Feb 09, 2025
Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies (B.A. or B.S.)
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The Center for the Study of Women, Gender, and Sexuality offers a broad array of courses regularly taught by joint appointment faculty, Graduate Assistants, and staff. The Center offers undergraduate programs, including a major in Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, a certificate and a minor in Women’s and Gender Studies, and a certificate and a minor in LGBTQ+ Studies. Students may double-minor in both WGST and LGBTQ+ Studies. Grounded in social movements and reaching toward more just and equitable futures, the field of Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies empowers students to become deeply informed agents of personal and collective transformation.
Requirements in Department (19)
Requirements outside Department (B.A., 15-27; B.S., 25-30)
For the B.A. degree Fulfillment of B.A. foreign language requirement (0-12) (See “Foreign Language Requirement for the B.A. Degree”) For the B.S. degree Mathematics/laboratory science sequence (10-15) (See “College Requirement for the B.S. Degree”) Electives (15)
Students choose 15 credit hours of electives from the following list - ANTH 361 - Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Women Credits: 3
- ANTH 422 - Gender in Southeast Asia Credits: 3
ANTH 422 is a writing infused course. - ANTH 441 - Sexual Selection in Primates Credits: 3
ANTH 441 is a writing infused course. - ANTH 468 - Anthropology of Gender Credits: 3
- BIOS 324X - Women in Science Credits: 3
Available for General Education credit in the Society and Culture Domain. BIOS 324X also fulfills the Human Diversity Requirement. - BKST 402 - The Africana Woman Credits: 3
- COMS 410 - Communication and Gender Credits: 3
Available for General Education credit in the Society and Culture Domain. COMS 410 also fulfills the Human Diversity Requirement. - ENGL 381 - Multicultural American Literature Credits: 3
ENGL 381 is a writing infused course. ENGL 381 also fulfills the Human Diversity Requirement. - ENGL 382 - Women Writers: The Tradition in English Credits: 3
ENGL 382 is a writing infused course. ENGL 382 also fulfills the Human Diversity Requirement. - ENGL 383 - LGBTQ+ Literature Credits: 3
ENGL 383 is a writing infused course.
ENGL 383 also fulfills the Human Diversity Requirement. - ENGL 434X - Language and Gender Credits: 3
ENGL 434X also fulfills the Human Diversity Requirement. - FLFR 445 - Feminism in France Credits: 3
FLFR 445 is a writing infused course. - FLSP 439 - Women Authors in Hispanic Literature Credits: 3
FLSP 439 is a writing infused course. - FSMD 464 - Social Psychology of Dress and Appearance Credits: 3
FSMD 464 also fulfills the Human Diversity Requirement. - GEOG 324X - Women in Science Credits: 3
Available for General Education credit in the Society and Culture Domain. GEOG 324X also fulfills the Human Diversity Requirement. - HDFS 384 - Asian American Families Credits: 3
HDFS 384 also fulfills the Human Diversity requirement. - HIST 322 - Women in Modern Europe Credits: 3
HIST 322 also fulfills the Human Diversity Requirement. - HIST 346 - Women in Asian History Credits: 3
HIST 346 also fulfills the Human Diversity Requirement. - HIST 353 - Women in African History Credits: 3
HIST 353 is a writing infused course. HIST 353 also fulfills the Human Diversity Requirement. - HIST 367 - U.S. LGBT History Credits: 3
HIST 367 also fulfills the Human Diversity Requirement. - HIST 369 - Women in United States History Credits: 3
Available for General Education credit in the Creativity and Critical Analysis Domain. HIST 369 also fulfills the Human Diversity Requirement. - HIST 402 - Gender and Sexuality in History Credits: 3
HIST 402 also fulfills the Human Diversity Requirement. - HIST 407 - Medieval Women Credits: 3
HIST 407 is a writing infused course. HIST 407 also fulfills the Human Diversity Requirement. - MGMT 498 - Equal Opportunity and Employment Credits: 3
- NUTR 406 - Global Food and Nutrition Issues Credits: 3
