Mar 06, 2025
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog
Master of Science in Physics
A student pursuing the M.S. in physics must complete a minimum of 30 semester hours and pass a comprehensive examination in classical mechanics, electricity and magnetism, special relativity, quantum mechanics, statistical physics and thermodynamics, optics, and modern physics. The student must also satisfy the requirements in one of the specializations described below and submit an acceptable thesis and pass an oral examination thereon.
All master’s degree students are required to register for PHYS 798, Physics Seminar, each semester. This requirement may be waived for a student whose circumstances in a particular semester preclude such enrollment, with the approval of the graduate studies director or the department chair.
The student learning outcomes for this degree are located at http://www.niu.edu/assessment/clearinghouse/outcomes/index.shtml.
Students seeking admission to the M.S. program in the Department of Physics must meet all the requirements for admission to the NIU Graduate School. In addition to the standard requirements for graduate admission, the master’s program requires degree-seeking applicants submit the following materials:
- Baccalaureate Field: A B.S. in Physics. Outstanding candidates from other related fields with substantial course work in physics will also be considered.
- Letters of Recommendation: Two (2) letters of recommendation are required.
- Personal Statement: Your personal statement should be approximately 250 to 750 words in length. It should outline your preparation for graduate study in physics, as well as your goals for graduate school and beyond. It should also explain why you believe the program at NIU can best help you meet those goals.
- Resume/CV: A current resume or CV is required.
- Tests Scores: GRE General scores are not required for applicants and will not be used for admission purposes. Physics GRE scores are also not required but can optionally be used to strengthen an application. A satisfactory score on the Physics GRE can also be used to place out of the department’s MS exam. When preparing your score report for upload, be sure that your name and all scores are legible. If you are sending scores, use institution code 1559. NIU does not require department codes; neither does the testing center.
Deadlines: The Master of Science program in the Department of Physics admits new graduate students during the spring and fall semesters, on an annual basis. It follows deadlines set by the Graduate School at NIU, though priority consideration is given to applicants who apply by February 1 for start in the following fall semester and August 15 for start in the following spring semester. These priority deadlines are earlier than the general graduate school deadlines.
Please note: International students should review additional information on the department page about test score requirements for assistantships. These are in addition to any Graduate School requirements for admission.
Specialization in Professional Physics
A student in the Professional Physics specialization must complete 24 semester hours in physics, including: At least one of the following:
Specialization in Interdisciplinary Physics
A student in the Interdisciplinary Physics specialization must complete at least 30 semester hours, including the requirements listed below, with at least 6 of the remaining hours chosen from biology, chemistry, mathematics, computer science, engineering, or other relevant subjects not including physics, with approval of the department. At least one of the following:
Specialization in Physics Teaching
A student in the Physics Teaching specialization must complete 24 semester hours in physics, including at least 12 semester hours at the 600 level or above, excluding PHYS 659, 692, 699, 790, 798, and 799. In lieu of a thesis, the student in this specialization may submit two papers, one of which may pertain to teaching of physics or history and philosophy of physics, and pass an oral examination thereon. See also “Teacher Certification Information.” The student must also complete: |