Sep 27, 2024  
2012-2013 Undergraduate Catalog 

Course Descriptions


Mechanical Engineering

  • MEE 482 - Senior Mechanical Engineering Design Project

    C. Emphasis in Advanced Computing and Simulation
    E. Emphasis in Sustainable Engineering
    M. Emphasis in Mechatronics
    Special design project under individual supervision of the instructor. A writing-intensive course. Specific sections of the course are offered to students pursuing an emphasis in mechanical engineering.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: MEE 481.

    Credits: 3
  • MEE 484 - Advanced Computing in Mechanical Engineering

    Project-based course which combines engineering science with advanced computing, including a practical introduction to object-oriented programming, data structures, and other topics that facilitate programming-in-the-large. Students write a substantial portion of a vehicle dynamics simulation.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: MEE 381 or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • MEE 490 - Experimental Methods in Mechanical Engineering II

    Experimental design; statistical analysis of data; computerized data acquisition and reduction; experiments on signature analysis, fluid flow, heat transfer, material properties, and vibrations; individual experimental design projects. A writing-intensive course.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: MEE 390 or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • MEE 494 - Mechanical Engineering Competency

    Review of fundamental concepts and problem solving in mathematics, physics, chemistry, electrical circuits, statics, dynamics, strength of materials, material science, fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, heat transfer, control, and computer programming. Grades based on performance on an examination which is the equivalent of a national standardized test.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Senior status.

    Credits: 1
  • MEE 497 - Independent Study

    Independent pursuit of problems in mechanical engineering under faculty supervision. Written report required. May be repeated to a maximum of 3 semester hours.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of department.

    Credits: 1-3
  • MEE 498 - Special Topics

    Topics not included in regular courses. May be repeated to a maximum of 3 semester hours.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of department.

    Credits: 1-3


  • MET 300 - Meteorology

    Study of the physical and dynamic processes involved in atmospheric science. Radiation and energy budgets, thermodynamics, stability, water vapor and clouds, pressure, winds, and circulation theorems. Three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: GEOG 105, GEOG 106, and MATH 229.

    Credits: 4
  • MET 320 - Synoptic Meteorology

    Introduction to meteorological codes, analysis, forecasting techniques, and the theory of synoptic-scale weather systems. Basic principles of atmospheric thermodynamics, kinematics, and numerical weather prediction. Two hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: MET 300.

    Credits: 3
  • MET 410 - Weather Dynamics I

    Statics, conservation of mass, linear momentum and energy, shallow water equations, scale analysis, geostrophic, gradient, and thermal winds, circulation and vorticity theorems, and introduction to the planetary boundary layer. Three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: MET 300, MATH 232, and MATH 336. CRQ: CSCI 230 or CSCI 240.

    Credits: 4
  • MET 411 - Weather Dynamics II

    Waves in the atmosphere, quasigeostrophic flow theory, introduction to numerical weather prediction and dynamic instability theory. Three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: MET 410.

    Credits: 4
  • MET 421 - Advanced Synoptic Meteorology

    Applications of synoptic analysis, forecast techniques, and fluid dynamics to the diagnosis and forecasting of mid-latitude weather systems. Examination of the lifecycle of mid-latitude cyclones using quasi-geostrophic theory. Two hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: MET 320.

    Credits: 3
  • MET 430 - Micrometeorology

    Study of physical processes in the turbulent transfer of momentum, heat, and moisture in the atmospheric boundary layer. Field installation and operational use of meteorological instrumentation. Assessment of precision, accuracy, and calibration of sensors. Data processing and interpretation. Lecture and field experience.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: MET 300 and CSCI 230 or CSCI 240.

    Credits: 3
  • MET 431 - Applications in Climatology

    Team research projects that apply climatological theory and statistical approaches to develop climate relationship-decision models for use in agriculture, water resources, utilities, construction, transportation, and recreation. Lecture and field experience.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: GEOG 370.

    Credits: 3
  • MET 444 - Mesoscale Meteorology

    Structure, evolution, forcing, and prediction of weather phenomena with short temporal and spatial scales. Observing systems and numerical weather predictions applied to mesoscale phenomena such as severe thunderstorms, tornadoes, and heavy snow. Two hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: MET 320.

    Credits: 3
  • MET 485 - Atmospheric Physics

    Fundamentals of radiation transfer theory, cloud and precipitation physics, satellite remote sensing techniques, and physics of the middle and upper atmosphere. Lecture and laboratory.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: MATH 336 and MET 300, or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • MET 491 - Undergraduate Research in Meteorology

    May be repeated to a maximum of 6 semester hours.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Senior standing and consent of department.

