Jan 21, 2025  
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog

Tuition and Fees

Click on a link to be taken to the entry below.


Tuition and fees are subject to change at any time. The official charges are those billed by the Bursar’s Office for each term. For the most recent tuition and fee rates, see the Bursar website at www.niu.edu/bursar.



Graduate student tuition includes the cost of instruction and operation of the university. The operation of the university portion provides access to support services and privileges such as the use of the University Health Service; use of recreational facilities and participation in intramural activities; admission to the Huskie Bus service, athletic events, concerts, dramatic productions, lectures, and speeches; and subscriptions to certain student publications.

Special Fees

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Degree seeking application fee U.S. citizens (nonrefundable): $60.00
Application fee international (nonrefundable): $60.00
Non-degree seeking [student-at-large] (nonrefundable): $10.00
Enrollment certification fee: $5.00
Examination fees

Foreign language translation examinations

Average proficiency: $50.00
High proficiency: $70.00

Graduation fee (nonrefundable): $35.00

(If a student fails to graduate at the close of the term for which the application for graduation has been submitted and the fee paid, the application can be transferred to a subsequent term. See section entitled “Graduation” elsewhere in this catalog.)

New international student fee: $125.00
Replacement identification card (after the first is issued): $20.00
Transcript fee: $8.00

Class material fees, where applicable, will be billed as part of the total billing.

Room and Board Rates

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Residence hall room and board rates for the current academic year can be found by visiting https://www.niu.edu/housing/halls/compare/index.shtml#halls=neptune,stevenson,grant. All residence hall rates include the Huskie Block 12 option (12 meals and 100 dining dollars). Students can optionally upgrade plans with larger meal counts and additional dining dollars.

Specific questions about NIU’s room and board rates can be found at niu.edu/housing or by calling Housing and Residential Services during regular business hours Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at 815-753-1525.

Tuition Waivers for Senior Citizens

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The Senior Citizen Courses Act (110 ILCS 990) permits senior citizens, 65 years of age or older, to enroll in regularly scheduled credit courses at public institutions of higher education without the payment of tuition. This benefit does not include payment of fees.
This consideration is limited to persons whose annual household income is at or below 200% of the 2020 federal poverty level:

• $25,520 for a household of one
• $34,480 for a household of two
• $43,440 for a household of three

Applicants must meet the state requirements as stated in the Senior Citizen and Disabled Persons Property Tax Relief Act and Pharmaceutical Assistance Act (see http://www.cbrx.il.gov for more information). Interested senior citizens should contact the Student Financial Aid Office.

Payment of Fees

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Payment of all charges on the student’s account is due by the established due date for each term. Any additional expenses incurred after this initial payment due date for the term will be due by the due date indicated on the student’s MyNIU account. Any student who pays less than the total amount due on the payment due date will be assessed a late payment fee on the unpaid balance. The late payment fee rate can be found by visiting https://www.niu.edu/bursar/payments/payment-policy.shtml.  This late payment fee will be assessed monthly on the unpaid balance that continues to be past due.

Any student with a balance will have a hold placed on the student’s account records. This hold will prohibit the student from registering for classes until the account balance is paid in-full.

Financial Responsibility: By registering for courses at Northern Illinois University the student is accepting financial responsibility for the costs of and related to the student’s registration at the university including choosing to reside in the university’s residence halls, selecting a meal plan, or other university services. In the event a student’s account is past due, late payment fees will be assessed on past-due amount. Continued failure to pay a past due debt may result in the debt being listed with credit bureaus, the State Comptroller’s Offset Program and, if necessary, referred to a collection agency and/or authorize legal action for the collection of this debt. The student is then responsible for all fees and costs incurred by the University in the collection of the past due debt, including collection fees and/or attorney’s fees. To view the Student Financial Responsibility Agreement visit https://www.niu.edu/bursar/payments/student-financial-agreement.shtml

Refund Policies

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In the following discussion of policies governing refunds of tuition and fees it should be understood that “refund” refers to “refund of monies paid” only in cases in which a student has already paid the full balance due. Where payment in full has not yet been made, an equivalent adjustment may be made on the total amount due. If only a partial reduction in tuition or fee liability occurs, a student who had a balance due may still owe an additional amount beyond that already paid. If no reduction in liability occurs, not only will funds paid not be refunded, but the student will be liable for the unpaid balance.