Available for General Education credit in the Society and Culture Domain. NUTR 406 is a writing infused course. - PHIL 355 - Feminism and Philosophy Credits: 3
PHIL 355 also fulfills the Human Diversity Requirement. - POLS 373 - Women and Politics Credits: 3
POLS 373 also fulfills the Human Diversity Requirement. - POLS 411 - Constitutional Law II Credits: 3
- PSYC 424 - Adolescent Development Credits: 3
- PSYC 474 - Psychological Basis of Sexuality Credits: 3
PSYC 474 also fulfills the Human Diversity Requirement. - SCL 100 - Foundation of Social Change Leadership Credits: 3
Available for General Education credit in the Society and Culture Domain. - SCL 200 - Application of Social Change Leadership Credits: 3
- SOCI 354 - Families and Social Change Credits: 3
Available for General Education credit in the Society and Culture Domain. - SOCI 356 - Health, Aging, and Society Credits: 3
- SOCI 357 - The Sociology of Gender Credits: 3
SOCI 357 also fulfills the Human Diversity Requirement. - SOCI 450 - Social Inequality Credits: 3
SOCI 450 is a writing infused course. - SOCI 487 - Gender and Crime Credits: 3
SOCI 487 is a writing infused course. - WGSS 202 - Gender, Culture, and Representation Credits: 3
Available for General Education credit in the Creativity and Critical Analysis Domain. WGSS 202 also fulfills the Human Diversity Requirement. - WGSS 240 - Issues in Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Credits: 3
- WGSS 324 - Gender and STEM Credits: 3
Available for General Education credit in the Society and Culture Domain. WGSS 324 also fulfills the Human Diversity Requirement. - WGSS 332 - Growing Up Girl Credits: 3
WGSS 332 also fulfills the Human Diversity Requirement. - WGSS 390 - Internship in Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Credits: 1-3
- WGSS 424 - Topics in Gender and STEM Credits: 3
- WGSS 430 - Special Topics in Women’s and Gender Studies Credits: 3
- WGSS 434 - Language and Gender Credits: 3
WGSS 434 also fulfills the Human Diversity Requirement. - WGSS 435 - Gender and the Environment Credits: 3
WGSS 435 also fulfills the Human Diversity Requirement. - WGSS 436 - Current Debates Seminar: Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Credits: 3
- WGSS 439 - Independent Study in Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Credits: 3
- WGSS 450 - Transgender Studies Credits: 3
WGSS 450 also fulfills the Human Diversity Requirement.
Special Requirement (12-28)
Students must also fulfill the requirements of a minor, which must be selected in consultation with a department advisor. Total Hours for Major in Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies 46-74 (B.A.) OR 56-77 (B.S.)
with NO Foundational Studies and NO Knowledge Domain General Education requirements. Foundational Studies (0-12)
Writing Requirement (0-6 hours) 100-level Rhetoric and Composition (0-3 hours) 200-level Writing in the Domains (3 hours) Oral Communication Requirement (0-3 hours) Quantitative Literacy Requirements (0-3 hours) Knowledge Domain Requirements (21)
Creativity and Critical Analysis (6 hours) Select any two courses from the list of courses in the Creativity and Critical Analysis knowledge domain listed in the catalog. Nature and Technology (6 hours) Select any two courses from the list of courses in the Nature and Technology knowledge domain listed in the catalog. Society and Culture (6 hours) Select any two courses from the list of courses in the Society and Culture knowledge domain listed in the catalog. Elective from any knowledge domain (3 hours) Select any course from the list of all Knowledge Domain courses in the in the catalog. Electives
In consultation with catalog requirements, students would take electives or pursue additional certificates, minors, and/or majors to reach the graduation requirement of 120 hours. Total Hours for a Major in Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies: 67-107 (B.A.); 77- 110 (B.S.)
including Foundational Studies and Knowledge Domain General Education requirements. |
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