    Credits: 1-3

Military Science

  • MILS 101 - Leadership and Personal Development

    Introduces cadets to the personal challenges and competencies that are critical for effective leadership. Cadets learn how the personal development of life skills such as critical thinking, goal setting, stress management, physical fitness, and time management relate to leadership, officership, and the Army profession.  Focus is on developing basic knowledge and comprehension of Army Leadership Dimensions while gaining a big picture understanding of the ROTC program, its purpose in the Army, and its advantages for the student.

    Credits: 2

  • MILS 102 - Foundations in Leadership

    An overview of leadership fundamentals such as setting direction, problem solving, listening, presenting briefs, providing feedback, and using effective writing skills.  Cadets explore dimensions of leadership values, attributes, skills, and actions in the context of practical, hands-on, and interactive exercises.

    Credits: 2
  • MILS 201 - Innovative Tactical Leadership

    Explores the dimensions of creative and innovative tactical leadership strategies and styles by examining team dynamics and two historical leadership theories that form the basis of the Army leadership framework. Cadets practice aspects of personal motivation and team building in the context of planning, executing, and assessing team exercises and participating in leadership labs. Focus is on continued development of the knowledge of leadership values and attributes through an understanding of Army rank, structure, duties, and basic aspects of land navigation and squad tactics. Case studies provide tangible context for learning the Soldier’s Creed and Warrior Ethos as they apply in the contemporary operating environment (COE).

    Credits: 2
  • MILS 202 - Foundations of Tactical Leadership

    Examines the challenges of leading tactical teams in complex, contemporary operational environments. The course highlights dimensions of patrolling and operations orders. Further study of the theoretical basis of the Army leadership framework explores the dynamics of adaptive leadership in the context of military operations. Cadets develop greater self-awareness as they assess their own leadership styles and practice communication and team building skills. COE case studies give insight into the importance and practice of teamwork and tactics in real-world scenarios. 

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: MILS 201, or military science minor, or consent of department.

    Credits: 2
  • MILS 301 - Adaptive Tactical Leadership

    Challenges cadets to study, practice, and evaluate adaptive leadership skills as they are presented with challenging scenarios related to squad tactical operations. Cadets receive systematic and specific feedback on their leadership attributes and actions. Based on such feedback, as well as their own self-evaluations, cadets continue to develop their leadership and critical thinking abilities.  The focus is on cadets’ tactical leadership abilities to enable them to succeed at ROTC’s summer Leader Development and Assessment Course (LDAC).

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: MILS 201 and MILS 202, or military science minor, or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • MILS 302 - Leadership in Changing Environments

    Uses increasingly intense situational leadership challenges to build cadet awareness and skills in leading tactical operations up to platoon level.  Cadets review aspects of combat, stability, and support operations. Cadets are expected to apply basic principles of the Law of Land Warfare, Army training, and motivation to troop leading procedures. They also conduct military briefings and develop proficiency in garrison operations orders.  Focus is on exploring, evaluating, and developing skills in decision-making, persuading, and motivating team members in the contemporary operating environment (COE). Cadets are evaluated on what they know and do as leaders as they prepare to attend the ROTC summer Leader Development and Assessment Course (LDAC).

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: MILS 301, or military science minor, or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • MILS 325 - Basic Internship in Military Science

    An internship in military science, primarily oriented toward the assessment of leadership potential and the development of basic leadership skills, consisting of general military subjects, physical training, familiarization with individual and crew served weapons, individual and small unit tactics, and an introduction to leadership. Follows the Program of Instruction for Reserve Officer Training Corps Leadership Training Course, normally held at Fort Knox, Kentucky.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of department.

    Credits: 8
  • MILS 350 - Advanced Internship in Military Science

    An internship in military science with the U.S. Army. Designed for students to apply Basic Officer Leadership Course I subjects including operations and tactics, preventive medicine and first aid, weapons, and leadership skills. Follows the Program of Instruction for Reserve Officer Training Corps Leadership Development and Assessment Course, normally held at Fort Lewis, Washington.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: MILS 301 and MILS 302.

    Credits: 3
  • MILS 401 - Developing Adaptive Leaders

    Develops cadet proficiency in planning, executing, and assessing complex operations, functioning as a member of a staff, and providing performance feedback to subordinates. Cadets assess risk, make ethical decisions, and lead fellow ROTC cadets. Lessons on military justice and personnel processes prepare cadets to make the transition to Army Officers. Cadets analyze, evaluate, and instruct cadets at lower levels. Both classroom and battalion leadership experiences are designed to prepare cadets for their first unit of assignment.  Cadets identify responsibilities of key staff, coordinate staff roles, and use situational opportunities to teach, train, and develop subordinates.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: MILS 301 and MILS 302, or military science minor, or consent of department.

