Mar 31, 2025  
2008-2009 Graduate Catalog 

University Services

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University Office Hours


Most administrative offices are open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 12 noon, and from 1 to 4:30 p.m. University office hours are subject to change. For information consult the Schedule of Classes. All offices are closed on legal holidays.

Holmes Student Center

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The Holmes Student Center provides recreational facilities, informal gathering places, eating places, meeting and conference rooms, and an 80-room hotel for members of the university community and their guests. Included are the Duke Ellington Ballroom and Sandburg Auditorium for major performances and lectures; Diversions, a multipurpose facility for coffeehouse and club-style live entertainment; the Center Gallery, which displays art works of many student artists; the University ID Office; two computer laboratories which are available for use by all NIU students; the Huskies Den, which offers electronic games, billiard tables, and a 16-lane bowling center; and the University Bookstore which sells textbooks, general books, school and art supplies, and personal items.

Tickets to most campus events may be acquired or purchased in the center. The facility provides copy machines, a full-service bank, and Automatic Teller Machines. Students can cash checks, study in the gallery lounge, or relax in the television lounge. At the Holmes Center information desk, students can purchase newspapers and get directions and information on events and activities in the center.


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Campus Living

NIU offers accommodating living arrangements for graduate students in its university residence halls and apartments. Living on campus gives students quick access to the Huskie Bus line, hot meals seven days a week, a variety of living options, as well as a supportive academic environment.

The university residence halls are an affordable option for graduate students. The residence halls include every utility, including cable, Internet, heat, gas, water, garbage, electric, and a university-wide phone (caller ID, voice mail). Each residence hall has a computer lab open 24/7 to meet the needs of students. Lobbies and common areas are equipped with wireless Internet and each residence hall room has its own high-speed Internet connection. Other amenities available to hall residents include quiet study lounges, 24-hour security, on-site laundry, vending machines, and photocopiers.

A contract to live in the residence halls comes complete with a meal plan for the semester in three incremental weekly amounts. Residents can choose to eat in any of the dining units in the halls, including à la carte food courts, all-you-care-to-eat buffets, and grab-‘n-go stores. There is a dining option available to residents from 7:00 a.m. until 11:00 p.m. five days a week, with weekend hours varying. Each residence hall room also comes equipped with a refrigerator/freezer/microwave for in-room meal preparation.

Residence hall contracts cover the entire academic year with optional interim contracts available during the winter and spring break periods. Summer housing is also available. Applications are available from Housing and Dining, located in East Neptune Hall. Housing and Dining can be reached at (815) 753-1525 or online at

NIU also provides housing options at University Apartment Complex, located at 501 North Annie Glidden Road, near Lincoln Hall. The University Apartments are an excellent alternative to the residence halls without the hassle of a third-party landlord. There are 80 units–40 efficiency and 40 one-bedroom units–available for graduate students, nontraditional-aged undergraduates, married students, and single parents.

The University Apartments offers a 9-month lease, which begins in August, with an option to extend it through the summer. Rent includes gas, water, electricity, TV/FM cable, stove, refrigerator, and air conditioner. A telephone is also provided at each unit but the tenant is responsible for all incurred telephone charges. For more details, please contact the Residential Administration Office, (815) 753-1525.

Off-Campus Housing Services

The Office of Off-Campus Housing Services, East Neptune Hall lobby, acts as a clearinghouse for information on rental properties in the DeKalb area. Staff is available from 12-4 p.m. weekdays to assist in locating a roommate or a place to live. Rental listings are also available on the Internet at, or call (815) 753-9999.

Health Services

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Health Services offers high quality, out-patient health care to NIU students to assist with maintaining and improving their health. Health Services physicians, nurse practitioners, nurses, and other professional and support staff have extensive experience in college health and are sensitive to the special needs of the college community. Health Services physicians are trained and experienced in primary care specialties. The high quality of care provided at Health Services is recognized through accreditation by the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care, Inc.

