Sep 27, 2024  
2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog 

Undergraduate Courses

A complete list of undergraduate courses in alphabetical order.

  • CSCI 323 - Microsoft Mobile Device Programming

    Comprehensive introduction to building Microsoft phone applications. Includes extensive programming in C#. Technical topics include user interface design, navigation, debugging, hardware sensors and web services. Extensive laboratory work.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: CSCI 241 or consent of department.

    Credits: 4
  • CSCI 330 - UNIX and Network Programming

    UNIX system usage and commands. Shell script programming. Network programming concepts and protocols. System call level and basic network programming in C++. Extensive laboratory work.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: CSCI 240.

    Credits: 4
  • CSCI 340 - Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis

    Application of analysis and design techniques to nonnumeric algorithms acting on data structures. Utilization of algorithmic analysis and design criteria in the selection of methods for data manipulation. Computing projects done in a high-level computing language. Extensive laboratory work.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: CSCI 241, or consent of department.

    Credits: 4
  • CSCI 350 - Computer Security Basics

    Hands-on course covering basic computer security problems, and the tools (including encryption) available for dealing with them.

    Credits: 3
  • CSCI 360 - Computer Programming in Assembler Language

    In-depth study of assembler language programming on a third-generation computer, including internal and external subroutines, conditional assembly, and the macro language. Students required to write a number of substantial programs. Extensive laboratory work.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: CSCI 241 or consent of department.

    Credits: 4
  • CSCI 390 - Internship

    Work as an intern for a minimum of 20 hours per week in an off-campus agency. Reading and preparation of a paper under faculty supervision. May be repeated once. S/U grading. No more than 6 semester hours of CSCI 390 and/or CSCI 496 credit can be counted toward NIU’s required hours for graduation or toward NIU’s 40 upper-division hour requirement.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Declared computer science major, CSCI 340 or CSCI 360, and consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • CSCI 427 - Advanced iOS Mobile Device Programming

    In-depth coverage of advanced programming for mobile devices that use Apple’s iOS operating system. Topics include exception handling, memory and thread management, databases, and web services. Extensive laboratory work.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: CSCI 321.

    Credits: 3
  • CSCI 428 - Advanced Android Mobile Device Programming

    In-depth coverage of Android application programming topics that build on the foundations taught in CSCI 322. These may include accessing JSON from a web service, creating and accessing an on board database, using location and map services, as well as exploring new hardware and software options. Extensive laboratory work.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: CSCI 322.

    Credits: 3
  • CSCI 446 - Foundations of Enterprise Computing

    Survey of major topics and the state of the art in the field of modern enterprise computing including enterprise-level system architecture, system integration, interoperation, security, end-to-end enterprise solution delivery, XML, Web services and SOA, Grid computing, and mobile computing.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: CSCI 340.

    Credits: 3
  • CSCI 461 - Techniques of Computer Programming and Algorithmic Processes

    Advanced course in algorithmic processes and computer programming. A major higher-level language used in developing applications and the solutions of current problems. Knowledge of programming required.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • CSCI 462 - Foundations of Computer Science

    Introduction to mathematical languages, automata theory, and the theory of recursive functions and computability.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: MATH 206, MATH 211, or MATH 229; and CSCI 240.

    Credits: 3
  • CSCI 463 - Computer Architecture and Systems Organization

    Organization and use of computer systems. Basic concepts and examples from microcomputers and networks, peripheral components, data communications, and the relationship between hardware components and the operating system. Extensive laboratory work.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: CSCI 360 or consent of department.

    Credits: 4
  • CSCI 464 - Data Structures in Assembly Language

    In-depth study of the theory and the programming techniques related to the storage and management of various forms of data. Programming assignments require an advanced understanding of assembler language. Extensive laboratory work.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: CSCI 360 or consent of department.

    Credits: 4
  • CSCI 465 - Enterprise Application Environments

    File, organization, job control languages, file access methods and utilities. Security. High-throughput data-intensive applications. Extensive laboratory work.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: CSCI 360 or consent of department.