    Credits: 4
  • MILS 402 - Leadership in a Complex World

    Explores the dynamics of leading in the complex situations of current military operations in the contemporary operating environment (COE).  Cadets examine differences in customs and courtesies, military law, principles of war, and rules of engagement in the face of international terrorism. They also explore aspects of interacting with nongovernment organizations, civilians on the battlefield, and host nation support. Significant emphasis is placed on preparing cadets for their first unit of assignment.  Case studies, scenarios, and exercises are used to prepare cadets to face the complex ethical and practical demands of leading as commissioned offers in the U.S. Army.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: MILS 401, or military science minor, or consent of department.

    Credits: 4
  • MILS 495 - Independent Study

    Individual study involving special readings, topics, and a research project in military science under the direction of a faculty member. Written report required. May be repeated to a maximum of 9 semester hours.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of department.

    Credits: 3


  • MUED 353 - Clinical Experience in Secondary Music

    Directed observation and supervised participation in middle school and junior high general music classes, instrumental, and/or vocal music performance classes. 30 hours are required for completion of requirement. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Grade of C or better in MUTC 202, MUTC 204, MUSP 335, and MUED 350; minimum NIU cumulative GPA of 2.50; completion of MUED 351; and admission to teacher certification program. For students in the instrumental music area of study, a grade of C or better in four of the following: MUED 170, MUED 171, MUED 172, MUED 173, MUED 174. CRQ: MUED 352 or consent of instructor.

    Credits: 1
  • MUED 490 - Student Teaching K-8

    Exit student teaching experience at the elementary or middle school level, including general music experience, for half of one semester. Placements arranged through the School of Music.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Successful completion of all courses and requirements specified for the emphasis in music education including a grade of C or better in MUED 250 and MUED 350 and MUED 352, and fulfillment of teacher certification requirements.

    Credits: 6
  • MUSC 99 - Recital Attendance

    Student recitals and concerts. Required of all undergraduate music majors each semester of enrollment for up to 7 semesters. Not required of students in the music education emphasis during their semester of student teaching. S/U grading.

    Credits: 0
  • MUSC 399A - Senior Recital

    Preparation and performance of a full or half recital in accordance with current School of Music guidelines. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of school.

    Credits: 0
  • MUSC 399B - Senior Research Project or Composition

    Preparation and submission of a research project or composition in accordance with current School of Music guidelines. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of school.

    Credits: 0
  • MUSP 213 - Harp: Primary

    Harp students only. Emphasis on performance, with proficiency requirements at each level. Two semester hours’ credit per semester for students in the music education emphasis; 4 semester hours’ credit per semester (2 in summer) for students in the performance emphasis. May be repeated.

    Credits: 1-4

  • MUTC 398 - Selected Studies in Music: Music Theory

    Independent or small group study of selected topics of interest or need in music other than music composition. May be repeated to a total of 6 semester hours. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of school.

    Credits: 1-4


  • NURS 300 - Professional Nursing

    Introduction to a systems approach to culturally competent nursing care within health care systems. Role of the professional nurse in using biopsychosocial concepts, principles, and processes in the enhancement of the health of diverse client systems.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: PSYC 102. CRQ: ENGL 104 or ENGL 105, or consent of school.

    Credits: 2
  • NURS 301 - Research in Nursing

    Critical thinking skills and principles and methodology of the research process. Role of the culturally competent professional nurse as research consumer, critic, and participant.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: STAT 208 or STAT 301. CRQ: NURS 311 and NURS 316, or R.N. status, or consent of school.

    Credits: 3
  • NURS 302 - Professional Nursing

    Overview of systems within nursing and healthcare, including collaborative roles of the healthcare team. Introduction to the major concepts related to the roles of the professional nurse as implemented in today’s healthcare environment to provide safe, effective, quality, holistic, patient-centered healthcare. Introduction to historical and cultural healthcare trends and the professional standards with legal, and ethical responsibilities of the nurse as provider of care, designer/manager/coordinator of care, and member of a profession.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: PSYC 102 or RN Status. CRQ: ENGL 104 or ENGL 105.

    Credits: 2
  • NURS 303 - Foundations of Nursing Clinical

    Acquisition of foundational psychomotor, psychosocial, and critical thinking skills necessary for providing safe, holistic, patient-centered nursing care to a diverse patient population while integrating the legal and ethical responsibilities as a provider of care. Application of these skills in a laboratory and structured clinical setting.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    CRQ: NURS 305.

    Credits: 2
  • NURS 304 - Health Assessment

    Theoretical basis for assessing the health status of individuals emphasizing cultural diversity, age-related differences, and lifestyle factors. Introduction to the role of the professional nurse in identifying and communicating normal findings and common deviations from normal. Introduction to healthcare information management principles.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    CRQ: NURS 305 or R.N. status; and NURS 307.