Health Services is available to all full- and part-time students who are currently enrolled on the DeKalb campus and have been assessed on-campus student (activity) fees. There are no charges for physician or provider services, x-rays, most laboratory tests, physical therapy, and most other services. There are charges for medications, immunizations, specialized medical procedures and supplies, selected laboratory tests, and missed appointments. Students may use Health Services without being enrolled in the university’s Student Health Insurance Plan or a private health insurance plan.

Health Services provides the following.

Acute Care–services for injuries and acute illnesses including selected minor surgical procedures.
Allergy Injections–using the schedule and serum provided by the student’s allergist.
General Medical–assessment and treatment of acute and chronic medical conditions, and referrals when appropriate.
Laboratory–offering a wide range of laboratory testing.
Men’s Health–confidential male health exams, screening and treatment with an emphasis on prevention and personal responsibility.
Nutrition–counseling regarding general and specialized nutrition needs including weight management and eating disorders.
Pharmacy–filling of prescriptions from physicians, advanced practice nurses, physician assistants, dentists, or oral surgeons.
Physical Therapy–evaluation and treatment of nonsurgical musculoskeletal injuries or impairments upon physician referral.
Preventive Medicine–immunizations (including HPV, hepatitis B, state required immunizations, and meningococcal meningitis vaccines), HIV testing, travel immunizations and information, and tuberculosis testing.
Psychiatry–individual out-patient psychiatric evaluation, medication therapy, and/or referral.
Radiology–general diagnostic x-ray examinations, fluoroscopy, and sport medicine studies, as well as electrocardiography (EKGs) ordered by Health Services physicians.
Women’s Health–thoughtful, private care and management of women’s health issues with emphasis on prevention and personal responsibility.

Appointments are required for medical, nutrition, physical therapy, psychiatry, men’s and women’s health visits, and for some services in Preventive Medicine. Fees are charged for missed appointments. To schedule or cancel an appointment in advance, call (815) 753-1311. For Preventive Medicine appointments, call (815) 753-9759.

Students are responsible for the cost of all health care services received outside Health Services, including referrals. The university offers an affordable Student Health Insurance Plan that assists students with paying these medical expenses. For more information regarding this insurance plan, call the Student Insurance Office at (815) 753-0122. For additional information regarding Health Services, visit or call (815) 753-1311.

Student Health Insurance

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Students who register for 9 or more semester hours on-campus in DeKalb by the 30th calendar day of the semester are automatically assessed the fee for student insurance on their tuition account through the Bursar’s Office. The student insurance plan provides coverage for hospitalization and/or medical treatment for injury and sicknesses 24 hours a day anywhere in the world.

Students enrolled for 6-8 semester hours may elect to purchase student insurance. Student insurance is also available by application to students enrolled for 6 or more semester hours at regional sites. Students wanting this option must apply to the Student Insurance Office by the 15th calendar day of the semester to enroll for coverage. Applications are available at

All international students and students studying abroad are required to carry the student insurance. These students are automatically charged the fee for student insurance if they register for at least one semester hour by the 30th calendar day of the semester.

Eligible dependents of insured students, including spouse and unmarried children, may also be insured. The insured student may apply for dependent coverage on or before the 15th calendar day of the semester. Applications for dependent coverage are available at

Students who have been assessed the student insurance fee may apply for cancellation by completing the on-line Waiver Process on or before the 15th calendar day of the semester. Reinstatement is available during open enrollment periods or within 60 days of being removed from alternate coverage. Contact the Student Insurance Office for information.

Students (and their dependents) who are insured for the spring semester are automatically covered through the summer whether or not they enroll in the summer session. New students entering the university for summer session who are registered for 6 or more semester hours may elect to purchase student insurance for themselves and their dependents during the first five days of the summer session. Applications are available at

Students who withdraw from the university due to medical reasons must immediately contact the University Health Service and the Office of Student Affairs as well as their college advisement office if they have paid for and wish to retain their student insurance coverage. For information regarding refunds, see “Refund Policies.”

