Sep 27, 2024  
2019-2020 Graduate Catalog 

Graduate Courses

A list of graduate courses in alphabetical order.

  • CAHC 530 - Counseling Theories

    Constructs, principles, and techniques of major counseling theories.

    Credits: 3
  • CAHC 532 - Evidence Informed Practices in Clinical Mental Health

    Critical evaluation of research findings that guide contemporary mental health counseling practices. Review of research practices and principles, identification of best practices in client engagement, and treatment of mental health disorders.

    Credits: 3
  • CAHC 533X - Standardized Testing

    Crosslisted as ETR 533. Principles of measurement as applied to group standardized measures of achievement, special aptitude, intelligence, personality and interest for use in educational personnel work. Administering, scoring, and interpreting these measures.

    Credits: 3
  • CAHC 534 - Evidence Informed Practices in School Counseling

    Designed for professional school counselors to study, develop, and implement strategic methods for the assessment and evaluation of school counseling programs. Focuses on identifying evidence informed practices, which improve student outcomes in academic, career, and personal/social/emotional development.

    Credits: 3
  • CAHC 540 - Group Counseling

    Constructs, principles, dynamics, and process of group counseling. Focus on experiential activities, facilitation strategies, and here-and-now interaction in group settings.

    Credits: 3
  • CAHC 550 - Practicum in Counseling

    The practice of counseling in laboratory and field settings. Cases, tapes, role playing, and analysis of counseling process and counselor responses. May be repeated up to a maximum of 6 semester hours. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of department.

    Credits: 1-6
  • CAHC 551 - Supervised Practice in Group Counseling

    The practical aspects of group counseling and developmental programming. Leadership and participatory experiences in the formation, maintenance, development, and closing stages of groups. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • CAHC 565 - Multicultural and Social Justice Counseling

    Exploration of the social, psychological, cultural, economic, and environmental influences that affect various client populations, including the special counseling needs of women, men, racial and ethnic minorities, and the disabled.

    Credits: 3
  • CAHC 567 - Substance Use and Addictions in Counseling

    The pharmacologic and psychosocial effects of potentially addictive substances. Emphasis on psychoeducational methods, counseling skills and intervention models for addressing substance based use, abuse, and dependence.

    Credits: 3
  • CAHC 570 - Consultation and Management in Developmental School Counseling Programs

    Role of the school counselor as a consultant and manager in the design, implementation, and evaluation of a comprehensive developmental school counseling program.

    Credits: 3
  • CAHC 575 - Assessment in Career Counseling

    Individual and group assessment techniques and instruments used in career counseling and development activities with individuals over the lifespan.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: CAHC 511 or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • CAHC 586 - Internship in Counseling

    Work individually or in small groups in a practical situation under guidance of a staff member of that setting and a university supervisor. May be repeated to a maximum of 15 semester hours. Enrollment in more than one section of this course during a semester is permitted. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of department.

    Credits: 1-15
  • CAHC 590 - Workshop in Counseling

    Study of contemporary issues and problems in the provision of human services. May be repeated to a maximum of 30 semester hours when subject varies, but no more than 9 semester hours may be applied toward the Ph.D. degree in counselor education. Enrollment in more than one section of this course during a semester is permitted.

    Credits: 1-3
  • CAHC 592 - Special Topics in Counseling

    Topics announced. May be repeated to a maximum of 30 semester hours when subject varies, but no more than 9 semester hours may be applied toward the Ph.D. degree in counselor education.

    Credits: 1-3
  • CAHC 593 - Crisis Intervention

    Role and responsibilities of counselors in crisis intervention. Assessment and case management for crisis situations.

    Credits: 3
  • CAHC 594 - Counseling the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Community

    Focus on unique challenges facing lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) individuals as well as their families; theoretical understandings, developmental experiences, and multicultural influences; diversity within the LGBTQ community, societal prejudice, oppression, and other salient themes. This course is appropriate for all graduate-level students of any discipline.

    Credits: 3
  • CAHC 595 - Career Counseling and Development in a Multicultural Society

    Examination of the psychological, demographic, sociocultural, and interpersonal influences on the career development of diverse populations.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: CAHC 511 or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • CAHC 596 - Religious and Spiritual Issues in Counseling

    Focus on competencies for appropriately responding to religious and spiritual issues during counseling sessions.