    Credits: 1
  • NURS 305 - Foundations of Nursing

    Foundational concepts necessary for providing safe, holistic, patient-centered care to a diverse patient population while integrating the legal and ethical responsibilities as a provider of care. Introduction to critical thinking, evidence-based practice, and the nursing process. Identification of communication techniques used when interacting with patients and members of the interdisciplinary team.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: BIOS 213 and BIOS 357 and FCNS 201; and FCNS 280 or PSYC 225. CRQ: UHHS 350 or NURS 349X; and NURS 302.

    Credits: 3
  • NURS 306 - Health Assessment

    Theoretical bases for assessing the health status of culturally diverse individuals across the lifespan. Introduction to the role of the professional nurse in identifying and communicating normal findings and common deviations from normal.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: BIOS 213, BIOS 357, and FCNS 280. CRQ: NURS 309 or R.N. status, and NURS 306A.

    Credits: 2
  • NURS 306A - Health Assessment Learning Laboratory

    Development and application of the cognitive and psychomotor skills necessary to perform a systematic, holistic, and culturally competent health assessment for individuals across the lifespan.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    CRQ: NURS 306.

    Credits: 1
  • NURS 307 - Health Assessment Laboratory

    Application of cognitive, psychomotor, communication, and critical thinking skills in the performance of a systematic, holistic health assessment by nurses. Emphasis on cultural diversity, age-related differences, and lifestyle factors of patients.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    CRQ: NURS 304.

    Credits: 1
  • NURS 308 - Alterations in Biological Systems

    Introduction to the functional changes in cells, tissues, organs, and individuals altered by disease and/or injury. Examines both descriptive evidence and an evaluative component of diseases to understand the scientific basis for planning patient-centered care. Introduces the role of the nurse in using clinically-related sciences to plan nursing care.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    CRQ: NURS 305 or R.N. status.

    Credits: 3
  • NURS 309 - Alterations in Biological Systems

    Theoretical bases of alterations in physiological processes that impair health in culturally diverse individuals. Introduction to the role of the professional nurse in using culturally competent intervention strategies in the enhancement of physical health.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: BIOS 213, BIOS 357, and FCNS 280. CRQ: NURS 306, or consent of school.

    Credits: 3
  • NURS 310 - Fundamental Nursing

    Foundational nursing concepts and processes used in enhancement of health among culturally diverse clients.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    CRQ: NURS 310A.

    Credits: 2
  • NURS 310A - Clinical Development I

    Acquisition and application of beginning competencies in psychomotor and psychosocial processes basic to the care of culturally diverse adult clients experiencing alterations in health in a laboratory and structured clinical setting. Individual transportation required.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    CRQ: NURS 300, NURS 306, NURS 306A, and NURS 310.

    Credits: 2
  • NURS 311 - Mental Health Nursing

    Theoretical bases of processes used in the enhancement of the mental health of culturally diverse individuals, families and groups. Introduction to the role of the professional nurse in using culturally competent intervention strategies in the enhancement of mental health.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: NURS 306, NURS 306A, NURS 309, NURS 310A, and NURS 310, with a grade of C or better. CRQ: NURS 340.

    Credits: 3
  • NURS 312 - Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice

    Principles, methodology, and appraisal of the research process for the development of nursing science knowledge as related to critical thinking skills and evidence-based nursing practice. Research principles and methodologies as they relate to the nurse’s role in the identification of practice issues. Critique and integration of research findings related to evidence-based nursing practice and evaluation of patient outcomes. Strategies for collaborative research with the interprofessional team.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: STAT 208 or STAT 301; and NURS 303 and NURS 304 and NURS 305 and NURS 307 and NURS 308; and UHHS 350 or NURS 349X; or R.N. status.

    Credits: 3
  • NURS 313 - Adult Health Nursing I Clinical

    Application of the theoretical basis for safe, evidence-based, quality, holistic, patient-centered nursing care for patients with various medical/surgical conditions. Focus on care that is developmentally and culturally appropriate. Emphasis on the nurse’s skill as caregiver, communicator, and critical thinker in a structured clinical setting. Integration of legal and ethical responsibilities of the nurse as provider of care, designer/manager/coordinator of care, and member of a profession. Introduction to information management principles, techniques, and systems when providing collaborative nursing care. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    CRQ: NURS 312.

    Credits: 2
  • NURS 314 - Mental Health Nursing

    Theoretical basis of safe nursing care for the enhancement of mental health, prevention of mental illness, and care of patients with mental health disorders. Focus on individuals, families ,and groups of a diverse population. Integration of critical thinking skills, evidence-based practice, legal aspects, and ethical responsibilities of the nurse as provider of care, designer/manager/coordinator of care, and member of a profession.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    CRQ: NURS 312.