Information concerning the health insurance may be obtained from the Student Insurance Office located in Health Services, Room 201 (815-753-0122) or e-mail

Service Centers, Offices, and Agencies

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Asian American Resource Center

NIU’s Asian American Resource Center provides student-centered services to a growing Asian American student population, which is comprised of many ethnicities including, but not limited to, Burmese, Cambodian, Chinese, Filipino, Hmong, Indian, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Laotian, Malaysian, Pakistani, Taiwanese, and Vietnamese. In support of the academic missions of NIU and the Division of Student Affairs, the center assists in the recruitment and retention of Asian American students and provides diverse educational, cultural, and social activities designed to raise awareness about Asian American heritage and culture. The center creates an inclusive and welcoming environment that intentionally enhances students’ learning experiences, leadership development, and career preparation. It also provides students with computer access, a resource library, meeting rooms, and extended hours during final examinations.

Campus Child Care

Campus Child Care is a licensed facility which offers NIU students, faculty, and staff full- and part-time child care for their children ages 2 months - 5 years. In addition, school-age childcare is available during the summer session. The center is staffed with qualified teachers along with student workers who serve as teacher aides in the classrooms. The center is open Monday through Friday, 7:15 a.m. to 5:45 p.m. during the fall, spring, and summer sessions. Full-time child care is also available between semesters for those who need year-round child care. For more information, contact Campus Child Care at (815) 753-0125 or visit the website at

Campus Transportation

NIU maintains the largest student-run university bus system in Illinois. The 13-bus system, governed by the Student Association Mass Transit Board, provides free transportation for all fee-paying students to campus and the DeKalb community. The Huskie buses are in operation seven days a week while school is in session during the fall and spring semesters, during winter and spring break, and for limited hours during summer school. Most Huskie buses are equipped with chair lifts to provide all students easy access to and from campus, shopping, and entertainment areas. For more information, call the Student Association at (815) 753-9922.

In conjunction with the University Police, the Mass Transit Board runs Late Nite Ride Service, which provides free safe passage home for students. The service operates on a daily basis from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. and can be reached at (815) 753-2222.

Through the Mass Transit Board and the Center for Access-Ability Resources, the NIU Student Association operates the FreedomMobile which provides transportation around the campus and vicinity for students with disabilities. During winter months class-to-class transportation is available for students with a qualifying disability. For more information, call the Center for Access-Ability Resources at (815) 753-1303.

Career Services

Career Services helps graduate students secure internships and full-time employment through a centralized department serving all the colleges, departments, and majors. Career counselors are available to assist NIU graduate students make career decisions, discuss career transitioning and develop plans to build “experience” into their educational program through internships, and search for full-time employment.

Besides offering individual career counseling about career and job-related concerns, the following services are offered through Career Services.

  • Help with career decision making including a website for majors, with corresponding career options, at
  • Online postings for internships and full-time positions through Victor eRecruiting at
  • Walk-in and online resume and cover letter reviews
  • Career testing
  • University-wide job fairs, internship fairs, and Educators’ Job Fair
  • Assistance in the application process for graduate/professional school
  • Permanent credential files for students in the field of education
  • A Career Resource Center containing a library of books, brochures, and directories describing various careers, as well as computers that can be used in job search and resume/cover letter preparation

Career Services is located in the Campus Life Building, Room 220, and is open all year from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Staff members are available for graduate students on an individual basis during these hours. More information about Career Services may be obtained online at or by calling (815) 753-1641.

Center for Access-Ability Resources

In concordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act, the university provides support services for students with a variety of disabilities. A wide range of services can be obtained including, but not limited to, housing, transportation, adaptation of printed materials, testing accommodations, sign language interpreters, and advocacy with faculty and staff. Students wishing to request services or who want more information should contact the Center for Access-Ability Resources, fourth floor, Health Services Building, (815) 753-1303 (voice) or (815) 753-3000 (TTY). Verification of disability and the request for service need to be received in a timely manner so that services may be arranged and provided.

Students desiring consideration of special accommodations with respect to course work or other academic activities should see “Accommodations for Students with Disabilities.”

Center for Black Studies

The Center for Black Studies is an academic and research center that collects and analyzes data on all aspects of minority experiences, particularly those of people of African descent. The center also coordinates an interdisciplinary undergraduate minor in black studies. In addition, the center seeks to stimulate students’ professional and career interests through the sponsorship of various distinguished speakers and cultural events.

