Interim Dean: Malcolm L. Morris
Interim Associate Dean: Guadalupe T. Luna
Associate Dean for Student Services: Leonard B. Mandell
The College of Law offers a three-year, full-time day program and limited enrollment, part-time study leading to the J.D. degree. The College of Law is fully accredited by the American Bar Association and is a member of the Association of American Law Schools. Student enrollment is approximately 300.
The College of Law is housed in Swen Parson Hall, an impressive Gothic structure. The facilities as well as the student/faculty ratio promote a community atmosphere in which law faculty and students work and study in close proximity. In addition to academics, law students are involved with a wide variety of scholarly activities such as Law Review, several moot court teams, and a foreign study program in France.
Application for admission is made through the College of Law, not through the Graduate School. Information regarding degree programs, academic requirements, application procedures, and tuition and fees is available in the College of Law Bulletin, which may be obtained from the College of Law Office of Admission and Financial Aid, Room 151, at (800) 892-3050, or at