    Credits: 3
  • NURS 315 - Adult Health Nursing I

    Application of knowledge and critical thinking skills necessary for safe, quality, holistic, patient-centered nursing care to a diverse adult population. Focus on selected medical/surgical conditions. Includes standards of practice and legal and ethical responsibilities of the nurse as provider of care, designer/manager/coordinator of care, and member of a profession.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    CRQ: NURS 312.

    Credits: 3
  • NURS 316 - Adult Health Nursing I

    Theoretical bases of processes used in the enhancement of the health of culturally diverse adults in barrier protection, nutrition, and elimination; metabolism and energy balance; and cognition and movement. Role of the professional nurse in the provision of culturally competent nursing care to adults.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: NURS 306, NURS 306A, NURS 309, NURS 310A, and NURS 310, with a grade of C or better, and FCNS 201. CRQ: NURS 301 and NURS 320.

    Credits: 3
  • NURS 317 - Adult Health Nursing II

    Continuation of NURS 316 with an emphasis on fluid and gas transport; elimination; and sensation and reproduction.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: NURS 311, NURS 316, NURS 320, NURS 340, with a grade of C or better. CRQ: NURS 330.

    Credits: 3
  • NURS 318 - Adult Health Nursing II

    Acquisition of nursing theory and critical thinking skills necessary for safe, quality, holistic, patient-centered nursing care to a diverse adult population. Focus on medical-surgical conditions. Includes standards of practice and legal and ethical responsibilities of the nurse as provider of care, designer/manager/coordinator of care, and member of a profession.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: NURS 312 and NURS 313 and NURS 314 and NURS 315 and NURS 323.

    Credits: 3
  • NURS 319 - Nursing Care of the Childbearing Family

    Acquisition of essential content and critical thinking skills necessary for safe, quality, and patient/family-centered nursing care during the reproductive experience. Applies the professional standards with legal and ethical responsibilities of the nurse as provider of care, designer/manager/coordinator of care, and member of a profession.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    CRQ: NURS 318.

    Credits: 3
  • NURS 320 - Clinical Development II

    Application of processes used in the enhancement of the health of culturally diverse individuals across the lifespan. Emphasis on the roles of the professional nurse as beginning care giver and communicator in a structured clinical setting. Individual transportation required. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: NURS 306, NURS 306A, NURS 309, NURS 310A, and NURS 310, with a grade of C or better. CRQ: NURS 316. Permit only.

    Credits: 2
  • NURS 321 - Parent-Child Health Nursing

    Theoretical bases of the processes associated with reproduction. Study of the interaction between health and development of individuals in the child-bearing family. Role of the professional nurse in the enhancement of the health of culturally diverse individuals and family systems.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: NURS 311, NURS 316, NURS 320, NURS 340, with a grade of C or better. CRQ: NURS 360.

    Credits: 3
  • NURS 322 - Child Health Nursing

    Study of the interaction between health and development of children and their family. Role of the professional nurse in the enhancement of the health of children and the culturally diverse family system.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: NURS 317, NURS 321, NURS 330, NURS 360, and NURS 436, with a grade of C or better. CRQ: NURS 410.

    Credits: 3
  • NURS 323 - Mental Health Nursing Clinical

    Application of the theoretical basis of safe, evidence-based, quality, holistic nursing care for the enhancement of mental health, prevention of mental illness, and the care of patients with mental health disorders. Focus on individuals, families, and groups of diverse populations. Integration of evidenced-based practice, legal aspects, and ethical responsibilities of the nurse as provider of care, designer/manager/coordinator of care, and member of a profession. Recognition of the nursing leadership role for the purpose of providing and improving patient care. Participation in collaborative relationships with members of the interdisciplinary team. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    CRQ: NURS 312.

    Credits: 2
  • NURS 330 - Clinical Development III

    Application of processes for the enhancement of the health of culturally diverse adults in structured clinical settings. Emphasis on the roles of the professional nurse as beginning teacher and research consumer. Individual transportation required. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: NURS 311, NURS 316, NURS 320, and NURS 340. CRQ: NURS 317. Permit only.

    Credits: 2
  • NURS 333 - Adult Health Nursing II Clinical

    Application of the theoretical basis of safe, evidence-based, quality, holistic, patient-centered nursing care for patients with various medical/surgical conditions. Focus on care that is developmentally and culturally appropriate for patients and their families. Emphasis on the nurse’s skill as caregiver, communicator, critical thinker, teacher, and collaborator in a structured clinical setting. Integration of legal and ethical responsibilities of the nurse as provider of care, designer/manager/coordinator of care, and member of a profession. Application of information management principles, techniques, and systems when providing collaborative nursing care. Recognition of the nursing leadership role for the purpose of providing and improving patient care. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    CRQ: NURS 318.

