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Chair: Lara Crowley
Graduate Faculty
Melissa M. Adams-Campbell, associate professor, Ph.D., Indiana University
Gülsat Aygen, Distinguished Teaching Professor, Ph.D., Harvard University
William Baker, Distinguished Research Professor, Board of Trustees Professor, professor emeritus, Ph.D., University of London
Scott Balcerzak, associate professor, Ph.D., University of Florida
Alexandra G. Bennett, professor, Ph.D., Brandeis University
Betty J. Birner, professor, Ph.D., Northwestern University
Joseph W. Bonomo, professor, Ph.D., Ohio University
Nicole Clifton, professor, Ph.D., Cornell University
Lara Crowley, associate professor, Ph.D., University of Maryland, chair
Timothy Crowley, associate professor, Ph.D., University of Maryland
Michael J. Day, professor, Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley
Deborah C. De Rosa, associate professor, Ph.D., University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Susan E. Deskis, professor emeritus, Ph.D., Harvard University
Jeffrey Einboden, Presidential Research, Scholarship, and Artistry professor, Ph.D., University of Cambridge
Ibis Gómez-Vega, associate professor, Ph.D., University of Houston
David J. Gorman, associate professor, Ph.D., Columbia University
Ryan Hibbett, assistant professor, Ph.D., Southern Illinois University
Elizabeth A. Kahn, associate professor, Ph.D., University of Chicago
John V. Knapp, professor emeritus, Ph.D., University of Illinois, Ph.D., University of Wisconsin
Amy K. Levin, professor emeritus, Ph.D., City University of New York
Doris M. Macdonald, associate professor emeritus, Ph.D., Louisiana State University
Brian T. May, professor, Ph.D., University of Virginia
Thomas McCann, professor, Ph.D., University of Chicago
Amy Newman, Distinguished Research Professor, Board of Trustees Professor, Ph.D., Ohio University
Bradley T. Peters, professor, Ph.D., University of Iowa, interim chair
Kathleen Renk, professor emeritus, Ph.D., University of Iowa
Jessica Reyman, professor, Ph.D., University of Minnesota
Timothy Ryan, professor, Ph.D., University of Nevada, Reno
Diana L. Swanson, professor emeritus, Ph.D., University of Minnesota
Mark W. Van Wienen, professor, Ph.D., University of Illinois
The Department of English offers graduate programs leading to degrees at both the master’s and doctoral levels. The scores on the GRE General Test are required as admission credentials. Well prepared students with baccalaureate degrees may begin work immediately to fulfill the requirements for the doctorate. ENGL 601, Bibliography and Methods of Research, ENGL 608, Research Methods in Linguistics, or ENGL 625, Methods of Research in Professional Writing, is required of all graduate students in English, and should be taken early in a student’s program of studies. No more than 15 semester hours of transfer course work may be applied toward a graduate degree in English. No more than 15 semester hours of combined transfer course work and credit earned as a student-at-large may be applied toward a graduate degree in English without the consent of the director of graduate studies and the chair of the department.
Students are assigned a departmental adviser upon admission to a degree program and must consult their adviser before or during the first semester of course work to select courses and design a program of study to be filed with the Graduate School. After doctoral students decide on fields of study, they must select an adviser from one of their fields who must be approved by the department.
Certificates of Graduate Study
The Department of English offers two certificates of graduate study. Courses used to satisfy the requirements of the certificate may also be applied toward a graduate degree in English.
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