  • THEA 646 - Advanced Scene Design I

    Exploration of advanced scene design processes from analysis to the execution of designs.

    Credits: 3
  • THEA 670 - Seminar: Theatre History

    A. Greek and Roman Theatre
    B. Medieval, Elizabethan, and Jacobean Theatre
    C. 17th and 18th Century Theatre
    D. 19th and 20th Century Theatre (until 1968)
    E. Contemporary Theatre
    G. Special Topics
    Subject and materials change from semester to semester. May be repeated to a maximum of 18 semester hours.

    Credits: 3
  • THEA 676 - Script Laboratory

    Study of theatre and drama in special periods and genres. May be repeated to a maximum of 9 semester hours.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of school.

    Credits: 3
  • THEA 677 - Seminar in Theatre Research

    Intensive investigation of a single significant dramatic form or theatrical phenomenon. Topics selected on basis of current research needs and announced. May be repeated to a maximum of 6 semester hours.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of school.

    Credits: 3
  • THEA 680 - Theatrical Criticism

    Major contributors to the arts of dramatic and theatrical criticism from the Greeks to the present day as they have influenced dramatic and theatrical practices.

    Credits: 3
  • THEA 695 - Internship in Theatre Arts

    Off-campus experience opportunities with selected organizations in theatre. Limited to qualified students. May be repeated to a maximum of 9 semester hours. S/U grading may be used.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of school.

    Credits: 1-9
  • THEA 697 - Directed Individual Study in Theatre Arts

    Independent study of problems in any area of theatre. May be repeated to a maximum of 6 semester hours.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of school.

    Credits: 1-3
  • THEA 699 - Thesis

    Open only to students writing a thesis in an M.A. program. May be repeated to a maximum of 6 semester hours.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of the student’s graduate adviser.

    Credits: 1-6
  • THEA 708 - Verse Drama

    Integrated voice and performance work on scenes and monologues from Greek to Elizabethan drama.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Admission to the M.F.A. specialization in acting or consent of school.

    Credits: 3
  • THEA 712 - Directing Studio

    Development of skills in analysis, research, staging, and production; study of directing styles and the directors who developed them. Practical application of techniques and research. May be repeated to a maximum of 20 semester hours.

    Credits: 5
  • THEA 713 - Directing Laboratory

    Individualized development of techniques of directing. May be repeated to a maximum of 3 semester hours.

    Credits: 1
  • THEA 716 - Advanced Acting Laboratory

    Individualized development of techniques of acting. May be repeated to a maximum of 6 semester hours.

    Credits: 1-3
  • THEA 748 - Technology Studio

    Individualized development of technical proficiency and creativity of fields of theatre technology. May be repeated to a maximum of 30 semester hours.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: M.F.A. candidacy.

    Credits: 5
  • THEA 749 - Design Studio

    Individualized development in technical proficiency and aesthetics in costume, scene, and lighting design. May be repeated to a maximum of 30 semester hours.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: M.F.A. candidacy.

    Credits: 5
  • THEA 799 - Final Project

    Artistic projects undertaken by M.F.A. candidates. Includes analysis, completion of project, oral examination, final project documentation.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: M.F.A. candidacy and consent of student’s graduate adviser.

    Credits: 1-6
  • TLCI 500 - Curriculum, Instruction, and the Community

    Issues of curriculum and development and delivery of effective instruction related to the world as a pluralistic community, schooling from a global environmental perspective, and the relationship between curriculum theories and instructional practices.

    Credits: 3
  • TLCI 501 - Principles and Concepts of Outdoor Education

    Basic concepts and history of the outdoor education movement. Scope of contemporary programs in the U.S. and abroad. Examination of the teaching-learning processes relevant to outdoor education.

    Credits: 3
  • TLCI 502 - Survey of Research in Curriculum and Instruction

    Analysis of research in curriculum and instruction with emphasis on current research studies and research methods.

    Credits: 3
  • TLCI 503 - Introduction to Educational Research in Outdoor Education

    Basic course in educational research with emphasis on outdoor education.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: TLCI 501 or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • TLCI 505 - Site-Based Curriculum Development

    Assumptions underlying current curriculum organizations. Decision-making procedures regarding development and evaluation of educational programs.

    Credits: 3
  • TLCI 510 - Critical Practices in Curriculum and Instruction

    Design, analysis, and evaluation of curriculum and instruction. Principles of curriculum and models of instruction as guidelines for the construction of specific curriculum designs and instructional strategies that create learning communities.