    Credits: 4
  • CSCI 466 - Databases

    Software development in a representative current database system. Extensive laboratory work.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: CSCI 241 or equivalent or consent of department.

    Credits: 4
  • CSCI 467 - Introduction to Software Engineering

    Phases of the systems development life cycle and the tools used by the analyst in planning, specifying, and implementing a complex computer-based system. Related topics include documentation standards, interaction with users, and design of interfaces. Assignments include at least one major group project.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: CSCI 340 or consent of department.

    Credits: 4
  • CSCI 468 - Systems Programming

    Detailed study of systems programming on a third-generation computer. Emphasis on the logical organization of the computer used. Extensive laboratory work.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: CSCI 464 or equivalent.

    Credits: 4
  • CSCI 470 - Programming in Java

    Intermediate-level course in object-oriented programming in Java, including multi-threading, graphical applets, and Internet-based distributed client-server database applications. Extensive laboratory work.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: CSCI 340 or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • CSCI 473 - .Net Programming

    Comprehensive introduction to building Windows and web applications and web services using the Microsoft .NET development platform. Includes programming in the C# language, graphics programming, the .NET Common Language Runtime, the .NET Framework classes, ADO.NET, ASP.NET, and web services. Extensive laboratory work.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: CSCI 340, or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • CSCI 475 - Web Development

    Examination of client-side web development. Technical topics include HTML, Cascading Style Sheets, JavaScript, and cross-browser compatibility. Includes designing an effective user interface with color, graphics, navigation, and related topics. Extensive laboratory work.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: CSCI 340, or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • CSCI 476 - Web Development (Serverside)

    Examination of serverside web application development. Technical topics include a survey of serverside programming languages and frameworks. Includes designing and implementing a web application system using one of the frameworks. Extensive laboratory work.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: CSCI 340, or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • CSCI 480 - Principles of Operating Systems

    Principles and practices of modern operating system design. Includes file systems organization; memory management; multitasking; windowing interfaces; interprocess communication, including communications across a network; and client-server models of processing. Extensive laboratory work.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: CSCI 340 and CSCI 463, or consent of department.

    Credits: 4
  • CSCI 490 - Topics in Computer Science

    A. Algorithms. Crosslisted as MATH 490AX.
    B. Artificial Intelligence
    C. Automata, Computability, and Formal Languages. Crosslisted as MATH 490CX.
    D. Compiler Design and Implementation
    E. Computer Systems
    G. Database Concepts
    J. Information Systems
    K. Programming Languages
    M. Computer Applications
    N. Computer Graphics
    Q. Computer Security
    R. Computer Networks
    U. Web Development

    Each lettered topic may be repeated to a maximum of 9 semester hours when subject changes. Students may repeat multiple lettered topics, each to its maximum.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Senior standing and consent of department.

    Credits: 3

  • CSCI 496 - Research and Development Internship

    Work as a paid intern. Reading and preparation of a paper under faculty supervision. May be repeated. No more than 3 semester hours in CSCI 496 may be included in the baccalaureate degree. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Declared computer science major and consent of department. Consent is competitive.

    Credits: 1-6
  • CSCI 497 - Undergraduate Readings in Computer Science

    Individual readings in computer science. May be repeated to a maximum of 6 semester hours.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of department.

    Credits: 1-3
  • CSCI 499 - Senior Honors Capstone

    Preparation of an independent study honors project under the guidance of a faculty mentor. Will not count toward credit in the major.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Admission to the university honors program and consent of department.

    Credits: 1-3
  • ECON 160 - Contemporary Economic Issues

    Economic approach to analysis of problems such as poverty, crime, unemployment, and inflation. Insights and evaluation of policy proposals. Not open for credit toward the major or minor in economics.

    Credits: 3
  • ECON 260 - Principles of Microeconomics

    Introductory study of market and nonmarket mechanisms in the allocation of productive resources and in the distribution of income. Includes the study of monopolies, oligopolies, and labor unions as well as applications to selected current economic problems. Sophomore standing recommended unless student is majoring or minoring in economics.

