Jan 25, 2025  
2008-2009 Undergraduate Catalog 

Financial Aid and Scholarships

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Student Financial Aid Office


The Student Financial Aid Office (SFAO) is responsible for administering and coordinating aid funds from federal, state, private, and university sources. The primary goal of the SFAO is to provide financial assistance to applicants who, without such aid, would be unable to attend NIU. In 2006-07, over 72 percent of the NIU students who were half time or more received some form of financial aid, totaling approximately $208.2 million.

A variety of financial aid is available to qualified students attending NIU. Questions concerning financial assistance should be directed to this office or online at www.fa.niu.edu.

During the fall and spring semesters when school is in session, the SFAO service windows are open from 8:30 to 4 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday and 9:00-4 p.m. on Thursday. For contact information call 815-753-1395 or visit http://www.fa.niu.edu/contact.shtml.

Eligibility Requirements and General Application Procedures

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An eligible applicant must

be a citizen or permanent resident of the United States.
be enrolled at least half time (6 or more semester hours at NIU) in a degree-seeking program. (Some programs are available to students carrying fewer than 6 semester hours.)
not be in default on a Federal Perkins Loan, Federal Stafford Loan, Federal Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students, or Federal Supplemental Loan for Students.
not owe a repayment to a grant program.
make satisfactory academic progress toward a degree as defined by NIU.
be aware that financial aid will not cover audit classes.
agree to use any student financial aid received solely for educational expenses.

To apply for any type of financial aid, students must complete and submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) listing NIU’s school code, 001737. You may choose any of these three methods to file a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA):

Apply online at www.FAFSA.ed.gov (Recommended) or
Complete a PDF FAFSA at http://www.federalstudentaid.ed.gov/fafsa/fafsa_options.html#pdfFafsa (Note: PDF FAFSAs must be mailed for processing) or
Request a paper FAFSA by calling the Federal Student Aid Information Center at 1-800-4-FED-AID (1-800-433-3243) or 1-319-337-5665. If you are hearing impaired, please contact the TTY line at 1-800-730-8913.

Priority consideration will be given to applicants whose FAFSAs are complete by March 1 prior to the fall semester in which the applicant will attend NIU. All students will be required to meet university payment deadline dates regardless of the status of their financial aid.

Students who think they have special circumstances which could qualify them as being independent are advised to speak to a financial aid counselor in the Student Financial Aid Office or visit the website at http://www.fa.niu.edu/requirements/special_conditions.shtml.

Applicants for financial aid from NIU are considered for all programs for which they are eligible. Several types of aid may be combined or “packaged” to meet the student’s computed financial need. Need is determined by subtracting the expected family contribution from the student’s total educational expense. The parents’ contribution is calculated on the basis of their income and assets as well as a consideration of family size, number of family members currently in college, retirement allowances, tax paid, and other allowable factors. The student is also expected to make a calculated contribution toward college expenses from income, savings, and other assets. A federal need analysis, called Federal Methodology, approved by the U.S. Congress, is used to evaluate a family’s financial circumstances. A student who meets the independent student definition is evaluated on the basis of his or her (and spouse’s, if applicable) financial circumstances.

Students must reapply for financial aid each academic year. The Student Financial Aid Office (SFAO) sends reminders each year to currently enrolled NIU students to apply for financial aid, but ultimately it is the student’s responsibility to contact the SFAO or visit their website regarding application procedures.

Depending on the availability of funds, some types of federal, state, and institutional aid may be available for students attending NIU’s summer session. Only students who have submitted the FAFSA for the prior academic year are eligible for evaluation for financial aid for the summer session. Students interested in applying for summer session aid should contact the SFAO after March 15 to obtain application information and more specific guidelines.

Students who receive financial assistance and withdraw from the university, or cease to participate in a semester without formally withdrawing from the university, may be required to repay a portion of their award(s) from any university refunds which they may have been eligible to receive. The exact amount to be repaid to financial aid accounts will be determined by the amount of aid received, the educational costs incurred, and the length of time attended during the semester. For more information regarding withdrawal and how it can affect your financial aid visit http://www.fa.niu.edu/requirements/withdrawal.shtml.

Satisfactory Academic Progress for Undergraduates/Postbaccalaureates

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In accordance with the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended by Congress, Northern Illinois University has established a satisfactory academic progress policy for undergraduates and postbaccalaureates.

The current policy became effective May 2007.  Federal and state financial aid programs covered by this policy are the following:  Federal Pell Grant, Federal Academic Competitiveness Grant (ACG), Federal SMART Grant,  Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG), Federal Perkins Loan, Federal Work Study (FWS), Federal Stafford Loan Program (Subsidized and Unsubsidized), NIU Grant, and other sources such as the Illinois Monetary Award Program (MAP), Illinois MAP PLUS, the Federal Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students (PLUS), and certain alternative loans.