    Credits: 3
  • TLCI 511 - Advanced Field Experiences in Outdoor Teacher Education

    For experienced teachers who wish to supplement and enrich their classroom teaching by including outdoor learning experiences. Ways and means of relating various outdoor learning activities to the various subject matter areas of the school curriculum.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: TLCI 501 or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • TLCI 512 - Creating Learning Communities

    Analysis and application of methods used in professional development for the improvement of instruction. Elements of effective teaching investigated and applied.

    Credits: 3
  • TLCI 515 - Connecting Curriculum and Instruction to National Teaching Standards

    Analysis and application of national teaching standards to curriculum and instruction.

    Credits: 3
  • TLCI 517 - Nature, Art, and Crafts in Outdoor Education

    Using nature as inspiration and as a source of ideas and materials for artistic expression in outdoor programming. Integrating nature-focused craft projects in outdoor education.

    Credits: 3
  • TLCI 519 - Leisure and the Outdoors

    Theories of leisure and recreation as applied to outdoor recreation and adventure activities. Emphasis on leadership technique, appropriate use of the environment, assessment, and personal skill acquisition.

    Credits: 3
  • TLCI 520 - Environmental Quality Education

    Cultural, ecological, and educational implications of the environmental movement. Emphasis on factors and influences leading to environmental quality literacy.

    Credits: 3
  • TLCI 521 - Outdoor Interpretation

    Interpreting the environment in relationship to natural, historical, and cultural heritage. Emphasis on exploring aesthetic awarenesses and a land ethic.

    Credits: 3
  • TLCI 522 - Middle School Organization and Instruction

    Development of middle school organizations and philosophy; forms of curricula; characteristics of early adolescent students; special concerns in instructional and activity planning. Fulfills middle-grade philosophy, curriculum, and instruction requirement for middle grades endorsement.

    Credits: 3
  • TLCI 523 - Seminar in Secondary Education

    Focus on professional and classroom problems of secondary school teachers. May be repeated to a maximum of 6 semester hours when topics vary.  

    Credits: 3
  • TLCI 524 - Elementary School Curriculum

    Study of the elementary school curriculum, its relationship to society, and present practices in schools.

    Credits: 3
  • TLCI 525 - Teaching Physical Science in the Outdoors

    Study of selected aspects of the physical sciences as related to the outdoor environment. Emphasis on teaching and use of research techniques of scientific investigation.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: One course in mathematics and one in natural science or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • TLCI 526 - Teaching Natural Science in the Outdoors

    Developing and implementing strategies for teaching natural science in the outdoors. Emphasis on teaching the interrelationships among living organisms in their natural habitats.

    Credits: 3
  • TLCI 527 - Secondary School Curriculum

    Study of the secondary school curriculum, its relationship to society, and present practices in schools.

    Credits: 3
  • TLCI 528 - Environmental Restoration Education

    Study of the philosophical and historical roots of habitat restoration, its political and social implications, and its educational potential. Emphasis on how to teach restoration methods and design curriculum incorporating field experience and research.

    Credits: 3
  • TLCI 529 - Methods and Materials in the Secondary School

    Modern principles of teaching and learning in relation to the guidance of learning activities in the high school class.

    Credits: 3
  • TLCI 530 - Teaching Environmental Ethics

    Designed for teachers and youth leaders to provide knowledge, attitudes, and skills for teaching environmental ethics. Content applicable in both indoor and outdoor settings including schools, camps, nature centers, and other related institutions.

    Credits: 3
  • TLCI 533 - Instructional Theories Applied to Practice

    Application of instructional theories to secondary and post-secondary practice. Review of studies related to instruction and classroom management.

    Credits: 3
  • TLCI 534 - Integrating Community Resources Into Curriculum and Instruction

    Investigating natural, cultural, and/or human resources that can be effectively integrated into curriculum development.

    Credits: 3
  • TLCI 537 - Improvement of Instruction

    Investigation and analysis of common problems in teaching. The principles which apply at all levels of instruction.

    Credits: 3
  • TLCI 540 - The Gender-Sensitive Curriculum

    Analysis of gender stereotyping. Development of gender-sensitive curriculum and curricular materials. Critical inquiry into gender as a multicultural concept and the ways in which gender issues have an impact in schooling.

    Credits: 3
  • TLCI 544 - Teaching Energy Alternatives and Energy Conservation

    Theoretical and practical aspects of teaching basic concepts of energy alternatives and energy conservation. Learning experiences for awareness, understandings, skills, and attitudes designed for teachers and other youth leaders in schools, camps, homes, and other institutions.

    Credits: 3
  • TLCI 550 - Classroom Management

    Crosslisted as EPS 550X. Applications of motivation and management principles and procedures to maintain a positive learning environment in classrooms.

    Credits: 2

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