    Credits: 3
  • ECON 261 - Principles of Macroeconomics

    Introductory study of factors determining aggregate income, employment, and general price level. Such factors include roles of government, the banking system, and international monetary relations. Sophomore standing recommended unless student is majoring or minoring in economics.

    Credits: 3
  • ECON 300 - Labor Economics

    Wage determination and the structure of wages, the institution of unions in the United States, and problems and treatment of economic insecurity.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: ECON 260.

    Credits: 3
  • ECON 301 - Labor Problems

    Aims, methods, and policies of organized labor; collective bargaining; and regulation of industrial relations.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: ECON 260.

    Credits: 3
  • ECON 302 - Minority Economic Problems

    Economic status of minority groups in the United States; productivity and economic theories of discrimination; and public and private programs to achieve minority economic development.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: ECON 260.

    Credits: 3
  • ECON 310 - Monetary Policy

    Roles of monetary theory and policy with emphasis on their implications for dealing with current economic problems within the structure of the U.S. monetary system.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: ECON 261.

    Credits: 3
  • ECON 320 - Government and Business

    Introductory analysis of the structure, conduct, and performance of American industry. Emphasis on role of government policy through such measures as antitrust, regulation, and public ownership.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: ECON 260.

    Credits: 3
  • ECON 330 - International Economics

    International trade, foreign exchange markets, balance of payments, and international monetary relations. Includes relevant theoretical foundations, institutions, and policy alternatives.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: ECON 260 and ECON 261.

    Credits: 3
  • ECON 341 - Economic Area Studies

    A. Asia
    B. Europe
    C. Africa, South of the Sahara
    D. Latin America

    May be repeated to a maximum of 9 semester hours, but each topic may be taken only once.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: ECON 260 and ECON 261.

    Credits: 3

  • ECON 360 - Intermediate Microeconomics

    Exposition of economic price theory and resource allocation; commodity and factor price and output determination.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: ECON 260.

    Credits: 3
  • ECON 361 - Intermediate Macroeconomics

    Theory of aggregate income, output, and employment; the price level and interest rates; and economic stabilization policy.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: ECON 261.

    Credits: 3
  • ECON 370 - Current Economic Issues

    Topics of current importance to consumers, resource owners, business, and government. May be repeated up to 6 hours as topics change.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: ECON 260 and ECON 261.

    Credits: 3
  • ECON 371 - Health Economics

    Applies microeconomic analysis to the behavior of individuals, health care providers, managed care organizations, insurers, pharmaceutical firms, and government to strengthen students’ understanding of the health care system and health care policy.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: ECON 260.

    Credits: 3
  • ECON 372 - Income Distribution and Poverty

    Introduction with emphasis on conditions in the United States, past and present. Understanding the link between inequality and the performance of an economy is an integral part of understanding the very process of development and the effects of different policies. Introduction to the complex issues facing policy makers.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: ECON 260.

    Credits: 3
  • ECON 373 - Economics and Equity

    How different forms of economic activities, policies, and methods of government resource allocations affect the distribution of welfare, income, and resources across and among various groups of people and businesses. Understanding how to measure and analyze the poverty, discrimination, equity, and efficiency effects of government programs.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: ECON 260 and ECON 261.

    Credits: 3
  • ECON 374 - Game Theory

    Analysis of decision makers who are aware that their actions and any assumptions made by others about their actions will affect the actions of those others. In the last 25 years, game theory has become the core of economic theory, both micro and macro. Introduction to the tools of game theory and the usefulness of this approach by analyzing several examples.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: ECON 260.

    Credits: 3
  • ECON 375 - Industrial Economics

    Theoretical aspects of industrial organization (IO), the field of economics that studies the structure of markets and the behavior of firms, as well as empirical examples that come from “real life” business practice. Additional focus on industry policies and regulations. Topics include: Theory of the firm and market structure, monopoly practice, oligopoly and collusion, entry deterrence, product differentiation, advertising, and industry regulation.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: ECON 260.

    Credits: 3
  • ECON 385 - Introduction to Urban and Regional Economics

    Emphasis on the economic aspects of urban and regional problems and issues.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: ECON 260.