Tuition and fees, due by the established university due date, include tuition, general student fee, material fees, academic program enhancement fee, outreach delivery fees, regional course fees, health insurance fees, and any other required fees associated with enrollment at the university.

A student that has registered and officially withdraws from all courses for the semester, possibly can receive a refund of tuition and fees, which may or may not result in the return of funds according to the following withdrawal schedule.

Semester Withdrawal and Course Drop/Withdrawal Refund Schedules


Semester Withdrawal

Tuition & Fees Refund Schedule for 16 week courses

16 Week Refund Percent
Week 1 100%
Week 2 100%
Week 3 80%
Week 4 70%
Week 5 70%
Week 6 60%
Week 7 60%
Week 8 50%
Week 9 40%
Week 10 40%
Week 11-16 0%

Course Drop/Withdrawal

Tuition & Fees Refund Schedule for 16 week courses

16 Week Refund Percent
Week 1 100%
Week 2 100%
Week 3 0%
Week 4 0%
Week 5 0%
Week 6 0%
Week 7 0%
Week 8 0%
Week 9 0%
Week 10 0%
Week 11-16 0%











Course Drop/Withdrawal 14 Week

14 Week Refund Percent
Week 1 100%
Week 2 100%
Week 3 0%
Week 4 0%
Week 5 0%
Week 6 0%
Week 7 0%
Week 8/Week 9 (1st half) 0%
Week 9 (2nd half) & after 0%

Semester Withdrawal 14 Week

14 Week Refund Percent
Week 1 100%
Week 2 100%
Week 3 80%
Week 4 70%
Week 5 70%
Week 6 60%
Week 7 50%
Week 8/Week 9 (1st half) 40%
Week 9 (2nd half) & after 0%









Course Drop/Withdrawal 8 Week

8 Week Refund Percent
Week 1 100%
Week 2 0%
Week 3 0%
Week 4 0%
Week 5 & After 0%

Semester Withdrawal 8 Week

8 Week Refund Percent
Week 1 100%
Week 2 70%
Week 3 60%
Week 4 50%
Week 5 & after 0%














The above refund policies are subject to change.

Illinois Residence Regulations

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Beginning Fall 2018 domestic students (including permanent residents, undocumented and select visa holding students) will be charged the same tuition rate, regardless of their state of U.S. residency. However, residency will still need to be determined for institutional reporting, financial aid purposes and a variety of other needs.

Students who take exception to the residence status assigned shall pay the tuition assessed, but may file a petition in writing to the Office of Registration and Records for a reconsideration of residence status.

The written claim must be filed within 30 calendar days from the date of assessment of tuition, or the first class day of the term for which tuition is payable, whichever is later, or the student loses all right to a change of status and adjustment of the tuition assessed for the term in question.

The following is based on Regulations of the Board of Trustees, a copy of which is available on the Internet at www.niu.edu/board/regs/botregtoc.shtml.

Adult students. Students 18 years of age and over are considered residents for tuition purposes, if they have been bona fide residents of the state for at least six consecutive months preceding the first class day of the term and continue to maintain that residence. An adult student whose parents are Illinois residents and who lives with them or elsewhere in the state also will be regarded as a resident.

Minor students. The residence of a student under 18 years of age is considered to be and follow that of the parents. Self-supporting minors are subject to the same regulations as adults.


Marriage. If a nonresident student marries a resident, the nonresident can request reclassification as a resident.

Armed forces personnel. The nonresident portion of the tuition will be waived for a person on active duty who is stationed and present in the state in connection with that service and who submits evidence of that service and station. Spouses and dependent children who live in the state are also eligible for waivers.

University staff and faculty members. Staff members of the university and faculty members of Illinois state-supported institutions of higher education, employed at least one-quarter time, and their spouses and dependent children are considered residents. The term “staff members” does not include graduate assistants or student hourly workers.

Teachers. Teachers in the public and private elementary and secondary schools of Illinois are considered residents if they are employed at least one-quarter time.

International students. To qualify as a Resident, a person who is not a citizen of the United States of America must have permanent resident or refugee status with the Department of Homeland Security, Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services (CIS) or hold a visa which does not preclude an intent to reside permanently in the United States and must also meet and comply with all of the other applicable requirements of this Regulation to establish Resident status.


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