    Credits: 3
  • CAHC 597 - Independent Research in Counseling

    Independent research at the master’s degree level under faculty supervision. May be repeated to a maximum of 3 semester hours.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Admission to master’s degree program and consent of faculty member who will direct research.

    Credits: 1-3
  • CAHC 699 - Master’s Thesis

    Open only to students who elect to write a thesis for the M.S.Ed. degree. Student enrolls with the faculty member directing the thesis. May be repeated to a maximum of 6 semester hours.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of department. Recommended: ETR 520.

    Credits: 1-6
  • CAHC 700 - Professional Orientation to Counselor Education: Identity and Ethics

    Philosophical and historical roots of counselor education, systems which affect its functioning, and ethical and legal standards which guide it. Orientation to the expectations of advanced graduate study in counselor education and the responsibilities of professionals in the field.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Admission to the doctoral program in counselor education or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • CAHC 701 - Professional Seminar in Counselor Education and Development

    Strategies for implementing the core CACREP standards for counselor and counselor educator preparation within counselor training programs. Focus on preparation methods for counselors in CACREP programs, multicultural competencies applied to counselor education, and development of a philosophy of counselor education.

    Credits: 3
  • CAHC 705X - Introduction to Medical Family Therapy and Counseling

    Crosslisted as HDFS 705. Introduction to a biopsychosocial/family systems approach to assessment and intervention with patients and families experiencing a physical illness, trauma, or disability. Examination of issues involved in providing mental health services in medical settings. Open only to students admitted to the Medical Family Therapy and Counseling Post-Master’s Certificate Program.

    Credits: 3
  • CAHC 706X - Medical Family Therapy and Counseling: Families, Disability and Chronic Illness

    Crosslisted as HDFS 706. Exploration of the major forms of disability and chronic illness, the impact of these conditions on individuals and family members experiencing them, and resources for those who are impacted by them. Implications for medical family therapy and counseling.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: CAHC 705X or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • CAHC 707 - Medical Family Therapy and Counseling: Families Staying Well and Coping with Illness

    Crosslisted as HDFS 707X. Examination of medical family therapy and counseling approaches for maintaining family wellness and facilitating family responses to illness across the developmental life cycle.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: CAHC 705X or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • CAHC 708 - Cultural and Spiritual Dimensions of Medical Family Therapy and Counseling Practice

    Crosslisted as HDFS 708X. Impact of individual and family beliefs, narratives, and meanings, with particular emphasis on cultural and spiritual contexts, upon the experience of illness and medical treatment, pain, and grieving and acceptance of death. Techniques for eliciting patient and/or family beliefs pertaining to internal resources and spiritual practices and for working with family belief systems around health and illness, and for strengthening a culturally sensitive provider/patient/family relationship.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: CAHC 707 or consent of department. CRQ: CAHC 709.

    Credits: 3
  • CAHC 709 - Medical Family Therapy and Counseling Practicum

    Crosslisted as HDFS 709X. Supervised medical family therapy and counseling practicum at Northern Illinois Proton Treatment and Research Center. Collaborate with attending physicians and on-site treatment team; provide supervised medical family therapy and counseling to individuals, couples, and families. Individual and/or group supervision of live and recorded sessions. A minimum of 100 clock hours of direct patient contact is required. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: CAHC 707 and consent of department. CRQ: CAHC 708.

    Credits: 3
  • CAHC 710 - Theory in Career Development

    Thorough grounding in current career development theories.

    Credits: 3
  • CAHC 714X - Medical Family Therapy and Counseling Internship

    Crosslisted as HDFS 714. Supervised participation in provision of family therapy, counseling, and psychoeducation to individuals, couples, and families in a medical setting. A minimum of 200 clock hours of direct patient contact is required. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: CAHC 709 and consent of department.