    Credits: 3
  • ECON 386 - Environmental Economics

    Theoretical foundations and economic analyses of pollution, congestion, resource depletion, and other environmental problems accompanying economic growth, population growth, technological change, and urbanization. Environmental policies and quality control, resource and energy conservation, population, technology, and economic growth policies.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: ECON 260.

    Credits: 3
  • ECON 390 - Basic Econometrics and Economic Applications

    Introduction to econometric concepts. Topics include simple linear estimation of consumption functions and of demand and supply functions; multiple regression as applied to money demand functions; prediction; and distributed lag models.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: STAT 301 or STAT 350 or UBUS 223. CRQ: ECON 390A.

    Credits: 3
  • ECON 390A - Basic Econometrics Laboratory

    Econometric applications.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    CRQ: ECON 390.

    Credits: 1
  • ECON 393 - Introduction to Mathematical Methods in Economics

    Descriptions of static economic models by means of elementary calculus and matrix algebra; application and interpretation of the general linear model in economics.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: MATH 211 or MATH 229; ECON 260 and ECON 261. CRQ: ECON 393A.

    Credits: 3
  • ECON 393A - Mathematical Economics Laboratory

    Computational, numerical, or graphical applications.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    CRQ: ECON 393.

    Credits: 1
  • ECON 397 - Directed Study

    Selected readings and study taken in conjunction with an upper division economics course. May be repeated to a maximum of 4 semester hours.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: ECON 260 and ECON 261.

    Credits: 1
  • ECON 401X - Third Clinical Secondary School Experience in History/Social Sciences

    Crosslisted as ANTH 401X, GEOG 401X, HIST 401, POLS 401X, PSYC 401X, and SOCI 401X. Discipline-based clinical experiences for prospective secondary teachers in history and social sciences. Observations, evaluation, and practicum on methods and problems in teaching in the discipline. Includes a minimum of 40 clock hours of supervised and formally evaluated experiences in the particular setting likely for the student teaching experience. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of department. CRQ: ANTH 496X or ECON 496X or GEOG 496X or HIST 496 or POLS 496X or PSYC 496X or SOCI 496X.

    Credits: 1-2
  • ECON 403 - Economics of Human Resources

    Analysis of factors affecting demand for and supply of labor. Human capital analysis, discrimination, labor market operations, and public policy.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: ECON 360 or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • ECON 420 - Antitrust Economics

    Detailed analysis of monopoly, near monopoly, and various business practices. Examination of legal and economic foundations of current and past public policies toward monopoly.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: ECON 360 or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • ECON 423 - Public Utilities

    General economic characteristics of and governmental policy toward public utilities. Problems such as pricing, finance, and private, cooperative, and public ownership.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: ECON 360 or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • ECON 425 - Economic Education

    Exploration of selected economic concepts, topics, and classroom materials/applications to assist elementary or secondary teachers in developing K-12 economics curricula and instructional activities that meet State of Illinois standards. May be repeated to a maximum of 3 semester hours when topic varies.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of department.

    Credits: 1-3
  • ECON 443 - Economic Development

    Analysis of major problems and issues of a theoretical and a policy nature concerning developing economies.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: ECON 360 or ECON 361, or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • ECON 450 - Public Economics

    Analysis of the structure and effects of national, state, and local revenue and outlay systems.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: ECON 360 or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • ECON 452 - Fiscal Policy

    Examination of the role of the federal budget in fiscal policy. Public expenditures, taxes, and debt management are evaluated as tools of economic stabilization since World War II.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: ECON 361.

