This program is designed to prepare students to enter fashion merchandising positions in the apparel and textile industry. These positions include various aspects of design, purchasing, distribution, quality control, and promotion of fashion products. The program provides students with product knowledge of textiles and apparel as well as an understanding of socioeconomic influences and business skills relevant to merchandising fashion products.
Check departmental information for any additional requirements.
Total Hours for a Major in Textiles, Apparel, and Merchandising: 67-72
Special Requirements
Students must earn a grade of C or better in FCNS 152 and FCNS 258 before they can enroll in any FCNS course requiring either FCNS 152 or FCNS 258 as a prerequisite or in any textiles, apparel, and merchandising elective or 400-level course.
Textiles, apparel, and merchandising students who plan to participate in a fashion industry internship (FCNS 474) during their senior year should consult with their advisers during the sophomore year (or upon university entrance in the case of transfer students). An FCNS GPA of 3.00 or higher is required for admission. Applications for an internship for the following spring semester or summer session are due October 1. Consent of the school is required.