History (HIST)
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Foreign Study in History
The Department of History encourages students to take advantage of study-abroad programs, which provide students of history and allied disciplines an opportunity to study first hand the historical development and traditions of other peoples and their cultures. Interested students should first consult the Office of International Programs for details of forthcoming programs and then contact their undergraduate adviser in history about including their study-abroad courses in their NIU program. For further information, see “International Programs” in the Other Academic Units Department.
History Faculty
Kenton Clymer, Ph.D., University of Michigan, Presidential Research Professor, chair
Anita M. Andrew, Ph.D., University of Minnesota, associate professor
E. Taylor Atkins, Ph.D., University of Illinois, associate professor
Jerome Bowers, Ph.D., Indiana University, assistant professor
Rachel H. Cleves, Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, assistant professor
Sundiata Djata, Ph.D., University of Illinois, professor
Sean Farrell, Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, associate professor
Heide Fehrenbach, Ph.D., Rutgers University, Presidential Research Professor
Rosemary Feurer, Ph.D., Washington University, associate professor
Aaron S. Fogleman, Ph.D., University of Michigan, professor
Valerie L. Garver, Ph.D., University of Virginia, assistant professor
Michael J. Gonzales, Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, Distinguished Research Professor
Anne G. Hanley, Ph.D., Stanford University, associate professor
Jason Hawke, Ph.D., University of Washington, assistant professor
Beatrix Hoffman, Ph.D., Rutgers University, associate professor
Eric Jones, Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, assistant professor
David E. Kyvig, Ph.D., Northwestern University, Distinguished Research Professor
Vera Lind, D. Phil., Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel, associate professor
Eric W. Mogren, Ph.D., University of Michigan, associate professor
Barbara M. Posadas, Ph.D., Northwestern University, professor
Brian Sandberg, Ph.D., University of Illinois, assistant professor
James D. Schmidt, Ph.D., Rice University, associate professor
J. Harvey Smith, Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, associate professor
Nancy Wingfield, Ph.D., Columbia University, professor
Christine D. Worobec, Ph.D., University of Toronto, Distinguished Research Professor
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