    Credits: 3
  • ECON 454 - State and Local Finance

    Analysis of the expenditure revenue process in state and local governments. Effect of intergovernmental grants and future of fiscal federalism.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: ECON 360 or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • ECON 466 - Business Cycles

    History of business fluctuations; theories and techniques of analysis; counter cyclical monetary and fiscal policies; and survey of selected forecasting techniques.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: ECON 361 or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • ECON 470 - History of Economic Thought

    Development of economic thought to the mid-19th century. Emphasis on Adam Smith, Ricardo, Malthus, Mill, and Marx.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: ECON 260 and ECON 261, or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • ECON 474 - Economic History of the United States

    Evolution and development of American economic institutions and processes from colonial times to the 20th century. Modern economic approach developed and applied to various topics.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: ECON 260 and ECON 261, or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • ECON 484X - Financial Derivatives

    Crosslisted with STAT 484. Review of financial derivatives including futures, European and American options, Exotic options. Greeks, trading and hedging strategies. Pricing derivative security with appropriate boundary conditions, including Black-Scholes formula, binomial trees, lattice models and finite difference methods. Simulation and variance reduction techniques. Interest rate models.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: STAT 483 or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • ECON 485 - Urban Economic Problems and Policies

    Economic analysis of urban growth and land use and selected urban problems such as urban transportation, public finance, housing, poverty, and environmental quality.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: ECON 360 and ECON 385, or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • ECON 489 - Seminar in Economic Analysis

    Economic analysis of a topic beyond the level usually reached in undergraduate courses. Examples of topics include aspects of economic growth and development, industrial organization, international economics, labor economics, health economics, monetary economics, public finance, agricultural economics, quantitative economics, financial economics, and economic theory. May be repeated to a maximum of 6 semester hours when topics change.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: ECON 360, ECON 361, and MATH 211 or MATH 229.

    Credits: 3
  • ECON 490 - Economic Statistics and Econometrics

    Topics include descriptive statistics, probability, estimation, hypothesis testing, correlation, and regression analysis, as applied to economic models.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: MATH 230 or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • ECON 491 - Mathematical Methods for Economics

    Mathematical methods used in economics with applications.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: ECON 360, ECON 361, and MATH 229, or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • ECON 492 - Research Methods in Economics

    Analysis of societal issues in an economic framework; use of library, Internet, and computer resources to conduct research; and organizing and writing an effective research paper. Students write a substantial research paper on a topic of their choice and present their findings to the class.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: ECON 360 and ECON 361, and consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • ECON 494 - Internship in Economics

    Student works for a firm or government agency under the sponsorship of an economics faculty member. Work experience must be approved by NIU’s Cooperative Education/Internship Program and the Department of Economics. Student prepares a written report under the direction of the faculty member in the economics department. S/U grading. May be repeated up to a maximum of 6 semester hours with department approval. Up to 3 semester hours may be applied toward satisfying the requirements for the B.A. or B.S. in Economics.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Junior or senior standing with a declared major in economics and consent of a department faculty member.

    Credits: 1-6
  • ECON 495 - Seminar in Current Problems

    Issues and policies in government, politics, and economics.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: ECON 360 and ECON 361 or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • ECON 496X - History and Social Science Instruction for Secondary Educators

    Crosslisted as ANTH 496X, GEOG 496X, HIST 496, POLS 496X, PSYC 496X, and SOCI 496X. Organization and presentation of materials for history and social science courses at the secondary levels.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Admission to the history or social science secondary educator licensure program and permission of the Department of History’s office of secondary educator licensure.

    Credits: 3
  • ECON 497 - Independent Study in Economics

    Individually arranged study within the various fields of economics. Not open to economics graduate students.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: ECON 360, ECON 361, and senior standing.

    Credits: 3
  • ECON 498 - Undergraduate Research

    Independent work in economics under the direction of a faculty member. Open only to seniors. May be repeated to a maximum of 6 semester hours.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • ELE 100 - Elements of Electronics

    Basic principles used to explain the operation of electrical and electronic devices such as radios, stereos, televisions, radars, computers, microwave ovens, and other common electronic equipment.

    Credits: 3
  • ELE 210 - Engineering Circuit Analysis

    Properties of electric circuit elements, Ohm’s and Kirchhoff’s laws; node and loop equations; AC sources and impedance; time domain transient and frequency domain; and steady state analysis. Three lectures and one recitation per week.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: MATH 230 and PHYS 273, both with a grade of C or better.