    Credits: 6
  • CAHC 715 - Concepts in Trauma-Informed Counseling

    Roles and responsibilities of counselors and other helping professionals in post-trauma exposure intervention. Covers types of potentially traumatic events, effects of trauma, assessment issues and potential outcomes, and common elements in treatment interventions for trauma.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: CAHC 593 or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • CAHC 716 - Counseling for Complex Trauma

    Roles and responsibilities of counselors and other helping professionals in working in settings wherein clients have experienced multiple exposures to traumatic stressors throughout childhood and continuing into adulthood. Examines the neurobiological, developmental, cognitive, behavioral and relational issues that emerge from childhood/lifespan abuse. Examines how to adapt treatment for clients presenting with complex trauma exposures.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: CAHC 593 or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • CAHC 717 - Creative and Experiential Approaches in Trauma-Informed Counseling

    Roles and responsibilities of counselors and other helping professionals in creative arts, drama, play, and other experiential approaches in trauma-informed counseling across the life span. Use of metaphor, somatic exercises, and body-based interventions.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: CAHC 593 or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • CAHC 718 - Resiliency and Wellness in Trauma-Informed Counseling

    Roles and responsibilities of counselors and other helping professionals in the life span development of resistance, resiliency, and recovery skills during prevention and early intervention. How to work with settings that have repeated community traumas, e.g., crime and gun violence. Self-care of the counselor.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: CAHC 593 or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • CAHC 730 - Advanced Theories of Counseling

    Critical evaluation of theories of counseling. Review of research in the application of theoretical counseling constructs.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Admission to the doctoral program in counselor education or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • CAHC 731 - Seminar in Counseling and Psychotherapy

    A. Adlerian Counseling
    B. Behavioral Counseling
    C. Gestalt Therapy
    D. Psychosynthesis
    E. Rational-Emotive Psychotherapy
    Advanced graduate seminars with focus on specific theories of counseling and psychotherapy. Separate sections, each focusing on a single theory. Credit is limited to a total of 3 semester hours per topic.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: CAHC 730 or consent of department.

    Credits: 1-3
  • CAHC 740 - Leadership, Advocacy, and Mentoring

    Emphasis on the analysis and attainment of behaviors that are most facilitative of individual, relationship, and group purposes and goals.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Admission to the doctoral program in counselor education, or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • CAHC 750 - Advanced Practicum in Individual Counseling

    Supervised practice of counseling. Focus on development of skills in working with individual clients. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • CAHC 752 - Supervision in Counseling

    Theory and practical experience relating to supervision of counselors-in-training.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: CAHC 750 or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • CAHC 761 - Outreach in Human Service Programs

    Application of outreach strategies in working with individuals and groups.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Master’s degree in counseling or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • CAHC 764 - Personality Testing

    Application of personality assessment instruments, including projective tests, in working with individuals.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Master’s degree in counseling or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • CAHC 765 - Applied Multicultural and Social Justice Counseling

    Alternate counseling strategies for counselors in a multicultural society. Analysis of traditional and contemporary experiences of ethnocultural and other population groups with emphasis on counseling skills and techniques in working with clients of diverse backgrounds. Emphasis on strategies for seeking equity, and an end to oppression and injustice affecting clients, students, counselors, families, communities, schools, workplaces, governments, and other social and institutional systems.

    Credits: 3
  • CAHC 766 - Human Sexuality Counseling

    Alternate counseling strategies to be applied to sexual concerns and problem areas. Emphasis on counseling skills and techniques in working with persons with differing sexual values, needs, and backgrounds.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • CAHC 767 - Counseling Older Persons

    Gerontological counseling models and techniques.

    Credits: 3
  • CAHC 784X - Theoretical Foundations of Family Therapy

    Crosslisted as HDFS 784. Examination and discussion of the historical development and theoretical foundations of family therapy, with a focus on the traditional and current models of therapy in the field.

    Credits: 3
  • CAHC 786 - Internship in Counseling

    Work individually or in small groups in a practical situation under guidance of a staff member of that setting and a university supervisor. Open only to doctoral students, or by consent of department. May be repeated to a maximum of 30 semester hours. Enrollment in more than one section of this course during a semester is permitted. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of department.