    Credits: 2
  • NURS 336 - Pharmacology

    Application of general principles of pharmacology as they relate to safe, quality, patient-centered and evidence-based nursing care of individuals. Focus on developmentally and culturally appropriate interventions. Emphasis on safety, critical thought, and quality improvement factors in the administration of medications.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    CRQ: NURS 318.

    Credits: 3
  • NURS 340 - Clinical Development IV

    Application of processes for the enhancement of the mental health of culturally diverse individuals, families, and groups in structured clinical settings. Continued emphasis on the roles of the professional nurse as beginning teacher and research consumer. Individual transportation required. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: NURS 306, NURS 306A, NURS 309, NURS 310A, NURS 310. CRQ: NURS 311. Permit only.

    Credits: 2
  • NURS 343 - Childbearing Family Clinical

    Application of knowledge and critical thinking skills necessary for safe, quality, patient/family-centered nursing care during the reproductive experience. Focus on care that is developmentally and culturally appropriate. Integration of standards of practice with legal and ethical responsibilities of the nurse as provider of care, designer/manager/coordinator of care and member of a profession. Recognizes the nursing leadership role for the purpose of providing and improving patient care. Applies information management principles, techniques, and systems when providing collaborative nursing care. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    CRQ: NURS 318.

    Credits: 2
  • NURS 346 - Concepts, Issues, and Interpersonal Strategies in Professional Nursing

    Characteristics and roles of the professional nurse based on historical, legal, and professional trends. Examination of social and political dimensions of professional practice. Development of therapeutic communication skills. Introduction to use of systems theory in the provision of culturally competent nursing care.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: R.N. status or consent of school.

    Credits: 3
  • NURS 347 - Concepts, Issues and Interpersonal Strategies in Profssional Nursing

    Evaluation of characteristics and roles of the professional nurse as provider of care, designer/manager/coordinator of care, and member of a profession, based on examination of historical, legal, theoretical, and professional trends. Social and political dimensions of professional practice and leadership. Refinement of critical thinking and therapeutic communication skills with patients and collaboration skills with members of the interprofessional team. Focus on the healthcare system’s impact on providing safe, evidence-based, quality, holistic, patient-centered nursing care.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: R.N. status.

    Credits: 3
  • NURS 349X - Critical Thinking for Health and Human Services Professionals

    Crosslisted as UHHS 350. Development of critical thinking skills as applied to health and human services professionals.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    CRQ: NURS 305 or R.N. status.

    Credits: 3
  • NURS 350 - Individual Study in Nursing

    Qualified students pursue an in-depth study into particular problems or areas of nursing. May be repeated to a maximum of 6 semester hours.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Written permission of school chair.

    Credits: 1-3
  • NURS 360 - Clinical Development V

    Integration of processes for the enhancement of the health of culturally-diverse individuals in the childbearing family in diverse clinical settings. Emphasis on the role of the professional nurse as caregiver and advocate. Individual transportation required. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: NURS 316, NURS 320, NURS 311, and NURS 340. CRQ: NURS 321. Permit only.

    Credits: 2
  • NURS 380 - Nursing Care of Women

    Overview of current concepts, issues, and research in the field of women’s health. Emphasizes nursing management of selected health needs of women in acute care and community settings.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: NURS 321 or consent of school.

    Credits: 3
  • NURS 400 - Care of Individuals with Acute Illnesses

    Provision of culturally competent care to acutely ill individuals and their families using systems theory.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: NURS 317, NURS 322, NURS 330, and NURS 340, with a grade of C or better. Permit only.

    Credits: 2
  • NURS 401 - Processes for Nursing Leadership

    Theoretical bases of the processes used to provide leadership in managing care for culturally diverse individuals, families, and groups across the lifespan in diverse settings. Roles of the culturally competent professional nurse in planning, organizing, directing, and controlling resources for health care.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: NURS 322, NURS 410, NURS 420, NURS 424, with a grade of C or better, or R.N. status. CRQ: NURS 430.

    Credits: 2
  • NURS 408 - Genetics and Human Genomics for Nurses

    Introduction to genetics and human genomics and their impact on prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases, illnesses and conditions. Focus on the nurse’s use of this knowledge in the provision of health care for individuals, families and communities.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    CRQ: NURS 422 or R.N. status.

    Credits: 1
  • NURS 410 - Clinical Development VI

    Integration of processes for the enhancement of the health of culturally diverse individuals in the child-rearing family in diverse clinical settings. Emphasis on the role of the professional nurse as caregiver and advocate. Individual transportation required. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: NURS 317, NURS 321, NURS 330, NURS 360, and NURS 436. CRQ: NURS 322. Permit only.

