Students must take 3 semester hours in this course.
Electives by advisement (2)
Special Requirements
An audition and an interview are required for the student’s preliminary admission to the BFA Acting Program. For the audition, the student will prepare two contrasting monologues not to exceed three minutes total. If the student desires to sing, the student can prepare 16 bars unaccompanied. After the audition, the student should expect to be interviewed and possibly coached on their monologues. This process should take 15-25-minutes. The student needs to bring an 8x10 headshot and an industry standard acting resume to the audition.
The BFA Acting Program curriculum is concentrated, specific, and requires eight semesters for completion. Transfer students begin the BFA Acting Program as first year students. These students should meet with the School’s Undergraduate Advisor.
All students are required, in consultation with the Acting faculty, to complete a professional internship in the performing arts or an approved independent study project.
Retention in the BFA Acting Program is based on the student’s continuing satisfactory progress. This determination will be made by the Acting faculty in consultation with other faculty members. Criteria for satisfactory continuance is based on the following:
Maintaining a “C” (2.00 GPA) average or higher in all performance classes
Maintaining professional conduct (as defined in the BFA Acting Handbook) in the classroom and rehearsal space, during performance, in all shops, and at any School of Theatre and Dance event
Maintaining the minimum accepted academic standing in the University (2.00 GPA or above)
Any BFA acting student with a letter grade of D or lower in a theatre course may be placed on probation within the program. Probation may include casting restriction. The student will be given guidelines and a specific timeline to improve standing and be removed from probation. At the conclusion of the probationary period, the BFA Performance Faculty will evaluate the student’s academic performance and determine whether the student remains in the degree program.
Total Hours for Emphasis 1, Acting: 80
General Education Requirements (18-30)
In addition to completing the above major requirements students must complete the remaining general education requirements. If major requirements fulfill any of the general education requirements, they are listed below and subtracted from the general education credit requirements.
The required minimum of 21 semester hours in Knowledge Domain studies cannot include more than two courses in any one department. (A course with an affiliated laboratory course shall be counted as a single course.)
One additional 3-credit course selected from any Knowledge Domain.
Graduation Requirements (0-3)
In addition to completing the above major requirements students must complete the remaining graduation requirements. If major requirements fulfill any of the graduation requirements, they are listed below and subtracted from the graduation credit requirements.
Human Diversity Requirement (0-3)
One course from the approved Human Diversity course list; may be fulfilled by extracurricular activities. Human Diversity Course List
Writing Infused Requirements (0)
THEA 370 and THEA 371 emphasis requirements, fulfill the Writing Infused requirements for graduation.
Total Hours For General Education and Graduation Requirements: 18-33
Total Hours for Electives: 7-22
Total Hours for a BFA Degree in Theatre Arts, Emphasis 1, Acting: 120
Electives in 300- and 400-level theatre courses (6)
Special Requirements
An interview is required for preliminary admission to the B.F.A. emphasis in design and technology. Portfolio reviews are required for retention in the design and technology emphasis. Reviews will be held each spring semester to monitor the progress of the student. Formal acceptance to the B.F.A. emphasis in design and technology must be completed before the end of the second semester of the sophomore year.
The school also reserves the right to require a portfolio examination if there is doubt about acceptance of transfer credits (in lieu of particular courses in the major area).
Total Hours for Emphasis 2, Design and Technology: 81
General Education Requirements (18-30)
In addition to completing the above major requirements students must complete the remaining general education requirements. If major requirements fulfill any of the general education requirements, they are listed below and subtracted from the general education credit requirements.
The required minimum of 21 semester hours in Knowledge Domain studies cannot include more than two courses in any one department. (A course with an affiliated laboratory course shall be counted as a single course.)
One additional 3-credit course selected from any Knowledge Domain.
Graduation Requirements (0-3)
In addition to completing the above major requirements students must complete the remaining graduation requirements. If major requirements fulfill any of the graduation requirements, they are listed below and subtracted from the graduation credit requirements.
Human Diversity Requirement (0-3)
One course from the approved Human Diversity course list; may be fulfilled by extracurricular activities. Human Diversity Course List
Writing Infused Requirements (0)
THEA 370 and THEA 371 emphasis requirements, fulfill the Writing Infused requirements for graduation.
Total Hours for General Education and Graduation Requirements: 18-33
Total Hours for Electives: 6-21
Total Hours for a BFA Dgree in Theatre Arts, Emphasis 2: Design and Technology: (120)