    Credits: 3
  • ELE 210U - Engineering Circuit Laboratory Project

    Laboratory to design and build electrical circuit projects. Team project must be designed and implemented by the end of the semester. Meets two hours a week.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    CRQ: ELE 210.

    Credits: 1
  • ELE 250 - Computer Engineering I

    Design of digital circuits using SSI, LSI, and VLSI components. Combinational design techniques as well as sequential design techniques presented with the use of Boolean algebra, map method, tabulation method, and state transition diagrams.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: ELE 210 with a grade of C or better.

    Credits: 3
  • ELE 250U - Computer Engineering I Laboratory

    Laboratory experiments related to the design and implementation of digital systems. Combinational and sequential circuits are investigated.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: ELE 210U. CRQ: ELE 250.

    Credits: 1
  • ELE 315 - Signals and Systems

    Analysis of RLC circuits with applications to filters; Bode Plot; Fourier transforms, Laplace transforms, introduction to discrete time systems; 2-port network.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: ELE 210 with a grade of C or better and MATH 336.

    Credits: 3
  • ELE 330 - Electronic Circuits

    Unified treatment of the applications of semiconductor devices, including p-n junctions, bipolar transistors, and field effect devices. Topics include device modeling, biasing, input impedance, output impedance, voltage gain, current gain, and power gain and Op.Amp. design and analysis of single and multiple stage amplifiers. Lecture, discussion three periods per week; laboratory session two periods per week.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: ELE 210 and ELE 210U and MATH 336 all with a grade of C or better.

    Credits: 4
  • ELE 335 - Theory of Semiconductor Devices I

    Unified treatment of the theory of operation of semiconductor devices, including p-n junctions, bipolar transistors, and field effect transistors. Topics include doping, band gap, mobility, carrier lifetime, photolithographic techniques, passivation, chemical etching, metallization, and device testing.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: CHEM 210 and CHEM 212 with a grade of C or better, ELE 210, and PHYS 283.

    Credits: 3
  • ELE 340 - Electrical Power Systems

    Study of the fundamentals of magnetic circuits and Faraday’s law to create electrical or mechanical energy. Study of transformers, mutual inductance, 3-phase power systems, induction motors, synchronous machines, and DC machines, with emphasis on the applications in engineering practice. Lecture, discussion three periods per week; laboratory, problem session two periods per week.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: ELE 210 and ELE 210U with a grade of C or better and PHYS 273.

    Credits: 4
  • ELE 356 - Computer Engineering II

    Analysis of microprocessors with emphasis on architecture, bus cycle, internal registers, addressing modes, and instruction sets. Memory and I/O interface techniques. Lecture, discussion three periods per week; laboratory, problem session two periods per week.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: CSCI 240 or other high-level programming language and ELE 250 and ELE 250U.

    Credits: 4
  • ELE 360 - Communications Systems

    Introduction to communication system analysis. Analysis and design of radio frequency electronic circuits; building blocks of radio transmitters and receivers; circuit conditions required to produce oscillation, frequency translation, modulation, and detection. Introduction to phase locked-loop circuit design. Lecture, discussion three periods per week; laboratory, problem session two periods per week.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: ELE 315, ELE 330, and ISYE 335 or STAT 350.

    Credits: 4
  • ELE 370 - Engineering Electromagnetics

    Fundamentals of electromagnetic field theory; concepts of force, energy, potential, capacitance, and inductance in electromagnetic fields; analytical and experimental solutions of Laplace’s equation; Maxwell’s equations in differential and integral form.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: ELE 210, MATH 232, and MATH 336.

    Credits: 3
  • ELE 380 - Control Systems I

    Control system modeling for electromechanical systems using block diagram, flow chart, flow graphs, and derivation of transfer function using Laplace transforms. Time and frequency domain analysis and controller design using root-locus, Routh-Hurwitz stability method, and Bode Plots. Software for control system used as an aid in the control system analysis and design process.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: ELE 315 and ELE 330.

