Feb 10, 2025  
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog

Master of Arts in Communicative Disorders

Check departmental information for any additional requirements.

The student learning outcomes for this degree are located at http://www.niu.edu/assessment/clearinghouse/outcomes/index.shtml.


The student must choose a specialization in audiology or speech-language pathology. With the advice and consent of the advisor, a student elects to earn a degree with or without a thesis. Student participation in practicum and internship courses requires both good academic standing and consent of the school.

Specialization in Audiology



The M.A. in Communicative Disorders with a specialization in audiology is available to Doctor of Audiology students in good standing who require a master’s degree prior to their final year external placement. After a student has successfully completed 60 semester hours in the Au.D. program, he or she may apply for admission to the master’s program. An applicant for admission to the program must meet or exceed the following requirements:

  • A minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00 in Au.D. course work taken at NIU
  • Academic advisor recommendation
  • A typed statement describing the need for the master’s degree

Program faculty will review the student’s transcript, advisor recommendation, and student’s justification of need for degree. Once accepted to the master’s program, a degree will be conferred allowing the student to continue to their final year placement.

Specialization in Speech-Language Pathology



Admission to the specialization in speech-language pathology is limited to the summer term with an application deadline of January 1. To be assured consideration for admission, prospective students must submit all required application materials through the Communication Sciences and Disorders Centralized Application Service (CSDCAS) and the Graduate School portals. After a review of the applications, qualified candidates may be invited to an interview. NIU university honors students admitted via the freshman guaranteed admission program should check with the SLP program regarding entry requirements.

Admission to the master’s degree program is typically for full-time study. An applicant for admission to the program is generally expected to meet or exceed the following requirements.

A cumulative minimum 3.00 GPA (on a 4.00 scale) in all undergraduate work.

          Prerequisite coursework in communicative disorders must be completed before matriculation. 

Three letters of recommendation from professors, employers, or supervisors providing supportive
evidence of an applicant’s professional qualifications.

A statement describing the applicant’s qualifications, goals, and career aspirations
as they relate to the speech-language pathology program at NIU.

A professional resume outlining students’ experiences.

Final decisions regarding admissions are made by the program’s admission committee on the basis of a total profile of an applicant’s qualifications. When students accept their admission offer, they will be asked to enter into a matriculation agreement with NIU. The agreement requires a $100 non-refundable deposit to hold a spot in the program. The amount of the deposit will be applied to the first year’s tuition unless the agreement is broken, which will result in forfeiture of the deposit. 

A maximum of 12 semester hours of student-at-large credit may be applied to degree requirements. In addition, the maximum combined total student-at-large hours plus transfer credit may not exceed 12 semester hours.

The Master of Arts in Communicative Disorders with a specialization in speech-language pathology program directly admits up to seven Northern Illinois University Honors students each year.  Students in the freshman admit program are Communicative Disorders majors admitted to the Honors program as freshman and complete all requirements for full university honors within four years.  They work closely with speech-language pathology faculty throughout their undergraduate study. 


The master’s degree requires a minimum of 65 semester hours. Additional semester hours may be required in course work and/or clinical practicum to fulfill the requirements of the appropriate clinical or educator licensures.

After the first semester in the program, students are required to enroll in 2 semester hours of COMD 687 for four consecutive terms.

Other courses can be used to fulfill elective course requirements with consent of academic advisor.

Students are required to take the following:

Students are required to complete the following practicum courses:


Special Clinical/Practicum Requirements

To be engaged in any clinical practicum experience, students will be required to meet program requirements.  See Clinical Requirements HERE.

Grading Policies

Students must make satisfactory progress in communicative disorders graduate courses and meet Professional Dispositions and Essential Functions necessary for clinical practice. Students who earn two grades of C or lower in communicative disorders courses or fail to meet the Professional Dispositions and Essential Functions specified in the Speech-Language Pathology Graduate Student Handbook will be dismissed from the communicative disorders graduate program.

Thesis Option

The student must earn a minimum of 65 semester hours of graduate credit. A thesis must be submitted and approved. Up to 3 credit hours of AHCD 699 may be applied to the total number of credit hours required for graduation.