    Credits: 2
  • NURS 419 - Population-Focused Nursing

    Application of nursing theory, public health theory, and the critical thinking skills necessary for the enhancement of the health of families, populations and communities with developmentally and culturally appropriate strategies. Emphasis on collaboration with both the interdisciplinary team and diverse populations. Integration of public health nursing standards of practice with legal and ethical responsibilities of the nurse as provider of care, designer/manager/coordinator of care, and member of a profession.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    CRQ: NURS 422 or R.N. status.

    Credits: 3
  • NURS 420 - Clinical Development VII

    Integration of processes for the enhancement of the health of culturally diverse individuals, families, and aggregates or populations in community settings. Emphasis on the development of both collaborative and independent culturally competent practice. Individual transportation required. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: NURS 317, NURS 321, NURS 330, NURS 360, and NURS 436. CRQ: NURS 424. Permit only.

    Credits: 2
  • NURS 422 - Child Health Nursing

    Acquisition of nursing theory and critical thinking skills necessary for safe, child/family-centered nursing care that is developmentally and culturally appropriate. Includes the professional standards with legal and ethical responsibilities of the three roles of the professional nurse as provider of care, designer/manager/coordinator of care, and member of a profession when interacting with children and families.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: NURS 318 and NURS 319 and NURS 333 and NURS 336 and NURS 343.

    Credits: 3
  • NURS 424 - Community Health Nursing

    Theories and principles of community health nursing. Role of the professional nurse in the enhancement of the health of aggregates or populations. Emphasis on collaboration with the multidisciplinary team and diverse populations.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: NURS 317, NURS 321, NURS 330, NURS 360, and NURS 436 with a grade of C or better, or R.N. status. CRQ: NURS 420.

    Credits: 3
  • NURS 425 - Nursing Informatics

    Acquisition of nursing theory and critical thinking skills necessary for clinical application of information systems to improve patient outcomes and provide safe patient care. Consideration of ways in which nursing informatics influences and is influenced by fundamental concepts such as ethics, values, communication, and leadership in professional nursing practice.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    CRQ: NURS 422 or R.N. status.

    Credits: 1
  • NURS 429 - Seminar in Professional Nursing

    Synthesis of theories, principles, concepts, and processes relating to the enhancement of the health of culturally diverse individuals, families, groups, and communities from the perspective of a systems approach across the lifespan. Transition to the role of professional nurse.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: NURS 322, NURS 410, NURS 420, NURS 424, and NURS 436, with a grade of C or better or R.N. status.

    Credits: 3
  • NURS 430 - Clinical Development VIII

    Synthesis of processes for the enhancement of health across the lifespan. Emphasis on leadership in the management of care for culturally diverse individuals, families, and groups in a community- or hospital-based setting. Community-based placements focus on leadership roles such as program development, grant writing, administration, and/or case management. Hospital-based placements focus on direct patient care and leadership. Individual transportation required. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: NURS 322, NURS 410, NURS 420, and NURS 424. CRQ: NURS 401. Permit only.

    Credits: 4
  • NURS 431 - Transition to Professional Nursing

    Synthesis of theories, principles, concepts and processes relating to quality patient outcomes of individuals, families, groups and communities across the lifespan. Transition to role of the professional nurse as provider of care, designer/manager/coordinator of care and member of a profession. Integrates critical thinking skills within the nursing process. Focus on the leadership role for the purpose of providing and improving holistic collaborative nursing care. Available for prelicensure students only.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: NURS 408 and NURS 419 and NURS 422 and NURS 425 and NURS 433 and NURS 443.

    Credits: 3
  • NURS 432 - Processes for Nursing Leadership

    Application of the theoretical basis for the processes used in the nurse’s leadership role in a variety of healthcare settings for the purpose of providing and improving patient care that is developmentally and culturally appropriate. Application of critical thinking skills and evidence-based practice as they relate to the nature and functioning of the healthcare system and its impact on nursing practice. Evaluation of procedures used in the leadership role in a variety of healthcare settings.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    CRQ: NURS 431 or R.N. status.

    Credits: 3
  • NURS 433 - Child Health Nursing Clinical

    Application of knowledge and critical thinking skills necessary for safe, child/family-centered nursing care that is developmentally and culturally appropriate. Integration of standards of practice with legal and ethical responsibilities of the nurse as provider of care, designer/manager/coordinator of care and member of a profession. Individual transportation required. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    CRQ: NURS 422.