Commuter and Non-Traditional Student Services

Commuter and Non-Traditional Student Services at Northern Illinois University was established in order to support and enhance the educational, interpersonal, and social experiences of commuter, non-traditional, and off-campus students. The office has a lounge for students to come and relax between classes, have lunch, study, or chat with other commuter, non-traditional, or off-campus students. The lounge space includes comfortable furniture, microwaves, a full-sized refrigerator, a television, and computers and printers for students to use. The staff assists students with getting connected with necessary services or navigating particular issues. There is a computer lab adjacent to the office that meets students’ computing needs. Commuter and Non-Traditional Student Services is located in the Holmes Student Center, Room 023 (basement level near the Orientation Office). For further information, visit the the Commuter and Non-Traditional Student Services website at, phone (815) 753-9999, or e-mail at:

Counseling and Student Development Center

The mission of the Counseling and Student Development Center is to support the academic, emotional, social, and cultural development of students. Student-centered programs include counseling, assessment, outreach, consultation, training, and educational services. The center helps students resolve personal difficulties and acquire the attitudes, abilities, and knowledge that will enable them to take full advantage of their college experience and be successful.

The center staff values an atmosphere that is welcoming and comfortable for all individuals, regardless of race, gender, ethnic background, age, sexual orientation, religion, citizenship, or disability. Staff embraces diversity and strives to foster and promote awareness, empathy, and cultural competence within a multicultural environment.

Individual, group counseling, crisis intervention, and referral
Substance abuse assessments, eating disorder assessments, and anger intervention
Coaching for academic success (learning and study skills assistance)
Workshops (in residence halls, classes, and other settings)
Consultation (concerning mental health issues, programming, and organizations)
Training for graduate students

International Student and Faculty Office

The International Student and Faculty Office provides a variety of services for international (foreign) students and faculty. For further information see “International Programs.”

Latino Resource Center

The Latino Resource Center offers a variety of services to assist, encourage, and inspire Latino NIU students to engage and succeed in their pursuit of learning and to grow as campus and community leaders. Some of the services available include retention programs such as the Latina Assistance Program, Supporting Opportunities for Latinos, and Mentoring for Academic Success. The Latino Resource Center also provides cultural programming and makes referrals to appropriate offices for information and assistance with academic, social, and career opportunities. The center houses a top-of-the-line computer laboratory, library, and meeting rooms for student use.

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Resource Center

The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBT) Resource Center serves as a central resource for increasing community awareness and understanding about sexual orientation and gender identity. The Resource Center provides educational materials and programs on lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender life and culture. In collaboration with other groups on campus, the resource center offers speakers, films, panel discussions, theatrical performances, and much more for the entire campus. Resource center staff offer confidential information, support, and referral for students, faculty, and staff whose lives are impacted by issues related to sexual orientation and/or gender identity, including LGBT and questioning individuals themselves, as well as their family members, friends, and allies. The center’s resource room offers a relaxing place to meet people, study, research, and get connected. The resource room houses a library of over 700 books on LGBT topics, a library of LGBT films, LGBT magazines, computer stations, and a variety of free brochures and handouts.

Office of the Ombudsman

The Office of the Ombudsman provides members of the university community neutral and confidential assistance and advice regarding university-related concerns. Any type of concern may be discussed: academic, financial, housing, consumer, work related, or personal. Members of the office staff will listen to concerns, discuss options, and offer suggestions and advice from a neutral and objective point of view that may assist in the resolution of the concern. Distinctive services of the office include clarification of university policies and procedures, advice regarding appropriate strategic approaches, and specific direction and referral to appropriate individuals and offices on campus.

As designated neutrals, staff members in the office are prohibited from advocating on behalf of any individual but can suggest others who can serve as potential advocates if necessary. Due to the strictly confidential nature of communications with the Office of the Ombudsman, disclosures to the office do not constitute notice to the university.

Mediation services, direction and referral to appropriate individuals and offices, and clarification of university policies and procedures are distinctive services of the office. All communications with the Office of the Ombudsman are held in strict confidence.

The Office of the Ombudsman is located in the Holmes Student Center, Room 601. Appointments may be made by calling (815) 753-1414.