Students will be considered to be making satisfactory academic progress if they meet all of the following requirements. Failure to comply with any one may result in a loss of financial aid eligibility.

Rate of Completion Requirement

A student must successfully complete at least 67 percent of the credit hours attempted. Earned A, B, C, D, and S grades are considered completed semester hours of credit. NIU withdrawals, incompletes, audits, and grades of F and U are not considered completed semester hours of credit. NIU withdrawals, incompletes, and courses repeated will be counted in the calculation of hours attempted. Audits are not included in the total number of semester hours attempted.

Grade Point Average Requirement

A student must maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.00 or higher. Failure to maintain the required GPA also has implications regarding academic status. For additional information on GPA and academic status, see “Academic Probation and Dismissal.”

Maximum Time Frame Requirement

A student may receive financial aid until she or he has attempted 180 semester hours of credit from NIU and/or transfer schools. This policy will consider all terms of enrollment whether or not financial aid was received. Earned A, B, C, D, and S grades are considered completed semester hours of credit. NIU withdrawals, incompletes, audits, and grades of F and U are not considered completed semester hours of credit. NIU withdrawals, incompletes, and courses repeated will be counted in the calculation of hours attempted. Audits are not included in the total number of semester hours attempted. Students who fall into this category are immediately ineligible for financial aid. Such students may formally appeal their ineligibility for financial aid by following the guidelines under the “Appeal Procedures” section of this policy.


The satisfactory academic progress policy is in effect for each academic year of a student’s enrollment. Satisfactory academic progress is evaluated after the completion of each spring semester. Students who have an unsuccessful term(s) will receive notification of their current status. Evaluations are based on courses completed at NIU for the “Rate of Completion” and “Grade Point Average” requirements. NIU and transfer credits are used in the calculation of “Maximum Time Frame Requirement.”

Failure to meet the “Rate of Completion Requirement” or “Grade Point Average Requirement” sections of this policy will result in the following.

Students not making satisfactory academic progress at the end of the spring semester will be placed on financial aid warning and sent an e-mail notifying them of their financial aid warning status. Students on financial aid warning may continue to receive financial aid for the next term of enrollment.

If the deficiency is not remedied by the end of the next spring semester, the student becomes ineligible for financial aid. The student’s awards are placed on hold, and he or she will receive a written notification of lack of progress.

Students may formally appeal their ineligibility for financial aid. If the appeal is approved, the student will then be awarded financial aid for another term of enrollment. If an appeal is approved, the student’s SAP status will be monitored every term of enrollment.

Appeal Procedures

Appeals must be submitted in writing to the Student Financial Aid Office and must include a written review from the dean of the student’s major college or the dean’s designee. Federal regulations restrict those circumstances that may enable an appeal to be successful. The Student Financial Aid Office considers these regulations, the student’s written appeal, and the dean’s evaluation when making a final determination.

Federal/State Assistance

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Academic Competitiveness Grant (ACG). * This is a federally funded grant that will provide up to $750 for the first year of undergraduate study and up to $1300 for the second year of undergraduate study to full-time students who are U.S. citizens, eligible for a Pell Grant and who have met high school program requirements. For more information on the requirements for this program go to http://studentaid.ed.gov/PORTALSWebApp/students/english/NewPrograms.jsp.

Federal Pell Grant. * This grant helps first-time undergraduates pay for their education after high school. Eligibility is determined from information reported on the FAFSA.

Federal Direct Perkins Loan. * This is a low-interest loan for first-time undergraduates attending full time. The amount a student may receive depends on financial need, amount of other aid received, and the availability of funds at NIU.

Federal Direct PLUS * (Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students). Applications are available from a variety of lenders.

Federal Direct Stafford Loan. * This is a fixed interest loan made to both undergraduate and graduate students attending school at least half time. Students ineligible for (or ineligible for the full amount of) Subsidized Federal Direct Stafford Loan have an option to borrow an Unsubsidized Federal Direct Stafford Loan. Subsidized Federal Direct Stafford Loans are based on financial need, and the federal government pays the interest during in-school and deferment periods. Unsubsidized Federal Direct Stafford Loans are not based on financial need, and the student is responsible for paying the interest from the date the funds are disbursed.

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant. * This grant is for first-time undergraduates attending full time. The amount awarded to recipients depends on financial need, the amount of other aid received, and the availability of funds at NIU.