    Credits: 2
  • NURS 435 - Gerontological Nursing

    Examines current evidence-based practice related to the aging population and health-care. Theoretical basis for safe, evidence-based, patient-centered nursing care that is developmentally and culturally appropriate for the older adult. Integration of legal and ethical responsibilities of nurse as provider of care, designer/manager/coordinator of care, and member of a profession.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    CRQ: NURS 431 or R.N. status.

    Credits: 2
  • NURS 436 - Pharmacology

    General principles of pharmacology as they affect client systems and the role of the nurse in drug administration. Major drug categories addressed in terms of mechanism of action, therapeutic effects, side effects, and nursing implications.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: NURS 311, NURS 316, NURS 320, and NURS 340.

    Credits: 3
  • NURS 443 - Population-Focused Nursing Clinical

    Application of nursing theory, public health theory, and critical thinking skills necessary for the enhancement of the health of families, populations, and communities. Practice in diverse community settings, participating in developmentally and culturally appropriate care. Emphasis on both collaborative and independent practice using critical thinking skills. Integration of standards of practice with legal and ethical responsibilities of the nurse as provider of care, designer/manager/coordinator of care, and member of a profession. Participation in the leadership role for the enhancement of community health. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    CRQ: NURS 419; and NURS 422 or R.N. status.

    Credits: 2
  • NURS 453 - Capstone Clinical

    Synthesis of the theoretical basis for safe, evidenced-based, quality patient-centered nursing care for acutely ill patients and their families that is developmentally and culturally appropriate in a healthcare setting. Emphasis on the transition to practice as a professional nurse. Integration of legal and ethical responsibilities of the nurse as provider of care, designer/manager/coordinator of care, and member of a profession. Evaluates critical thinking and clinical reasoning skills when providing safe, evidence-based, quality nursing care. Participates in the leadership role for the purpose of providing and improving collaborative patient care. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    CRQ: NURS 432; and NURS 431 or R.N. status.

    Credits: 4
  • NURS 460 - Clinical Development: Leadership/Management in Aggregate-Focused Nursing Care

    Synthesis of processes for enhancement of health across the lifespan. Emphasis on leadership and management applied to health care organizations and the care of culturally diverse aggregates in a community setting.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: RN status and NURS 301, NURS 401, and NURS 424, or consent of school. Permit only.

    Credits: 4
  • NURS 463 - Practicum in Leadership and Population-Focused Nursing

    Synthesis of the process for enhancement of health across the lifespan. Emphasis on leadership and management applied to healthcare organizations and the care of culturally diverse aggregates in a community setting.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: NURS 302 or NURS 347; and NURS 419 and NURS 432 and R.N. status.

    Credits: 4
  • NURS 470 - Seminar in Nursing Specialties

    Explorations of solutions to problems and experimentation with new formats for communicating relevant data relating to the delivery of health care by nursing personnel. May be repeated to a maximum of 9 semester hours if topic changes.

    Credits: 1-3
  • NURS 480 - Special Topics in Nursing

    Exploration of topics of special interest in a particular area of nursing. May be repeated to a maximum of 9 semester hours if topic changes.

    Credits: 1-3
  • NURS 487 - Nursing, Ethics and the Law

    Legal and ethical aspects of professional issues and problems in the health fields relating to the nurse and society. Transition to the role of the baccalaureate nurse.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: R.N. status.

    Credits: 3
  • NURS 488 - Nursing Ethics and the Law

    Legal and ethical aspects of professional issues and problems in healthcare relating to the nurse and society. Integration of legal and ethical responsibilities of the nurse as provider of care, designer/manager/coordinator of care, and member of a profession.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: R.N. status.

    Credits: 3
  • NURS 495 - Nursing in International Health Systems

    Comparative analysis of the role and contribution of nursing in international health systems.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: NURS 424 or consent of school.

    Credits: 3
  • NURS 499 - Senior Project in Nursing

    Individual study in nursing for students seeking an Honors capstone experience. May be repeated to a maximum of 6 semester hours.

    Credits: 1-3

Music Education

  • MUED 150 - Introduction to Music Education/Field Experience in Public Schools

    Examination of current philosophies and practices in education and music education to provide students with early perspectives and direction. Directed, supervised observation in a variety of educational settings. Includes seminar and observation in public school classrooms to examine curriculum and methodology. Required of all students in the music education emphasis.

    Credits: 1
  • MUED 170 - Instrumental Techniques and Materials: Flute, Clarinet, and Saxophone

    Development of skills needed to play flute, clarinet, and saxophone. Organization and teaching of woodwind classes in the public schools.

    Credits: 1
  • MUED 171 - Instrumental Techniques and Materials: Brass

    Development of skills needed to play trumpet, French horn, trombone, baritone, and tuba. Organization and teaching of brass classes in the public schools.

    Credits: 1

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