Office of Testing Services

The Office of Testing Services, located in Adams Hall, provides a variety of services to students and faculty. This office administers many of the tests associated with course placement, departmental qualification requirements, university graduation requirements, and admission to graduate and professional schools. Testing Services maintains files of test scores and serves as the campus location to which scores on tests taken at other institutions or test centers may be directed.

Other Campus Human Service Agencies

The School of Family, Consumer and Nutrition Sciences Child Development Laboratory (Gabel Hall, Rooms 169-170, 815-753-1150) is accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children and provides high quality child care programs for children ages 6 weeks to 7 years. Enrollment in all programs is open to the university and DeKalb communities, with half-day and full-day enrollments during academic terms. Children are enrolled based on available space, time of request, and their age. Assessment of each child’s readiness for a group experience is made in early contacts. The facility is licensed by the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services for 47 children, and is a research and training facility for students in the child development emphasis offered by the School of Family, Consumer, and Nutrition Sciences. For more information, contact the Child Development Laboratory.

The Counseling Laboratory (Graham Hall, Room 416; 815-753-9312) offers counseling services to persons who want assistance improving their personality development, modifying self-defeating behavioral characteristics, or resolving personal, career, or educational dilemmas. Counselors are advanced graduate students in counseling. Services are free, except that a nominal fee may be charged for some psychological or career interest testing.

The Family Center (Wirtz Hall, Room 146, 815-753-1684) provides individual, couple, family, and group therapy services to students of NIU, and to all residents of DeKalb and the greater northern Illinois area. Therapists are advanced graduate students under the direct supervision of licensed marriage and family therapist faculty, who are also Approved Supervisors through the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy. The graduate program in marriage and family therapy is accredited by the Council on Accreditation for Marriage and Family Therapy Education. The facility and program are part of the School of Family, Consumer, and Nutrition Sciences in the College of Health and Human Sciences.

The Psychological Services Center (Psychology Building, Room 86, 815-753-0591) offers a wide variety of psychological evaluation and psychotherapy. Clients range in age from young children to older adults. Therapy is free of charge to full-time NIU students. NIU students pay a reduced flat rate for psychological evaluations. A sliding fee scale for therapy and evaluations is available for clients from the local community. The center is staffed by faculty and doctoral students in clinical psychology in the Department of Psychology.

The Speech-Language-Hearing Clinic (Lucinda Avenue, 815-753-1481) offers a comprehensive program of evaluation, rehabilitation, and counseling services for any student with a hearing loss and/or speech-language disorder. Hearing aids, accessories, and repairs are available. The clinic is a unit of the Department of Communicative Disorders.


Parking permits are required on campus unless pay parking is utilized. Parking facilities are limited and controlled. Parking lots are color-coded; all vehicles, including motorcycles and mopeds, must display an appropriate permit. Special parking privileges are extended to handicapped persons and to individuals who are temporarily disabled. For further information, contact Campus Parking Services, located on the corner of Normal Road and Lincoln Terrace, at (815) 753-1045.

Fifteen-minute loading and unloading spaces are scattered throughout campus and require no special identification other than the use of the vehicle’s emergency flashers.

Recreation Services

The Student Recreation Center and Chick Evans Field House offer a variety of programs and services. The main office is located in the Student Recreation Center, (815) 753-0231,

The Student Recreation Center is a 125,000 square foot facility that offers a 6,000 square foot cardiovascular and weight selector exercise room, 11 racquetball courts, and 8 multipurpose courts used for basketball, volleyball, tennis, and badminton. Two weight rooms offer a complete line of free weight training stations. A three lane jogging track and table tennis is available in the main multipurpose area.

The Chick Evans Field House is a 95,000 square foot facility and is shared with academics and athletics and offers 2 multipurpose courts for basketball and volleyball, 2 indoor soccer/hockey courts, a cardiovascular exercise room including treadmills, elliptical trainers, recumbent bikes, stretch trainers, and a 12 station multitrainer for strength training. Two activity rooms are used for martial arts activities and group fitness classes. A three lane jogging track surrounds the main multipurpose area.