    Credits: 1-15
  • CAHC 790 - Research and Scholarship in Counselor Education

    Intended for advanced counselor education students, this course focuses on applying research methods and critiquing relevant literature for designing the doctoral dissertation proposal.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Admission to the doctoral program in counselor education and ETR 520 (or equivalent); or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • CAHC 797 - Independent Research in Counseling

    Independent research at post-master’s degree levels under faculty supervision. May be repeated to a maximum of 12 semester hours but no more than 6 semester hours may be applied toward a Ph.D. degree in counselor education.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Master’s degree in counseling or consent of department.

    Credits: 1-6
  • CAHC 799 - Doctoral Research and Dissertation

    May be repeated to a maximum of 60 semester hours, but no more than 30 semester hours may be applied toward the Ed.D. degree in counselor education.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Candidacy for doctoral degree and consent of chair of doctoral committee.

    Credits: 1-15
  • CAHE 544 - Alternatives in the Counseling and Placement of Adults

    Examination and identification of promising alternatives in the facilitation of adult career development through guidance, counseling, and vocational placement.

    Credits: 3
  • CAHE 561 - Human Resource Development

    Crosslisted as ETT 561X. Nature and function of programs for developing human resources in business, education, industry, government, social services, and voluntary organizations.

    Credits: 3
  • CAHE 715 - Strategic Human Resource Development

    Crosslisted as ETT 715X. Advanced study emphasizing complex skills, concepts, and strategies relating to the adult teaching/learning component of human resource development in business, industry, government, and voluntary organizations.

    Credits: 3
  • CAHE 765 - Consultation in Human Services

    Crosslisted as ETT 765X. Application of consultation strategies in working with individuals and groups. Topics and problems taken from the fields of counseling, adult education, and instructional technology.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • CHEM 505 - Chemical Instrumentation

    Measurements of signals generated by chemical instrumentation. Applications of active and passive components in amplifiers, comparison circuits, filter circuits, and mathematical function circuits in relation to chromatographic, electroanalytical, and spectrochemical systems. Electrical noise as a function of frequency is discussed in the context of signal sampling and achieving maximum signal-to-noise ratios. Analog and digital data acquisition and computer controlled measurements. Two lectures and 3 hours of laboratory per week.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: CHEM 440 or CHEM 540, or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • CHEM 525 - Analytical Chemistry II

    Fundamentals of physicochemical techniques of chemical analysis focusing on spectrometric and electrochemical techniques. Fundamentals, instrumentation, and applications of optical and mass molecular and atomic spectrometries, and electrochemical methods. Three hours of lecture and one 4-hour laboratory period a week. Not offered for graduate credit for chemistry majors.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: CHEM 325, and CHEM 440 or CHEM 540, or consent of department.

    Credits: 4
  • CHEM 540 - Physical Chemistry I

    Study of the gaseous, liquid, and solid states; thermodynamics; chemical equilibrium; and kinetic theory. Three lectures a week plus a recitation section. Not offered for graduate credit for chemistry majors.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: CHEM 211, CHEM 213, PHYS 251 or PHYS 251A, and MATH 230, or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • CHEM 541 - Physical Chemistry II

    Atomic and molecular structure, spectroscopy, kinetics, and chemical statistics. Three lectures a week plus a recitation section. Not offered for graduate credit for chemistry majors.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: CHEM 440 or CHEM 540, and either MATH 232 or MATH 336, or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • CHEM 560 - Inorganic Chemistry of the Transition Metals

    Introduction to symmetry elements and point group classification. Structures, bonding, and physical properties of transition metal complexes, as identified by electronic, vibrational, and diffraction methods. Kinetics and thermodynamics of transition metal reactions. Organometallic chemistry and catalysis. Bioinorganic transition metal chemistry. Three lectures per week. Not offered for graduate credit for chemistry majors.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: CHEM 325, CHEM 337, and CHEM 440 or CHEM 540, or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • CHEM 561 - Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory

    Microscale synthesis and characterization of compounds of both main group elements and transition elements. Experimental examination of magnetic and spectroscopic properties of inorganic complexes. Use of glovebox techniques in the handling of air-sensitive materials. Not offered for graduate credit for chemistry majors. One 4-hour laboratory per week.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: CHEM 332 or CHEM 339 or consent of department. PRQ or CRQ: CHEM 460 or CHEM 560, or consent of department.

