Jan 24, 2025  
2015-2016 Undergraduate Catalog 

Academic Information

Northern Illinois University

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College of Business http://www.cob.niu.edu/

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Accountancy (ACCY)

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Finance (FINA)

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Management (MGMT)

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Marketing (MKTG)

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Operations Management and Information Systems (OMIS)

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College of Education http://www.cedu.niu.edu/

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Counseling, Adult and Higher Education (CAHA, CAHC, CAHE)

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Educational Technology, Research and Assessment (ETR, ETT)

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Kinesiology and Physical Education (KNDN, KNPE, LESM)

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Leadership, Educational Psychology and Foundations (EPFE, EPS, LEBM, LEEA, TLCI)

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Literacy and Elementary Education (LTIC, LTLA, LTRE, TLEE)

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Special and Early Education (SEEC, SESE, SEVI)

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College of Engineering and Engineering Technology Play Video

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Electrical Engineering (ELE) Play Video

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Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISYE) Play Video

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Mechanical Engineering (MEE) Play Video

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Technology (TECH) Play Video

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College of Health and Human Sciences http://www.chhs.niu.edu/

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Allied Health and Communicative Disorders (AHCD, AHLS, AHPT, AHRS, COMD)

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Family, Consumer, and Nutrition Sciences (FCNS)

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Military Science (MILS)

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Nursing and Health Studies (NURS, PHHE)

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College of Liberal Arts and Sciences http://www.clas.niu.edu/

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School of Public and Global Affairs

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Anthropology (ANTH)

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Biological Sciences (BIOS)

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Chemistry and Biochemistry (CHEM)

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Communication (COMS, JOUR)

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Computer Science (CSCI)

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Economics (ECON)

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English (ENGL)

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Environmental Studies (ENVS)

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Foreign Languages and Literatures (FL–)

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Geography (GEOG, MET)

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Geology and Environmental Geosciences (GEOL)

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History (HIST)

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Mathematical Sciences (MATH)

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The Center for Non-Governmental Organization Leadership and Development (NGOLD) (CLCE)

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Philosophy (PHIL)

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Physics (PHYS)

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Political Science (POLS)

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Psychology (PSYC)

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Public Administration

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Sociology (SOCI)

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College of Visual and Performing Arts http://www.vpa.niu.edu/

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Art and Design (ART, ART-)

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Music (MU–)

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Theatre and Dance (THEA, TH-D)

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Other Academic Units

Center for Black Studies http://www.cbs.niu.edu/

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Center for Burma Studies http://www.grad.niu.edu/burma/

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Center for Latino and Latin American Studies http://www.clas.niu.edu/latino/

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Center for Southeast Asian Studies http://www.niu.edu/cseas/

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College of Law http://law.niu.edu/

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Graduate School http://www.grad.niu.edu/

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International Affairs http://www3.niu.edu/depts/intl_prgms/intl.html

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Regional History Center http://www.niulib.niu.edu/reghist/index.htm

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University Libraries http://www.ulib.niu.edu/

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University Press http://www.niupress.niu.edu/niupress/

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  Northern Illinois University > Departments

Inter-College Interdisciplinary Programs

  Northern Illinois University > Programs