    Credits: 4
  • ELE 420 - Biomedical Instrumentation

    Design and application of electrodes, bio-potential amplifiers, biosensor applications, therapeutic devices. Medical imaging. Electrical safety. Measurement of ventilation, blood pressure and flow. Three hours lecture per week and 10 laboratory sessions (3 hours each).

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: ELE 330.

    Credits: 4
  • ELE 421 - Biomedical Sensor Engineering

    Theory, analysis, and design of biomedical sensors. Topics include biological elements; immobilization of biological components; medical, biological, and chemical sensors; and transducers based on electrochemistry, optics, and solid state devices.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: ELE 330 or ELE 335 or MEE 390.

    Credits: 3
  • ELE 425 - Biomedical Signal Processing

    Modeling of biomedical signals and analysis of biomedical systems using both time-domain and frequency-domain techniques. Design of linear and nonlinear filters for biomedical applications and medical imaging. Practical applications in cardiac and neurological signal processing. Not available for credit to students with credit in ELE 451.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: ELE 315.

    Credits: 3
  • ELE 429 - Biomedical Engineering Design Project

    Students create a solution to the proposed biomedical engineering design problem. The solution incorporates knowledge of biological sciences, engineering and design concepts. Analytical and computational tools address the complete solution which includes safety and cost effectiveness. Team project required.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Completion of all ELE 300-level courses required by the major, and ELE 491, and either ELE 420 or ELE 425.

    Credits: 3
  • ELE 430 - Design with Field Programmable Logic Devices

    Design of high performance logic designs utilizing programmable logic gates. Design of finite state machines and introduction to latest computer-aided tools.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: ELE 250.

    Credits: 3
  • ELE 431 - Theory of Semiconductor Devices II

    Continuation of ELE 335 dealing with complex semiconductor devices. Theory of operation of integrated circuits, solid state lasers, switching devices, and negative conductance microwave devices.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: ELE 335.

    Credits: 3
  • ELE 432 - Semiconductor Device Fabrication Laboratory

    Design and fabrication of active semiconductor devices. Laboratory exercises include artwork and pattern generation, mask making, oxidation, photolithographic processing, diffusion, metallization, and device testing.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: ELE 335.

    Credits: 3
  • ELE 433 - Design of Gallium Arsenide Integrated Circuits

    Fundamentals of GaAs devices and logic families; fabrication processes; physical layout for VLSI circuits; interconnection and testing of high speed systems.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: ELE 335.

    Credits: 3
  • ELE 434 - Semiconductor Material and Device Characterization

    Study of fundamentals and principles of semiconductor material properties with applications to device characterization. Modern measurement techniques of semiconductor industry including electrical, optical, chemical, and physical methods.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: ELE 335.

    Credits: 3
  • ELE 435 - Integrated Circuit Engineering

    Basic theory of integrated circuits including MOS processing technology. Principles of layout design, simulation, and design rule checking of large-scale integrated circuits. Introduction to design tools and techniques including utilization of available design software packages. Requirements include the design, simulation and layout of an integrated circuit to the point of mask generation.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: ELE 250 and ELE 330.

    Credits: 3
  • ELE 436 - Analog MOS VLSI Engineering

    Introduction to analog CMOS circuits. Introduction to physical layout of VLSI circuits and SPICE modeling of MOS transistors for analog circuits. Introduction to design methodologies and advances in analog designs. Design of different MOS circuits such as current mirrors, voltage references, amplifiers, operational amplifiers, and OTAs.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: ELE 330.

    Credits: 3
  • ELE 437 - Hybrid Circuit Design

    Lecture/laboratory course covering thick film processing techniques as they apply to the design and fabrication of miniature electronic circuits. Topics include minimum design rules, design of electronic components, artwork generation, screen preparation, screen printing, drying and firing profiles, and trimming.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Senior standing.

    Credits: 3
  • ELE 438 - Thin Film Engineering

    Lecture/laboratory course designed to demonstrate theory and principles of thin film processing including vacuum processing and deposition techniques. Topics include resistive evaporation, DC sputtering, RF sputtering, ion beam sputtering, electron beam evaporation, methods of achieving vacuum, and measurement techniques.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: ELE 335.

    Credits: 3

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