    Credits: 1
  • CHEM 562 - Inorganic Chemistry of the Main Group Elements

    Atomic structure and periodicity. Theories of ionic and covalent bonding, including ionic lattices. Acid-base theories and their application to synthesis. Descriptive chemistry and bioinorganic chemistry of main group elements. Not offered for graduate credit for chemistry majors. Three lectures per week.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: CHEM 336, or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • CHEM 570 - General Biological Chemistry

    Crosslisted as BIOS 570X. Overall view of biochemistry including structure, properties, function, and metabolism of biologically important compounds.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • CHEM 571 - Biological Chemistry Laboratory

    Crosslisted as BIOS 571X. Experiments in the isolation, purification, and characterization of biomolecules by chromatographic, electrophoretic, and centrifugation techniques; enzyme kinetics; electron transport in mitochondria and microsomes.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    CRQ: CHEM 570 or CHEM 572, or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • CHEM 572 - Biological Chemistry I

    Crosslisted as BIOS 572X. Detailed study of the structure and properties of proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids. Properties of enzymes. Bioenergetics including oxidative phosphorylation and photosynthesis.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • CHEM 573 - Biological Chemistry II

    Crosslisted as BIOS 573X. Detailed study of the metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, and nitrogenous compounds, including proteins and nucleic acids. Metabolic regulation. Genetic information.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: CHEM 472, CHEM 572, BIOS 472X, or BIOS 572X; or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • CHEM 594 - Use of Technology in Curriculum Development and Chemistry Teaching

    Use of web-based teaming technology to track, design, and implement new science curricula. Includes use of SharePoint to develop collaboratively a standards-aligned instructional module on the web as part of a three-semester project including ILAS 300 and/or ILAS 401, and CHEM 497. Not available for credit except to students pursuing the educator licensure option.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of department. CRQ: CHEM 301X and ILAS 301, or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • CHEM 595X - Teaching of Physical Sciences

    Crosslisted as PHYS 595. Preparation for certification in grades 6-12 in one or more of the fields of physical science: physics, chemistry, earth science, general science. Examination and analysis of modern curricula; classroom and laboratory organization; microteaching and observation of teaching; lesson planning; multicultural education; teaching science to the exceptional child; reading and the teaching of science; methods of evaluation.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of department. CRQ: ILAS 401 or consent of department.

    Credits: 3
  • CHEM 596 - Transition to the Professional Chemistry Teacher

    A transitioning experience in which the licensure candidate achieves closure on the initial phase of professional preparation and, upon that foundation, charts a path for continuing professional growth as a practicing teacher. The candidate reflects on the preparatory experience and provides complete documentation demonstrating ability to perform as a qualified chemistry teacher. Such documentation must include, but not be limited to, the electronic portfolio, a professional development plan, and a resume.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    CRQ: CHEM 497 or CHEM 597, or consent of department.

    Credits: 1
  • CHEM 597 - Student Teaching (Secondary) in Chemistry/Physical Sciences

    Student teaching for a minimum of 10 weeks. Assignments to be arranged with the discipline coordinator of educator licensure after approval by the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: CHEM 495X or CHEM 595X, and consent of department.

    Credits: 7-12
  • CHEM 600 - Selected Topics in Chemistry

    A. Inorganic
    B. Analytical
    C. Organic
    D. Physical
    E. Biological
    G. Nanochemistry
    Lecture and discussions of special topics for beginning graduate students. Course may be repeated up to a maximum of 9 semester hours.

    Credits: 3
  • CHEM 615 - Chemistry Seminar

    Required of thesis option master’s and doctoral students each semester in residence except summer session. May be repeated to a maximum of 10 semester hours.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of department.

    Credits: 1
  • CHEM 616 - Special Topics Chemistry Seminar

    Both CHEM 615 and CHEM 616 are required of thesis option master’s and doctoral students each semester in residence except for summer session; they cannot be taken in the same semester.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of department.

    Credits: 1
  • CHEM 617 - Candidacy

    Preparation and defense of written and oral sections of the doctoral candidacy. Class taken only during terms when student is doing a doctoral candidacy examination.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of department.