National Science and Mathematics Access to Retain Talent Grant (SMART Grant). * This is a federal program that will provide up to $4000 for each of the third and fourth years of undergraduate study to full-time students with specified majors who are U.S. citizens and eligible for a Pell Grant. For more information on this program go to http://studentaid.ed.gov/PORTALSWebApp/students/english/NewPrograms.jsp.

Veterans Assistance. The Veterans Assistance Office provides a liaison between the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and student veterans and the dependents of disabled and deceased veterans regarding their educational benefits. The office assists veterans, their widows or widowers, and their minor dependents in the processing of their applications and certification of their enrollment. Assistance is also provided when difficulties arise concerning receipt of the benefits for which students are eligible. Applications are also available for the Illinois Veterans’ Grant, the Illinois National Guard Grant, and the Illinois MIA/POW Scholarship.

Incoming veterans are advised to contact the Veterans Assistance Office at least 45 days prior to the start of the semester to complete paperwork to receive their benefits. Veterans receiving benefits must complete an NIU Enrollment Certification Request Form each semester and notify the Veterans Assistance Office of all changes in enrollment. The NIU Enrollment Certification Form can be found on-line at http://www.fa.niu.edu/veterans/federal_benefits.shtml. Inquiries concerning educational benefits for veterans and their dependents may be directed to the Veterans Assistance Office, Northern Illinois University, 245 Swen Parson Hall, DeKalb, Illinois 60115, (815) 753-0691 or online at http://www.fa.niu.edu/veterans_assistance.shtml. Office hours are 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m., Monday through Friday.


General Assembly Scholarship. This scholarship covers tuition and activity fee charges and is usually awarded one year at a time. A competitive examination may be given to determine eligibility. The student must be a resident of the district from which he or she hopes to obtain the scholarship. Interested students should contact their state representative or senator.

Illinois Department of Human Services, Department of Rehabilitation Services. This office provides rehabilitation services to individuals with a significant disability to enable them to engage in an occupation leading to competitive employment. These services may include financial assistance for all or part of the tuition and fees and/or the student’s maintenance costs while they are in attendance at an accredited postsecondary institution. For detailed information and application assistance, write to the Illinois Department of Human Services, Department of Rehabilitation Services, 100 S. Grand Avenue E, Springfield, IL 62762, or visit their website at http://www.dhs.state.il.us/ors/.

Illinois National Guard Grant. Any enlisted person who is actively serving in the Army, Air National Guard, or Illinois Naval Militia may qualify for financial assistance benefits. Students should contact their military unit and the SFAO for further information.

Illinois State Monetary Award Program. * This program is available from the state of Illinois for Illinois residents who are first-time undergraduates. Awards are made based on information reported on the FAFSA. The maximum award covers tuition and mandatory fees.

Illinois Veteran Grant. A veteran who was a resident of Illinois both before and after one year or more of active duty, and received other than a dishonorable discharge may qualify for the Illinois Veteran Grant.

Merit Recognition Scholarship. These scholarships are available to applicants in the top five percent of each Illinois high school graduating class. An award of up to $1,000 is given to students nominated by their high school counselor. Recipients must enroll for at least 6 semester hours for two terms each academic year, plus receive a 2.50 GPA, to qualify for the one year non-renewable award.

State Special Education Scholarships. These scholarships are available to undergraduate and graduate students seeking initial teacher certification in any area of special education. The scholarship is valid for not more than four years of attendance within a six-year period and carries an obligation to teach in Illinois two of five years following graduation. For more information, interested persons should contact ISAC at www.collegezone.com.

Also see “Scholarships and Academic Awards” on the following pages.

Private/External Scholarships

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Private scholarships are awards provided by donors outside the university such as civic, fraternal, professional, education, and religious groups/organizations, private foundations, corporations, and employers of parents. The Student Financial Aid Office scholarship adviser, high school counselors, library reference books, and the Internet are good reference sources for assistance in locating private scholarships. Questions regarding the processing of private/external scholarship funds should be referred to the Student Financial Aid Office scholarship adviser. The Student Financial Aid Office administers the disbursement to students of scholarship funds provided by private/external donors.

Also see “Scholarships and Academic Awards” to learn about NIU awarded scholarships.

Student Employment*

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A variety of part-time employment opportunities exist under the regular student employment and Federal Work-Study programs are available to NIU students. Jobs are available through the residence halls, the University Libraries, Holmes Student Center, and university departments. For job listings, students should visit www.hr.niu.edu.

The 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act mandates that any person employed by Northern Illinois University after November 6, 1986, must be either a U.S. citizen or possess current employment authorization from the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service. Student employees must be prepared to present original documentation to the Student Employment Office prior to the start of their employment contract. For more information, contact the Student Employment Office (815-753-1394).

