Admission to the program is by audition for the traditional option or by portfolio and interview for the world music option. Elective courses under this program should be chosen in consultation with the student’s adviser.
Available for General Education Credit in the Creativity and Critical Analysis Knowledge Domain.
OR MUHL 326 - Survey of World Music Credits: 3 OR ANTH 326X - Survey of World Music Credits: 3 MUHL 326/ANTH 326X also satisfy the Human Diversity Requirement
Available for General Education Credit in the Creativity and Critical Analysis Knowledge Domain.
Applied Music Requirement (8)
Students must choose from one of the following options:
World Music Option:
World Music Ensembles (8 credits from MUSE 321, 325, 370, 372, 373 or 375, must be enrolled in 2 consecutive semesters for an ensemble to count.)
Traditional Option:
Private keyboard, instrumental, or voice study (4 credits in MUSP)
AND Ensembles (4 credits in MUSE playing the MUSP instrument studied.)
Electives (14)
Choose 14 credits of music electives from MUTC, MUSP, MUED, MUSE, or MUHL
For students interested in recording arts, the following set of electives is recommended: MUTC 314, 315, 316, 323, 324, 400 and 401.
Requirements outside School (0-12)
Fulfillment of B.A. foreign language requirement (0-12)
(See “Foreign Language Requirement for the B.A. Degree” in the Other Graduation Requirements section of this catalog.)
General Education Requirements (15-27)
In addition to completing the above major requirements students must complete the remaining general education requirements. If major requirements fulfill any of the general education requirements, they are listed below and subtracted from the general education credit requirements.
The required minimum of 21 semester hours in Knowledge Domain studies cannot include more than two courses in any one department. (A course with an affiliated laboratory course shall be counted as a single course.)
One 3-credit course selected from approved general education list.
Graduation Requirements (6-9)
In addition to completing the above major requirements, students must complete the remaining graduation requirements. If major requirements fulfill any of the graduation requirements, they are listed below and subtracted from the graduation credit requirements.
Human Diversity Requirement (0-3)
One course from the approved Human Diversity course list; may be fulfilled by extracurricular activities. Human Diversity Course List.
A minimum of 40 semester hours of the total number must be in courses numbered at the 300 and/or 400 level. These must include at least 12 semester hours of major departmental courses taken at NIU.