Each semester students can sign up to compete in a variety of individual, dual, and team sports such as flag football, basketball, volleyball, racquetball, tennis, badminton, and more. Students may choose the fun or more competetive level of league and tournament play.

The Fitness/Wellness Program provides a variety of services. Certified personal trainers are available to assist students in designing a work out program that will meet their needs. Developing healthy eating habits is critical to achieving wellness. Nutrition interns help determine calorie requirements needed to achieve an individual’s weight goal and assist with menu and food planning. Trained fitness instructors coordinate a variety of group fitness classes such as step, kickboxing, yoga, Pilates, and spin. A unique balance of strength and conditioning exercises are incorporated into group fitness classes to give participants a workout that creates results. Certified Massage Therapists are available to help relieve muscle tension and stress. Acupressure therapists offer an ancient Chinese healing method that involves applying pressure to certain meridian points on the body to relieve pain.

The Outing Centre has a complete line of outdoor gear rentals such as canoes, kayaks, life jackets, cross country skis, ice skates, tents, sleeping bags, roller blades, outdoor sport equipment, and more. Trip leaders coordinate a variety of outdoor pursuits such as hiking, canoeing, backpacking, rock climbing, and caving.

Sport Clubs are registered student organizations who compete in league play with other universities in sports and martial arts which include: Aikido, baseball, equestrian, fencing, Hapkido, ice hockey, Kyuki-Dolacrosse, rugby, Shotokan Karate, men’s soccer, swimming, table tennis, ultimate frisbee, men’s volleyball, water polo, water ski and wakeboard.

Recreation Services employs over 200 student employees annually. Recreation Services staff is interested in employing students who are interested in helping to provide excellent services and programs while learning teamwork and skills that will prepare them for their future careers. Positions include building staff, group fitness instructors, personal trainers, outdoor trip leaders, Outing Centre staff, intramural supervisors, and officials. For more information contact the Recreation Services main phone number at (815) 753-0231.

Students’ Legal Assistance Office

Two Illinois attorneys and their staff provide legal information and assistance to eligible fee-paying NIU students. The office handles a large variety of cases including landlord-tenant, criminal misdemeanor, traffic, consumer, discrimination, tort, public benefits, employment, and domestic relations. It is preferred that appointments be made. The offices are located in the Holmes Student Center and can be reached by calling (815) 753-1701.

The office is funded by the NIU Student Association. The attorneys are prevented by their contracts and the Code of Professional Ethics from handling matters relating to NIU and matters between NIU students. Persons able to procure private counsel are not eligible for litigational representation.

In addition to direct legal services, the lawyers have instituted a mediation service to handle problems between students and have developed an extensive “preventative-law” program designed to prevent problems through community education. Handout materials include a Dispute Resolution Handbook, Tenant/Landlord Handbook, Roommate Survival Guide, Preventing Sexual Assault Handbook, Used Car Buyer’s Guide, Traffic Ticket Handbook, and legal forms including subleases, room condition reports, and roommate agreements.

Women’s Resource Center

The Women’s Resource Center staff is dedicated to gender equity and enhancement of the campus climate for women through advocacy, personal development, and social justice programming. The Women’s Resource Center provides a central space on campus where faculty, staff, students, and community can come together around issues of inclusiveness and activism. For more information on programs or services or to find out how to get involved, visit the office, located at 105 Normal Road, or call (815) 753-0320.

Regional Programs

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Graduate credit courses are offered at regional sites by the Colleges of Business, Education, Engineering and Engineering Technology, Health and Human Sciences, Liberal Arts and Sciences, and Visual and Performing Arts. For a list of regional course locations, students should consult the spring, summer, and fall Schedule of Classes or the “campuses and courses” quick link off the NIU home page ( In addition, the Illinois Board of Higher Education has authorized several NIU graduate degree programs to be offered in their totality in Chicago and in the Hoffman Estates, DuPage, and Rockford areas.