Tuition Waivers for Senior Citizens

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Anyone 65 years of age or older with an annual income under $22,218 if single, or $29,480 if married, is eligible to take credit courses, tuition free. The student must pay for all general university fees and any course-related fees. Tuition-paying students enrolled must constitute the minimum number of required students for the particular class, except for credit courses specifically designed for senior citizens. Those interested should contact the Student Financial Aid Office at (815) 753-1395.

Scholarships and Academic Awards

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College of Business

Undergraduate Studies in Business

Ruth G. Hart Memorial Scholarship
Herb Eldean Endowed Fund
CNA/Azel Carter Memorial Scholarship Fund
David & Linda Nelson Endowed Business Scholarship
NIU Executive Club Endowed Scholarship
Randall N. Beck Memorial Scholarship
Dennis and Stacey Barsema Endowed Scholarship in Business
David & Diane Graf College of Business Rockford Endowed Scholarship
Horvath Family Fund
Donald R. Larson Endowed Scholarship
College of Business Scholarship
Nick and Kim Calamos Student Scholarship
Gaylen and Joanne Matthew Larson Scholarship

Department of Accountancy **

Accountancy Alumni
Accountancy Faculty Undergraduate Scholarship
Accountancy Leadership Advisory Council Service Award
Arthur J. Krupp Scholarship
Baxter Healthcare Corporation
BDO Seidman LLP
Ben Peters Memorial
Beta Alpha Psi
Brian Deets Memorial Endowment in Accountancy
Burge Family
Caterpillar Scholarship
Clifton Gunderson LLP Scholarship
Crowe Chizek & Co. LLP Scholarship
Deloitte LLP Scholarship
Desai Family Foundation
Donald & Donna Kieso Scholarship
Ernst & Young LLP Scholarship
Federation of Schools Accountancy Award
Financial Executives Institute–Fox Rock Chapter Scholarship
Grant Thornton LLP Scholarship
Hartmarx Corporation Scholarship
HSBC Scholarship
Huron Consulting Group
IMA – Rockford Chapter Scholarship
Institute of Internal Auditors - Chicago Chapter
James and Kathy Hendricks Scholarship
John and Jackie Simon
John Shigley and Winifred Shigley
KPMG LLP Scholarship
Lindgren, Callihan, Van Osdol & Co., Ltd.
Matthew and Amy Sapp
McGladrey & Pullen, LLP
Michael and Patricia Stradon Scholarship
Miller Cooper & Co. Ltd. Scholarship
National Association of Black Accountants Service Award
Office Max
Patrick R. Delaney Endowed Accountancy Scholarship
Plante & Morgan PPLC Scholarship
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Scholarship
Reznick Group Scholarship
Ryan & Co. Scholarship
Sikich LLP Scholarship
SpearMC Management Scholarship
Student Accountancy Society Service Award
The LaSalle Network
True Partners Consulting, LLC
William and Dian Taylor
Wolf & Company LLP Scholarship

Department of Finance

Financial Executive Institute–Fox Rock Chapter
National Bank & Trust of Sycamore
Clifford Danielson Scholarship
Financial Executives Institute of Chicago (FEI)
William Wilbur Endowed Scholarship
CFA Scholars Program
Thomas Mann Endowed Scholarship
Dennis Dean Endowed Scholarship

Department of Management

Gladys M. Bahr Memorial Fund
International Business Seminars Scholarship
James and Margie Walsh Scholarship
James Hatch Scholarship
Kevin Casebolt Scholarship
Management Alumni Scholarship
Management Department Achievement Award
Mike O’Connor Scholarship
Peter and Luann Walton Scholarship

Department of Marketing

Dr. A.H. (Cary) Kizilbash Memorial Award
Michael T. McSweeney Direct Marketing Student Award
Project Leadership Associates Marketing Scholarship
Walgreens Scholarship
Marketing Achievement Award
Marketing Scholar Award
OTA/Off the Record Research Award
Outstanding Future Alumni Award Given by Alumnus Jim Planey
Outstanding Selling Award
Aspiring Entrepreneur Award
Careerbuilder.com Scholarship
Philip G. Cohen Memorial Award
Wesley J. Welch Memorial Award
Krishna K. and Helmata Pant Scholarship for Global Education
Millward Brown Scholarship
Forest Financial Group, Inc. Sales Award
Thomas Gialamas Outstanding Marketing Student Award
Marketing Honor Society Award
Charles Cullinane International Marketing Award
Enterprise Rent-A-Car Sales Award
Axiom Corp. Interactive Marketing Award
Experian Outstanding Direct Marketing Student Award
John and Doris Ludes Scholar-Mentor Program in Marketing