    Credits: 1
  • CHEM 618 - Literature Review

    Preparation and presentation of comprehensive literature review on topic different from primary research area. Class must be taken within one year of successful completion of CHEM 617 examination.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: CHEM 617 with a grade of B- or better.

    Credits: 1
  • CHEM 622 - Analytical Separations

    Fundamental principles of chemical separations and measurements with emphasis on instrumental methods. Survey of both traditional and emerging techniques.

    Credits: 3
  • CHEM 623 - Mass Spectrometry

    Fundamentals of mass spectrometry, including modern ionization techniques, major types of mass analyzers, and interface to separation techniques. Survey of biochemical, pharmaceutical, and environmental applications.

    Credits: 3
  • CHEM 624 - Optical Methods in Analytical Chemistry

    Theoretical and practical applications of spectral measurements to research and chemical analysis, with emphasis on absorption, emission, and luminescence techniques in the principal regions of the electromagnetic spectrum.

    Credits: 3
  • CHEM 626 - Electroanalytical Chemistry

    Theory, practice, and applicability of electroanalytical measurements in analysis and research. Traditional and emerging techniques of electroanalytical chemistry and electrochemical kinetics are emphasized.

    Credits: 3
  • CHEM 631 - Organic Synthesis

    Systematic presentation of methods of assembling carbon skeletons, functional group interconversions, and analysis of synthetic pathways.

    Credits: 3
  • CHEM 632 - Physical Organic Chemistry

    Mechanism and structure in organic chemistry including structural theory, stereochemistry, and the study of the reactive intermediates of organic chemistry.

    Credits: 3
  • CHEM 635 - Spectroscopic Identification of Organic Molecules

    Application of spectroscopic techniques to the determination of organic structures.

    Credits: 3
  • CHEM 644 - Chemical Thermodynamics

    Fundamental laws of thermodynamics and applications to chemical problems. Calculation of thermodynamic quantities.

    Credits: 3
  • CHEM 645 - Kinetics

    Theories and applications of rates of chemical reactions including reactions in the gas phase and in solution. Thermodynamic foundations of chemical reaction rates. Applications of kinetics in the determination of reaction mechanisms.

    Credits: 3
  • CHEM 646 - Theoretical Chemistry

    Continuation of CHEM 540 and CHEM 541. Atomic structure, chemical bonding, and introduction to elementary quantum mechanics. Three lectures a week.

    Credits: 3
  • CHEM 650 - Nanochemistry

    Fundamental theory and experimental techniques underlying fabrication methods and applications of nanoscale materials and devices.

    Credits: 3
  • CHEM 663 - Inorganic Chemistry III

    Chemical applications of group theory including vibrational spectra, molecular orbitals, and ligand field theory. Theoretical basis for physical methods in inorganic chemistry. Selected topics in modern structural inorganic chemistry: organometallic compounds, cluster compounds including rings and polymers, and bioinorganic chemistry. Three lectures a week.

    Credits: 3
  • CHEM 674 - Enzymes

    Basic principles of the concepts of enzyme kinetics, theory and design of experimental methods, and interpretation of enzyme mechanisms. Three lectures a week.

    Credits: 3
  • CHEM 675 - Physical Chemistry of Macromolecules

    Comprehensive introduction to the use of physical chemistry in the study of macromolecules. Three lectures a week.

    Credits: 3
  • CHEM 690 - Applied Topics in the Chemistry Profession

    Issues regarding the chemistry profession, teaching methods in chemistry, research tools, information presentation, advanced research, and other subjects not normally considered as part of more traditional chemistry courses. May be repeated to a maximum of 6 semester hours. S/U grading.

    Credits: 1-2
  • CHEM 691 - Selected Skills in Chemistry and Biochemistry

    Training in selected techniques in chemistry and biochemistry such as nuclear magnetic resonance, mass spectrometry, x-ray crystallography, and computational chemistry. Course may be repeated up to a maximum of 6 semester hours. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of department.

    Credits: 1
  • CHEM 695 - In-Service Experience in Chemistry

    Work individually or in small groups in an academic, industrial, or government setting under the guidance of a professional staff member(s) in an approved lecture and/or laboratory program. May be repeated to a maximum of 9 semester hours.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of department.