College of Business: M.A.S., M.B.A., M.S.T., and M.S. in Management Information Systems
College of Education: M.S.Ed. in adult and higher education, counseling, curriculum and instruction, early childhood education, educational administration, elementary education, instructional technology, literacy education, school business management, and special education; Ed.S. in educational administration; and Ed.D. in instructional technology
College of Engineering and Engineering Technology: M.S. in electrical engineering, industrial management, and mechanical engineering
College of Health and Human Sciences: M.P.H. and M.S. in nursing
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences: M.P.A. and M.S. in computer science

Students admitted to the NIU Graduate School or accepted as students-at-large may enroll in courses offered at regional sites for graduate credit. Adult students who are exploring various disciplines before formal commitment to a degree program may enroll under the student-at-large status in these courses. Students should consult with graduate advisers in their chosen field, and should become familiar with the regulations in this catalog, to determine the amount of credit earned as a student-at-large that may be applied to their graduate degree programs.

The university also provides experiences for personal and professional development in a variety of appropriate formats, such as one-day workshops, seminars, conferences, training programs, short courses, distance-learning courses, guided individual study courses, and consultations. Enlisting the instructional and research expertise of a diverse faculty, the university matches these resources with the articulated needs of practicing professionals. Many of these short courses are tailored to meet the professional needs of a particular agency or business. Others are offered more broadly, attracting participants from across professions, communities, and employers.

NIU Hoffman Estates, NIU Naperville, and NIU Rockford

The NIU Outreach Centers at Hoffman Estates, Naperville, and Rockford function both as after-hours locations for NIU programs for adult learners and as facilities for corporate clients. As regional sites, the Hoffman Estates, Naperville, and Rockford centers provide evening and Saturday classroom and computer laboratory space for NIU’s academic programs. The credit courses typically available at the centers are offered at the graduate level with a few at the upper-division, undergraduate level. All three facilities provide daytime space to businesses, organizations, and associations in a professional environment ideal for training sessions, meetings, and special events.

Offices on NIU’s DeKalb campus handle all admissions, registration, advising, class scheduling, class materials, and specific information regarding classes offered at all regional locations.

University Advancement

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The Division of University Advancement is responsible for increasing interest in and awareness and support of NIU. Programs within the division are responsible for building strong relationships with NIU alumni and friends, managing philanthropy to benefit the university, and marketing the university through print communications.

The Office of the Vice President for University Advancement provides administrative direction for the Offices of Alumni Relations, Development, and Publications, as well as being the ex officio liaison from the university to its two major volunteer boards: the NIU Alumni Association and the NIU Foundation.

Each year, alumni and friends of NIU make gifts that benefit scholarships, academic programs, facilities, libraries, athletics, and Northern Public Radio, as well as other endeavors. This support is in the form of direct gifts, bequests, insurance plans, trust funds, or property. Gifts to the university from private sources are channeled through the Office of Development and the Northern Illinois University Foundation.

 Alumni Association

The mission of the NIU Alumni Association is to build lifelong relationships with NIU alumni and friends by communicating the message of excellence and creating opportunities for alumni and friends of the university to connect and interact with the university community. Alumni Association programs and activities include publication of Northern Lights and Northern Now; Alumni Scholarship Programs for current and incoming students which are funded by Alumni Association gifts and endowments; Homecoming; the NIU Student Alumni Association; the Senior Challenge fundraising program; the Alumni Awards Program; alumni travel programs; the alumni web pages and Internet portal page (; Alumni Weekend and class reunions, the Huskie-2-Huskie mentoring program; alumni chapter and outreach programs; pre-game alumni receptions; new student Move-In Day activities; and Commencement Kick Off activities for graduating seniors.

For further information, contact the Alumni Association at (815) 753-1452,

Northern Illinois University Foundation

The Northern Illinois University Foundation is a nonprofit, tax-exempt corporation that secures and manages gifts of money, property, works of art, or other material having educational and historical value. It receives and administers such gifts to support university programs with supplemental resources where state funding is non-existent or inadequate. The foundation is governed by a board of directors consisting of elected representatives of alumni and friends. The foundation provides educational fundraising for the university. In addition to donor-restricted funds, the foundation awards grants to select faculty through its Opportunity Grants program and Strategic Initiatives Grants program.

For further information, contact the NIU Foundation at (815) 753-1048,


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