Department of Operations Management and Information Systems

Academic Achievement Award
Allstate Scholarships
APICS Scholarship
Caterpillar Scholarship
Kimball Hill Scholarship
Kumar Scholarship Award for Outstanding Achievement
Matthew L. Johnson Scholarships
Marian Elizabeth Millington Scholarship
OM&IS Alumni Scholarship
OM&IS Faculty Undergraduate Scholarship
Outstanding Operations Student Scholarship in Honor of Thomas Galvin
Outstanding Undergraduate Student Award

College of Education

John H. Johansen Scholarship in Education
Jessie Griffith Memorial Scholarship
Rista Simich Memorial Education Fund
Orville Jones Memorial International Scholarship
Maureen McLaughlin Deveraux Scholarship Fund
Raymond M. Haas and Harriet Cords Harrington Haas Scholarship Fund
Thomas R. and Shirley Klein Scott Scholarship Fund
Eunice B. Schwemm Scholarship Fund
Julia Calliss Morris Scholarship
Penelope (Penny Fike) Cameron College of Education Scholarship Fund
Teacher Education Scholarship
Dr. Ernest E. Hanson Memorial Scholarship
Earl and Margaret Hoffman Endowed Scholarship in Elementary Education
Circle of Gold – Classes of 1949, 1950, 1951 Scholarship
Norman S. and Marion D. Gilbert Endowed Scholarship in Education
Laurence A. Mack Memorial Scholarship Fund
Martin H. & Verna Conklin Bartels Memorial Scholarship Fund in Education
Dorothy A. (neé Studnicka) and Glenn E. Erickson Scholarship Fund
Leslie A. Holmes Memorial Fund – Endowed
Horvath Family Fund
Iris Adam Memorial Endowment Fund
Nancy M. Vedral Scholarship

Department of Kinesiology and Physical Education

Miriam Anderson Scholarship
Lela Trager Scholarship
Elizabeth A. Patterson Scholarship
Margaret May Duncan Scholarship
Physical Education Scholarship
Lou Jean Moyer Scholarship
Al Kranz Student Athletic Trainer Scholarship
Judith A. Bischoff Scholarship
Dance Education Scholarship
Linda Kay Barnes Scholarship
Mildred Olson Dance Education Scholarship

Department of Teaching and Learning

Lawrence B. Hapeman Scholarship
A. Kirby and Helene Tink Scholarship
James & Moke Chee Wolter Scholarship

Office of Recruitment Services

Golden Apple Scholars Tuition Scholarship
Golden Apple Scholars Pathway Scholars
Project Prime Award
Project Prime Scholarship
Mary F. English Technology Award

College of Engineering and Engineering Technology

Anthony L. Manne Endowed Scholarship in Engineering Technology
AOC Defensive Electronics Association Scholarship
Arthur D. and Florence S. Graffam Engineering Technology Scholarship
Carter-Rodriguez Endowed Scholarship in Engineering
Caterpillar Excellence Scholarship
Dean’s Diversity Scholarship for Freshmen and Transfers
“Doc” and Betty Newell Scholarship
Engineering and Technology Alumni Society Endowed Scholarship
Energy Systems Group Scholarship Award in Engineering
Leadership Tuition Program
Max Zar Scholarship in Engineering
Mullick Family Scholarship in Engineering
Romualdas and Nijole Kasuba Scholarship
S. N. Shure Brothers Electrical Engineering Scholarship

Department of Electrical Engineering

OMRON Fdn. Electronic Engineering Scholarship

Department of Technology

Chuck Carroll Scholarship

College of Health and Human Sciences

Izzo-Inge Family Award for Students with Disabilities

School of Allied Health and Communicative Disorders

Allied Health Professions Scholarships
Cletus G. Fisher Award
Joan Good Erickson Undergraduate Clinical Interest Award

School of Family, Consumer, and Nutrition Sciences

Kappa Omicron Nu Scholarship
Celine Neptune Scholarship
Fashion Industries Organization Scholarship
Georgiana W. Sie Memorial Fund
Helen Gum Westlake and Donald G. Westlake Scholarship for Family Life Studies
Early Childhood Studies Student Teaching Scholarship
Hyatt International / Illinois Restaurant Association Scholarship
Marriott International / Illinois Restaurant Association Scholarship
Hollywood Casino Scholarship

Department of Military Science

Ruth Ashelford Pollock Scholarship
Illinois State Army ROTC Tuition Waiver
Illinois State Army ROTC Housing Waiver
Army 2yr/3yr/4yr Federal ROTC Scholarship
Army ROTC Nursing Scholarship