    Credits: 1-4
  • CHEM 698 - Independent Study

    Independent study of problems under the supervision of an adviser. May be repeated to a maximum of 55 semester hours, but no more than 15 combined semester hours of CHEM 698 and CHEM 699 may be applied toward the M.S. degree. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of department.

    Credits: 1-12
  • CHEM 699 - Master’s Thesis

    Research for and writing of a master’s thesis. Students are eligible to register only after receiving approval from their thesis adviser. May be repeated to a maximum of 12 semester hours, but no more than 15 semester hours of combined credit in CHEM 698 and CHEM 699 may be applied toward the M.S. degree. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of department.

    Credits: 1-12
  • CHEM 700 - Special Topics in Chemistry

    A. Inorganic
    B. Analytical
    C. Organic
    D. Physical
    E. Biological 
    G. Nanoscience
    Lectures, discussions, and reports on topics of special interest in a particular field of chemistry. One to 3 semester hours as scheduled; course may be repeated to a maximum of 9 semester hours.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of department.

    Credits: 1-3
  • CHEM 799 - Doctoral Research and Dissertation

    May be repeated to a maximum of 100 semester hours, but no more than 40 semester hours may be applied toward the Ph.D. degree.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Admission to Ph.D. candidacy and consent of department.

    Credits: 1-12
  • COMD 601 - Principles of Assessment in Communicative Disorders

    Application of measurement concepts and problem solving skills within various models of assessment in the field of communicative disorders. General principles and specific procedures for the evaluation of diverse populations within the field of communicative disorders will be targeted through clinical case studies.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Admission to speech-language pathology graduate program or consent of school.

    Credits: 3
  • COMD 602 - Motor Speech Disorders: Assessment and Treatment

    Identification of and intervention for disorders of the motor system affecting feeding and speech. Topics include motor development, identification of problems within the motor system, treatment strategies, transdisciplinary roles of the speech-language pathologist in assessment and treatment, and family service delivery.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Admission to speech-language pathology graduate program or consent of school. CRQ: COMD 687 or consent of school.

    Credits: 3
  • COMD 603 - Communication Disorders in Early Childhood

    Identification of and intervention for communication disorders in children ages birth to six years and their families. Topics include the speech-language pathologist’s role in prevention, communication and language assessment and intervention techniques, models of assessment and service delivery, relevant legislation, and speech and language resources available to families, educators, and service providers.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Admission to speech-language pathology graduate program or consent of school.

    Credits: 3
  • COMD 604 - Child Language Disorders: Special Populations

    Assessment procedures for and intervention with children with physical and/or intellectual disabilities. Topics include models of intervention for individuals with autism, intellectual disabilities, developmental delay, and infants and toddlers at risk for developmental disorders. Additional topics may include communication programming for children with syndromes, traumatic brain injury, multiple disabilities, and selective mutism.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Admission to speech-language pathology graduate program or consent of school.

    Credits: 3
  • COMD 605 - Fundamentals of Augmentative and Alternative Communication in Speech-Language Pathology

    Foundations of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) systems for individuals with complex communication needs and the role of the speech-language pathologist in assessment, design, and implementation of AAC systems across practice settings.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Admission to the speech-language pathology graduate program or consent of school.

    Credits: 3
  • COMD 607 - Language Disorders in School-age Populations

    Relationships between spoken and written language development and the identification of language disorders in school-age children, including impact on school performance. Principles and methods of prevention, language and literacy assessment, and intervention techniques.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: COMD 603 and admission to speech-language pathology graduate program or consent of school.

    Credits: 3
  • COMD 608 - Speech-Language Pathologist’s Role in Developing Reading and Writing Skills in Exceptional Children

    Evidence-based practices used to remediate language based reading/writing disorders in speech-language pathology. Including theoretical principles underlying reading methods and reading content for exceptional children. Focus on methods of differentiated instruction, diversity of individualized patterns of development across exceptional children, foundational skills and environmental supports necessary for language based reading/writing competency.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PRQ: Consent of school.

    Credits: 3

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