School of Nursing

Annette Lefkowitz Fund for Nursing Research
Dr. Irving & Roseanne Krcek Frank Scholarship in Nursing
Marian Frerichs Nursing Scholarship Fund
Jane Richards Scholarship Fund
Harold W. Finney and Janet P. Finney Medical Memorial Scholarship Fund
Gisela Wenner Nursing Scholarship
Ruth Hall Nursing Endowed Scholarship
Leslie A. Holmes Scholarship
Frank Nursing Student Scholarship
Sarah Fuller Memorial Scholarship
Leslie A. Holmes Memorial Fund - Endowed
Phyllis L. Ross Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Margaret Christiano Endowed Scholarship

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Dr. Frederick L. Kitterle Memorial Scholarship Fund
Dr. Frederick L. Kitterle Memorial Scholarship Fund for the Undergraduate Research Apprenticeship Program
Jerrold H. Zar Scholarship in Science Education

Department of Biological Sciences

Harvey A. Feyerherm Award
Dr. August M. Gorenz Scholarship
David R. Layman Scholarship Fund
Amanda Mangold Scholarship
Charles E. Montgomery Award
Jerrold H. Zar Scholarship Award
Alumni Scholarship

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

Chemistry Alumni Undergraduate Scholarship Fund
NIU Chemistry Club Ed Hyland Award
Rosalie Reynolds Memorial Scholarship in Chemistry
Van Acker-Duminy-Kovarik Scholarship Fund

Department of Communication

Albert Walker Award
Donald R. Grubb Scholarship Fund
John Clogston Memorial Scholarship
Scripps League Scholarship
Public Relations Student Society (PRSSA) of America Award Fund
Illinois Journalist of the Year Student Scholarship
Irvan J. Kummerfeldt Scholarship for Print or Broadcast News
Ann Nelson Nahas Scholarship
NIU Media Award
Northern Illinois Newspaper Association Scholarship for Print & Photojournalism
Hallie Hamilton Scholarship for Photojournalism
Granville and Eleanor Price Scholarship Fund for Print News
Van Sells Endowment in Communication
Forensics Tuition Scholarship
Margaret Louise Wood Rhetoric Scholarship
Kenneth Smith Memorial Award
Jennifer Ettema Scholarship

Department of Computer Science

Horvath Family Fund
Evelyn Nelson Scholarship
Elizabeth J. Schwantes Undergraduate Scholars Fund

Department of Economics

Skeels Scholarship in Economics

Department of English

Jeannie A. Hainds English Endowment
Lynne Waldeland Scholarship in English
Rosalie Hewitt Scholarship Fund in English
Charles W. Hagelman Jr. Scholarship Fund
David and Linda Nelson Endowed English Scholarship
Richard H. Howland Scholarship Fund
Russell & Jeanne Durning Family Fund–Endowed
S. Orville and Adra Baker English Scholarship
John C. and Judith M. Gurley Endowed English Scholarship
Maude Uhland Award
Queen Victoria Hardison Award
Mae Thomas Award
Robert T. Self Award in Literature and Film
Orville Baker Essay Award
Jan Kiergaard Award

Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures

Joseph Suhadolc Memorial Scholarship Fund
Levin, Jachman, Greenberg, and Wagman Overseas Scholarship Fund
Lillian Pauleen Cobb Endowment Fund

Department of Geography

Richard E. Dahlberg Scholarship Fund
Elizabeth J. Schwantes Undergraduate Scholars Fund
Jack Villmow Junior Meteorology Award for Academic Achievement
Nancy C. Wick Senior Meteorology Award for Academic and Professional Achievement

Department of Geology and Environmental Geosciences

Ira Edgar Odom Endowed Fund
Malcolm P. Weiss Endowed Fund

Department of History

James R. Shirley Undergraduate Essay Prize
J. Patrick White History Education Scholarships
Oscar Matasar History Scholarship
Jeannie A. Hainds Scholarships
HIST 491 Research Paper Prize
Outstanding History Student Award
Marvin Rosen Undergraduate Scholarship
James Shirley Award in Asian History

Department of Mathematical Sciences

Margariete Montaque Wheeler Memorial Fund
Gail Masters Gallagher Memorial Scholarship Fund
Donald R. Ostberg–Mathematics Memorial Fund–Endowed
Mathematical Sciences Incoming Student Award
Dorothy A. (neé Studnicka) and Glenn E. Erickson Scholarship Fund
Horvath Family Fund
Clarence Ethel Hardgrove Mathematics Scholarship Fund
Dale G. Jungst Memorial Endowed Scholarship in Mathematics Education
Joseph C. and Marion E. Huber Memorial Fund in Mathematics
Adam Slagell Scholarship

Division of Statistics

Carol J. Feltz Memorial Scholarship

Department of Physics

Eaton-Miner Physics Teacher Education Fund

Department of Political Science

Joe R. Wilkinson Memorial Fund–Endowed
Inez Nelson Family Endowed Scholarship
Outstanding Undergraduate Paper Awards
Kevin McKeough Award
John G. and Barbara C. Peters Scholarships for Outstanding Public Service

Department of Psychology

A. Bond and Margaret F. Woodruff Scholarship Fund–Psychology
Outstanding Undergraduate Research/Scholar Award
Elizabeth J. Schwantes Undergraduate Scholars Fund

Department of Sociology

James L. Massey Social Justice Award
David P. Street Memorial Fund

College of Visual and Performing Arts

Lester Trilla Scholarship
College of Visual and Performing Arts Endowed Scholarship Fund
Sally Stevens Arts Scholarship
O’Malley-Pugh Endowed Scholarship

School of Art

Jack & Eleanor Olson Art Scholarship
Richard A. Keefer Art Scholarship Fund–Endowed
James P. Bates Memorial Scholarship
Jack and Margaret Arends Scholarship
Peg Bond Art Education Scholarship
Caroline Allrutz Scholarship
Dimitri Liakos Endowment in Art History
John X. Koznarek Memorial Scholarship Fund–Endowed
Cora Miner Art Scholarship Fund–Endowed
Helen Merritt Art Scholarship
Frances Gates Memorial Art Scholarship Fund–Endowed
School of Art Tuition Scholarship for Incoming Freshmen
Jim Asbury Memorial Art Scholarship
Chicago Book Club Scholarship
Sally Stevens Arts Scholarship
Dorothea Bilder Scholarship
O’Malley-Pugh Endowed Scholarship
Lester K. Smith Endowed Creative Art Scholarship Fund Scholarship
Marilyn Sjoholm Student Scholarship for Fine Art
Joyce L. Marcus Endowed Art  History Scholarship Fund

School of Music

Constance Eloise Aagesen Scholarship Fund
Charles Baker Memorial Scholarship Fund
Samuel E. & Bertha Glidden Bradt Memorial Fund
Brody Family Endowed Scholarship Fund
Paul Busija Memorial Scholarship Fund
Clark Family Endowed Scholarship in Music
Stuart D. Fink Fine Arts Memorial Scholarship Fund
Norman S. and Marion D. Gilbert Endowed Scholarship in Music and Education
Robert R. and Frances A. Green Endowed Scholarship in Music
Janet and A. Oscar Haugland Scholarship in Music Composition or Music Theory
Earl and Margaret Hoffmann Endowed Student Scholarship in Music
Jane Jenkins Lovering Memorial Scholarship Fund
Richard A. Keefer Music Scholarship Fund
William M. and Ruth H. Koehler Piano Scholarship Fund
Kolze-Rasmussen Music Scholarship
Ronald J. Modell Scholarship in Jazz Studies
Maude Nicholson Music Scholarship Fund
O’Malley-Pugh Endowment Fund
Wilber Pursley Endowed Scholarship in Music
Diane Ragains Slawin Endowed Fund in Vocal Music
Lester K. Smith Creative Music Scholarship Fund
Wilbur and Dorothy S. Smith Clarinet Scholarship
Alfred L. and Shirley K. Tobias Scholarship Fund
School of Music Tuition Scholarship
Sally Stevens Arts Scholarship
Lester Trilla Scholarship Fund
Lynne Waldeland Scholarship in Vocal Music
Donald Walker Living Legacy Scholarship Fund
Reynolds Whitney Memorial Scholarship Fund
A. Bond and Margaret F. Woodruff Scholarship Fund
Farny R. Wurlitzer Music Scholarship Fund
Jerrold H. Zar Endowed Scholarship in Trumpet Studies

School of Theatre and Dance

Sydney Smith Memorial Fund–Endowed
Lili and John La Tourette Scholarship for Theatre
Lila Hellier-Dole Dance Scholarship
Rene LeBeau ’87 Memorial Scholarship
Adra and Orville Baker Theatre Scholarship
School of Theatre/Dance Talented Student Tuition Scholarship
Sally Stevens Arts Scholarship

Other Units

Alumni Association

Alumni High School Merit Scholarship
Everett L. and Helen O. Marshall Scholarship
Alumni Merit Scholarship
Elzo T. and Helen R. Schutt Quasi-Endowed Scholarship

Campus Child Care Center

Anne Kaplan Fund

Career Services

Richard B. Fisher Scholars Program/Morgan Stanley Dean Whitter
Career Services Student of the Month Recognition Scholarship
Career Services Student of the Year Silver Award
Career Services Student of the Year Gold Award
Career Services Student of the Year Bronze Award

Center for Black Studies

Center for Black Studies Book Scholarship

Center for Latino and Latin American Studies

Robert Marcelin Memorial Scholarship
Center for Latino and Latin American Studies Scholarship


CHANCE Tuition Scholarship

Counseling and Student Development Center

Florence E. Doyle Memorial Fund

Intercollegiate Athletics

David & Carolyn Witheft Student Athlete Scholarship Fund
Glyn E. Barron Memorial Scholarship
Ralph J. Thomas Scholarship Fund
Gullikson Education Fund
Gary L. Whisler Memorial Football Scholarship Fund
William (Bill) Johnson Memorial Fund
Illinois Women’s Golf Association Scholarship Fund
John Tucker Memorial Fund
Howard Fletcher Football Scholarship Fund
Carl Appell Memorial Scholarship
Broderick-Andres Award
Baynas Football Scholarship Fund
Castle Bank N.A. Scholarship Fund
Al Kranz Student Athletic Trainer Scholarship
Dr. W.L. Moore Memorial Scholarship
Mike Spinello Golf Scholarship
Jack Pheanis Scholarship
James Schwarzbach Scholarship Fund
Lloyd Deveraux Scholarship Fund
Debora J. Korcek Memorial Scholarship
Grant-in-Aid Scholarship
Len and Anneda “Sis” Jacobson Memorial Scholarship
John and Kathryn Groth Scholarship
Lynne Waldeland Academic Effort Award

International Programs

Clara Sperling Memorial Scholarship
John and Lili La Tourette International Studies Scholarship
International Student Opportunity Fund Scholarship

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Resource Center

Joseph Harry Endowed Scholarship Program

Northern Star

Kathy Orr McDonald Memorial Award for Editorial Excellence
Campbell-Thompson Northern Star Scholarship
Ryan Byrne Memorial Award
David Onak Scholarship

Office of Admissions

Centennial Scholarship
Alumni High School Merit Scholarship

Office of Precollegiate Programs

Andre D. Bohanon Scholarship

Operating Staff Council

Operating Staff Dependent Award

Scholarship Services

Alverda A. Bastian Scholarship
Presidential Scholarship
Anna Larson and Mary Jane Larson Baird Scholarship Fund
James Fletcher Memorial Scholarship Program
Kathleen M. Callahan Love for a Lifetime Scholarship
Jeanette M. Doweiko Memorial Scholarship
Ari and Ruth Kovacevich Distinguished Scholarship
Woodstock Center Endowment Fund
John Reed Dunn Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Wheeler Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Beryl James Scholarship Fund
Joseph and Rosa Costa Endowed Scholarship
Financial Need Tuition Scholarship
Financial Advocacy Program
Karl L. Adams Scholarship
Lora and Warner Pomrene Scholarship
Gladys Brooks Beltzer Memorial Scholarship
Maurine Bloomster Coxhead Endowed Scholarship
Marion C. Hayes Endowed Scholarship Fund
Irene V. Crofton Scholarship Fund
Wayne E. McCleery Award
Grace E. Nix Fund
Class of 1960 Scholarship
Mary N. Williams Memorial Fund
Janis Priede Memorial Scholarship Fund–Endowed
Helen R. Messenger Scholarship
Dolores (Lorry) C. Lamb Scholarship Fund
Josephine Jandell Fund
Melvin Ben Wilson Memorial Fund
Orla Grace Triteline Scholarship Fund–Endowed

Student Association

Erickson-Doherty Student Leadership Travel Endowment Scholarship

Student Involvement and Leadership Development

Parents’ Association Endowed Scholarship

University Honors Program

Dick Noreen Honors Scholarship
Honors Program Peer Advisor/Community Leader Fellowships

University Libraries

Katherine Walker Library Work Scholar Award

University Scholarships Committee

Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship
Academic Finalist Award
Faculty Fund Academic Finalist Scholarship and Faculty Merit Scholar
James L. Massey Honors Scholarship
University Scholar Award for Transfer Students
University Scholar Award
Academic Affairs Tuition Dollar Finalist Award
Regents Scholar Award
Scholarship Committee Tuition Scholarship

*Eligibility for this grant, loan, award, or student employment program is considered after both the NIU Financial Aid Verification Form and the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) have been filed.

**Students do not apply for these awards which are for upper-level accountancy majors. All eligible students are considered based on GPA and leadership.


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